bean « Session « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. When using facade session beans, why should we still use business session beans as well?

When using the facade design pattern to structure an application's business EJB layer, why should we still use session beans for the actual business logic? Is there a specific reason for ...

2. How to load files into session bean

I have a java EE application EE5 EJB3. I develop using NetBeans 6.7 and GlassFish 2.x I need to have a configuration file (*.xsl, *.xml) that is deployment/client specific. My questions are: 1) where ...

3. session beans belong to an application?

I have a newbie question as it relates to EJBs. When we compose a web application, all the jsp's/servlets etc are organized/packed into a war file which is deployed on to ...

4. Why need a session bean?

I can use jsp to write a web application, I can use jsp to execute a SQL statement to maintain database, why I need a session bean? What make the ...

5. How Session beans sends message to Message Driven Bean?

Is this possible to send message from SessionBean to MessageDrivenBean in EJB 2.? If so how..? I'm very new to EJB..

6. conversational state of session beans

I'm reading a book on Java EE 6 and I met with the following parts: "Stateless: The session bean contains no conversational state between methods, and any instance can be used for ...

7. Session bean and Entity bean?

I have a stateful session bean and a CMP Entity bean. Does the entity bean represent the table in the database? Each client will have their own stateful session bean, and each ...

8. No session beans template in NetBeans 6.9.1

No session beans template Well im not sure if it has something to do with programming, but it might have something to do with configuration of my web app. I ...

9. Design Generic CRUD Session Bean

This question has been asked once here EJB 3 Session Bean Design for Simple CRUD, and I just want to ask more in depth questions about this design. I already ...

10. tapestry 5 session bean

The problem should be common, but i can't find any clear information about it. Basically, each client of my web app is building an object, i would like to store this ...

11. Get SessionScoped Bean's field through FacesContext

I have the following classes: ClassA


import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

import timereport.db.UserBean;
import timereport.utils.JPAUtil;

public class ClassA implements Serializable {

    protected UserBean userBean;

    public ...

12. call session beans inside server

Hi all, I try to call a session beans from a singleton class in ejb server, but without success. I tried both local and remote sessions. Calling session beans from client ...

13. cannot generate WSDL for EE6 WS that is session bean

I'm working on the EE6 rewrite of the Flower (SOAP With Attachments) tutorial. Instead of creating a separate session bean and service, I created a web service as a session bean ...

14. Re: cannot generate WSDL for EE6 WS that is session bean

I'm working on the EE6 rewrite of the Flower (SOAP With Attachments) tutorial. Instead of creating a separate session bean and service, I created a web service as a session bean ...

16. Re: cannot generate WSDL for EE6 WS that is session bean

Chris, I rewrote the tutorial for EE6 and just released it for NB 6.9 and GF 3.0.1. I first tried rewriting it for NB 6.8/GF 3 Domain, but I ran into ...

17. Re: cannot generate WSDL for EE6 WS that is session bean

It looks like the GlassFish people changed how service URLs are built, between b20 when I created this service and FCS. Note in your output where it says FlowerAlbumService1 listening at ...

18. Session Beans for Entiti Classes

19. Session Beans for Entiti Classes

I don't know if I understand your question, but if you need to use JPA inside Netbeans applications I recommend you to wrap a java library application containing the entities and persistence configuration under a nbp module. I also make 'controllers' for my entities in a java library application and wrap it also. -- Enviado desde mi mvil. -- mens. original ...

20. A session bean must not inherit from another session bean

The editor gives me this error if I try to extend a session bean from another session bean. If I look in the EJB3 in action book it says that a session bean CAN inherit from another session bean. Could someone tell: - who's right - what is the logic behind this refusal. Existence of multiple @Local interfaces? thanks, jan

21. Using "Session Beans for Entity Classes" Wizard in Java Application project

Hello, I am successfully using OpenEJB in NetBeans IDE 6.1. I have set up a simple Java Application project since I do not need heavy-weight EJB server support. However, I still develop full-featured EJB applications. Unfortunately, the helpful wizard "Session Beans for Entity Classes" is not available for Java Application projects. What can I do? Regards Bernhard

22. Adding session bean

Hi I am working on MVC application. I have created JSP pages, Servlet to handle reuests, entity classes from the database tables. The project was deployed without any problem, but when I add session beans for entity classes my project fails to deploy with the following error: Starting GlassFish v3 Domain GlassFish v3 Domain is running. In-place deployment at F:\Program Files\NetBeans ...

23. Session beans? Managed beans?

There is to many intents no difference. In a java ee web application, both are managed beans. The only real difference is one of scope. By this I mean that in defining a bean to be a session bean, you are telling the application server that manages that bean that it is only valid within the scope of a single user ...

25. Re: Could not step into session bean using debugger in Netbeans 6.9.1?

Hi John, Below is a simple HelloWorld Java EE 5 Application that I am trying to debug to illustrate my issue: 1. package ejb; 2. import javax.ejb.Stateless; 3. 4. @Stateless 5. public class HelloBean implements HelloBeanRemote 6. { 7. public String Greeting(String status) { 8. if (status.matches("ONLINE")) 9. return "Hello Netbeans 6.9.1, Glassfish v2.1 (Backend Server - ONLINE)"; 10. else 11. ...

26. No Session Beans template

27. Help: access a Local Session Bean from another EAR

Hi, How can I call a Local Session Bean inside an EAR from another EAR, both deployed in the same Glassfish v3 domain? This is the structure: Glassfish v3 Domain1 EAR1 EAR1-EJB.jar class TestSessionBean <-- @Stateless common.jar interface TestSessionLocal <-- @Local EAR2 EAR2-EJB.jar class TestSessionBeanClient <-- @Singleton, @LocalBean common.jar interface TestSessionLocal <-- @Local TestSessionBean implements TestSessionLocal, boths EARs has common.jar. I ...

28. Re: Help: access a Local Session Bean from another EAR

I don't think you can do that. The Local interface is only accessible inside the same application (which is your .ear). To access it from another application, even running on the same GlassFish instance, you will have to use a Remote interface (or some other approach, for example, a coarse-grained JAX-RS (REST) web service). On 4/15/11 12:50 PM, Xavier Callejas wrote: ...

29. Accessing Entities in Session Bean with Remote Interfaces

Hello All I have created a JavaEE6 project in Netbeans 7. It is an Enterprise Application Project (EAP). It contains an EJB module. This EJBModule contains two packages.. one package contains the JPA Entities. The other package contains Session Beans which manage the Entities. Most of these Session Beans are Remote. Now to create RemoteSession Beans I need to have a ...

30. Session Bean Remote Interface Java Class Library

Hi all! I have some doubts about a tutorial I read some days ago. The tutorial is this: I followed this tutorial in the development of my Java EE/EJB Module Aplication. So these are the step: 1. Create a Java Class Library project; 2. Create an EJB module application; 3. Create entity beans; 4. Create a Stateless Session Bean with ...

31. call a session bean method

-- Victor M. Ramirez A. Ingeniero de Desarrollo Alemsys S.A. NOTA CONFIDENCIAL: La informacin contenida en este e-mail es confidencial y slo puede ser utilizada por la persona o la compaia a la cual est dirigido. Si usted no es el receptor autorizado, cualquier retencin, difusin, distribucin o copia de este mensaje es prohibida y sancionada por la ley. Si por ...

32. RE: Session Bean Sampler

Hi, Same question again. I noticed that a new release of JMeter is now out and does not include this contribution. Seb do you have any idea if you plan to integrate it and when? Regards Guillaume Lasnier * Software Engineer * SunGard * Decalog * 147 Bureaux de la Colline, Btiment E * 92213 Saint-Cloud CEDEX * France ...

33. Session Bean Sampler

Hi all, As anyone tried the Session Bean Sampler submitted here I would appreciate feed backs. -- Guillaume Lasnier Technical R&D Phone : +33 1 55 39 18 74 Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. ...

34. Exception while running Session Bean

35. How do i store a bean in a session ?

I am writing an application similar to the often refered to shopping cart example. After the validating the user by checking his name-password entry in the database, the user can select items from different pages. Good programming rules say that a servlet should not genertae HTML pages. So I want to store the user name and password ( stored in the ...

36. Using Session Bean Info in a server

Originally posted by Goldie Hawn: Hi, I want to use some of the bean properties I set thru a jsp page in a servlet. Can someone guide how do i do that.... Thanks If the bean which you have used in the jsp page has its scope set as "session", then in the servlet, extract the same from the session by ...

37. Using session pages with a bean: problems

Howdy. I've got a problem I've been wrestling with for a week and haven't found an answer yet. I have a JSP page, call it foo.jsp, that requires a parameter for proper operation. So, what it does is if the parameter in the bean isn't set, it shows one section of html which is a form to set that parameter with ...

38. How to refresg a bean in Session

Can you be a little more specific? If u r trying to just update the contents of a bean which is there in the session, just get a reference to the bean via (BeanName)session.getAttribute("BeanSesionName") and then call all the methods as u would normally call on the Javabean for updating the contents. The Javabean in the session will also keep getting ...

39. Help...Static items in session beans

Hypothetical situation, I have a java bean accessible from a JSP page using the tag. The bean is declared to have "session" scope. This means that the bean's associated properties, etc. remain constant over the duration of the user's session and are "local" to that user. Question: If there are methods or variables defined inside the bean as "static", do ...

40. session properties and beans

41. Session Bean

42. Not using beans, sessions possible anyway?

My webapplication accesses a database both ways during a "session". Servlets communicate with the db with helperclasses- static methods querying and executing updates. Each servlet may query the db multiple times and each doGet() or doPost() ends with closing the db-connection(conn.close()). (I have NOT implemented a connectionpool). Each servlet implements SingleThreadModel and they share only one connectionobject. The application will not ...

43. Problem in accessing Session Bean

44. Setting session bean values from java classes.

I have a web app that I need to keep some persistent data for through a search. What I do now is I pass my data from bean to bean from request to request since I have 2 servlets. Now what I want to do is make the data go into a session bean and replace the code that sets the ...

45. session bean

46. Calling A Session Bean Using A Web Module

47. Confused with EJB-Stateful Session Beans

What is means is that the stateful session bean is in a conversational state with the client (method calls). In other words, the stateful session bean "remembers" previous client requests in the same conversation. With a stateLESS session bean, the client must provide all context information on every request because the stateless session bean doesn't have any idea of any previous ...

48. Difference between session & entity bean

Usually in a typical example, the session bean is the entry point of ur application from the client side of from the servlet[jsp]. It will have business methods and these methods will internally make a call to the finder methods of the entity beans to retreive the information from the data base as we know that the entity bean is the ...

49. Can we improve performance with Java beans instead of storing in session?

Hi, Let us say... I have 140,000 usernames that needs to be displayed in a JSP(I know it is not recommended, but let us assume). Now I know of two options with MVC architecture, 1. Store the Vector of 140,000 in a session variable and retrieve it in the JSP. 2. Store it in a Java Bean using some method like ...

50. Session Bean Question

LOL, i have nothing against ref to be 1,2,3,4 but it is just that, with my webapp, i plan to expand it to include different TYPES of forms, and therefore i wanted each user to have a different number with no duplicates. I added your code segment but for some reason i get this extremely long number e.g -1407557274. I changed ...

51. Checking bean session

Have you explicitly set the JSP page directive attribute "session" to false in your page? If not, then your session is probably available rather than null. See the resource at [|] for more details on the JSP session. Try explicitly setting your page direction to have session set to false. However, be warned, that this will lead to different errors when ...

53. J2EE - session bean and JMF

And now i want to use application client which is simple awt or swing application to use this bean there. I do it like from the method I recieve this DataSource object and then I want to create a Player in client application but it's not working like that. Could you halp me with that ? Maybe some clues how to ...

54. How to retrieve a session in a bean class?

The short answer is that the session should be passed into the bean as a parameter, by something that does have access to the session. This could be a constructor's parameter or a setter method's parameter. The longer answer is that this bean shouldn't be looking at the session. It's more likely that it needs some particular piece of information from ...

56. session beans

everything but nothing. Its all on the type of client thats accessing the app and what container is managing it. If the client is accessing an EJB the EJB (J2EE or J5EE) container is managing a session state of the client and handles EJB transactions and such If the client is accessing a web page or any content based on a ...

57. How to find session bean

In fact , in simple words , my question is like below . For a Action class , how do i find the sessionbean invokation. i want the code where this invokation is done . I dont want to edit any code at all . All i 'll be doing is to using eclipse editor feature to pinpoint my search. can ...

58. How do I manually assign a value to a session bean with Netbeans VWP?

I'm kind of a newbie with Java, and brand new to Netbeans. I'm trying to build a web application using Netbeans Visual Web Pack. My problem - I need to bind a dropdown box to a database (which I did), but then also need save the choice the user makes in a session bean. I got session beans to work using ...

59. how creating a session in a bean...

Hi guys, i've developing a jsf application. I'm new of jsf and java,so please help me. I've a login page,i want user inserts his data and click a button that does authentication. When authentication is performed i need to create in my authenticateMethod a session in which storing user data. How can i do it? this is my authenticateMethod ... ... ...