client 5 « Web Service « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Rampart Client

Hi Friends, I am a novice in webservices. I created a webservice with UserName Token in Rampart. After lots of effort it was created and i tested it with soapUI and it was working fine. However when I wanted to create a client I found that here have to include Rampart module to create the webservices. (Still I have not been ...

2. Web service client calls service on wrong host

Hi, I've generated a web service client using the internal tool in RAD6 based on a provided WSDL. I call a method on the generated proxy class and I can see that it has the correct end point with the correct IP address. But for some reason it fails anyhow. Below is the output. The fault actor is actually my local ...

3. pass more than one parameter at the web services client

Hi , i am using netbeans for web service client . java.lang.String value1=""; java.lang.String value2=""; ComplaintOBService service = new ComplaintOBService(); ConsumerComplaintOB port = service.getConsumerComplaintOBPort(); // TODO initialize WS operation arguments here [color=red] CreateComplReqType requestMessage = new CreateComplReqType(); requestMessage.setvalue1(request.getParameter(value1)); requestMessage.setvalue2(request.getParameter(value2)); [/color] complResType result = null; result = port.ComplaintOB(requestMessage); out.println("Result = "+result); in this above code i am not able to set value1 ...

4. Web Services Client get result

6. Web Service Client

7. java server and client dotnet

In our company no other web services are developed..It is a start up company and I just have 1 year experience as java developer... What I have to develop is from client side I need to send an Id..It has to reach the server,hit the database,fetch the result..It should be sent to client side and displayed...In the beginning both client and ...

8. Exception while running JAX-WS client

Hi I am getting the following exception when I call the JAX-WS client. I have the client and server side stubs generated through JAX-WS web service runtime. I am running the service on Weblogic 10.3.2 SEVERE: Couldn't create SOAP message due to exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Stream already closed Couldn't create SOAP message due to exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Stream already closed at ...

10. jax-rpc client for ""

11. MTOM issue with dispatch client

12. Handling faults in a different client.

Hi, I have created a web service client using axis2. Is it possible to use the to use the soap options setFaultTo method to handle the faults returned from the web service in a different client? If it is, is there an example of an implementation of such a client? Thanks for your answer, Gershon.

13. SOAPException= SOAP-ENV:Client, Error opening socket: null

Hi , I am facing a problem with one of my client (command line util) program which fails to make a service call. we have a self-signed certificate something like KeyStore ,I could not find any certificate files like xyz.cer or TrustStore . I tried debugging using parameter gave me lot of traces the end of traceI found ...

14. wsdl2java for server and client ?

15. Change dinamically the server name directly on deployed web service client

Hi, I developed a web service client on Netbeans 7.0 / glassfish 3.1 based on wsdl that define the server name. It is possible to change the server name directly to the deployed application (in glassfish) or is necessary to modify the original wsdl and then recompile and redeploy the application? Thank you. Domenico

16. Generic Client To Invoke Different Webservices

Hello Friends, I am newbie to the world of webservices and have been learning through various tutorials online. I understand that provided a WSDL, you can generate client stub using AXIS2 - say XML beans method. (It generates lots and lots of classes and I don't like that so many of them integrated into my application code) My Question: Can we ...

17. Issues between a java web service and .NET client

Hi, I would like to know if anybody has faced issues while consuming a Java web service using .NET web service client. I have got a directive to use .NET winforms to consume web services(which has been hosted on a J2EE server). I want to know if there are any issues/ best practices any body has to share so that I ...

18. Core Java Client vs WebServer Client

Hi! I would try to look at the messages sent out by the client when it is deployed in Tomcat. There are two ways to do this: Either you "insert" a proxy between the client and the real service using a program like SOAP Membrane. Alternatively you can use a packet sniffer, like WireShark. The second alternative is to use soapUI ...

19. Expose only specific webservice methods to specific clients

Say you have different services like a) CreditCardDtls,b)AddressDtls, c)SubmitApplDtls. And you want to have a& b service to be given to one client and C for other client. You can create separate XSD's and import the resource accordingly in different wsdl. WSDL1: WSDL2: Hope this will help!!

20. Web service in same time work as client?

Hi, I have to implement web service and i'm using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web developers (Indigo release), JAX-WS and Apache CXF 2.4. My web service must support collecting files from client (zip archiva) then process that files and send result to server over network, which will not be implement on same machine. Relation client-web service is easy and i ...

21. Ideas - single client specific webservice client in a product which has 100s of clients

I am working for a product which is a J2EE project. There is a requirement that we need to call a Webservice to get a document associated to a person entity. Now this requirement itself is specific to one client (out of 100s customers). Besides, even if other clients need this, they would have a different Webservice (i.e. different WSDL, etc) ...

22. Calling a .net web service from java as a client

Hi I am new to web service, There is a web service in .net created and that i have to call from java as aclient. I am able to call a web service without parameter, but when i am calling another web service by passing one parameter i am getting the below error. So please help me the to call a ...

23. Java Client to call deployed Java Webservice

What language is used to write the server part of the web service does not matter. How to go about writing a client depends on the service itself. I guess that you have a SOAP service on the other end in which case I suggest that you look towards the javax.xml.soap package, you can find help here: Tip: Send and receive ...

24. JAX-WS client.

26. web service client with a complex datatype

Mark, A business object can be expressed as a which is in turn a of some and they can be inturn defined by primitve(pre-defined) types. For a collection of objects please use "minoccurs" and "maxoccurs" for bounding. If not just treat them as arrays. This should be possible to represent pretty much any object except ofcourse non-serializable ones. ...

27. Issue on JXWS stand alone client for webservices hosted on CIC

Hi, I am trying to develop a JXWS client to access a webservice hosted on CICS. I got the wsdl and related xsd's and used wsimport to generate all the classes, after referencing them locally. The issue I am facing, incase of Mainframe hosted webservices the end point URL would have a context root... Normally If we try pasting this ...

29. Exception thrown while invoke .NET service from Java client

I am not using any tool like AXIS. Just using JDeveloper to create client stub and also got the WSDL service discription from server side,that WSDL generated based on .net.So it had used document style. Is there any interoperability problem between .net and java? When i make request to "https" service that's showed the exception. I put my code snippet of ...

30. Callback Client in Webservice

Hi All, How do call back clients work in JAX-WS web-services ? . I have managed to write some sample code but unable to understand how does it work. Inline in the code import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import; import; public class TestWebService { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Request parameters = new Request(); User value ...

31. Webservice client using JAX-WS RI 2.1.7

32. Service for Asynchronous Client calls (polling, callback)

I am a WebService learner and digging through all this stuff isn't easy with all that maybe-outdated-but-still-usable technology floating around. Here's my thing. My goal is to create a WebService that can be called to perform a time-consuming task. This should be done asynchronously since the client is required to continue working. On my way to achieve this I have stumbled ...

33. Returning response to client from handler

Hi, I am developing a web service using Axis2 and have a question about handlers and message flow. I implemented a handler, and in some cases I would like to give response to client without any further processing. (throwing an AxisFault with a message would be an option but I do not want to do this because I want to return ...

34.  meaning mock webservice

35. how to write java web service client

Completely new bee in web services. I am having the wsdl from some url as: Call api functionality

36. which java stack to use for multithread JAXWS web services client

i need to build multi threaded web service client that based on jaxws framework as the ws provider. this client will send ws request to different endpoint . and in each end point it will send to same ws function different parameters and it will return the answer in sync way. is there any framework that i can build on that ...

38. How to access SwA from generated client for JAX-WS

Hi, Currently in our project we are trying to access a webservice where we need to send html documents as attachemnts in the SOAP (SwA). We have the below definition in one of the xsd. When i generate the client using RAD (wsimport functionality), it is generating below code for the ...

39. Server.userException: Exception while executing Client

Hi I am getting following exceptions while executing client in webservices faultCode: {}Server.userException faultSubcode: faultString: java.lang.InstantiationException: com.Addition faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {}hostname:abc-aa81bbc53ba java.lang.InstantiationException: com.Addition at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault( at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement( at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement( at at at$ at at at at at at at at$JAXPSAXParser.parse( at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse( at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.parse( at org.apache.axis.SOAPPart.getAsSOAPEnvelope( at org.apache.axis.Message.getSOAPEnvelope( at org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.MustUnderstandChecker.invoke( ...

40. web service client

41. Error in JAXWS client web service usig dynamic url

i have client wsdl , from it i generated java stubs like this: wsimport.bat -Xnocompile -keep -Xendorsed Client_aaa.wsdl now in the client i want to be able to set dynamic endpoint urls, after reading few post here i did it like this: responseUrl = "...each thread get different endpoint url ...." ApiService ApiService = new ApiService(); Api port = ApiService.getApiPort(); int ...

42. Basic of a web service client

If i were you, I would just use JAX-WS RI (Reference Implementation) which comes in built with JDK 6. Below is some sample code from Java Webservices: Up and running book ----------- Service Endpoint Interface --------- package; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style; @WebService @SOAPBinding(style=Style.RPC) // Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) public interface TimeServer{ @WebMethod public String getTimeAsString(); } ...

43. Consume a .net web service with a java client

Hi, I have to pass 3 xml file to a web service in .Net from a java client. I wrote a webmethod in c# within the web service that recieved 3 XmlDocument as the arguments. I'm using eclipse and the axis pluggin to build the client in java The axis generate the webmethods and other classses using the WSDL I wrote ...

44. Web service client

Hi, If you are createing a web application that calls a web service, what type of technology one can use? Im thinking there are several options two that comes in mind is to create stubs using ant WSDL2JAVA task or create a client using netbeans new web service client option. Any body suggests any thing that can work and is better? ...

45. Java Web Service Client doesnt Like when Server adds properties (Web Services)

I have not developed in Java for quite some time now but hopefully I can get this problem solved. Let me explain the issues. I have a microsoft shop on one side of the stick that has implemented web services. I the server creates a contract that has a PERSON object as a response at time A which contains First Name, ...

46. Writing webservice client

48. Generate web service client from xsd file?

I'm working to create a web service client and I was given several xsd files. Am I able to create a web service client just using the xsd files? I know how to create one if given the url of the wsdl but with just xsd file.. i have no clue. Anyone?

49. Getting started with a web service client

I am trying to figure out how to create a web service client using NetBeans 6. I started with a class library for testing in Fitnesse. I've been using tutorials and Googling around but now I am stuck. I have added the JAX-RPC library; I am able to add a web service client to the project using the IDE; and I ...

50. Client Web Service in Eclipse/JAVA

Hi All I am a beginner in Java. I am working on a web service project. Which is to be client/server. Thus being the Client in Eciplse environment and coding in JAVA. The Server is in VS.NET web service. The client sends a request to the server and the server responds. I have created a server based Web Service in VS.NET ...

51. Java instance client Web Service

Hi All I am a beginner in Java. I am working on a web service project client/server to which i have created a webservice server in VB.NET and have parsed the WSDL through the Apache server in Eclipse which generates the JAVA code but the project in Eclipse requires that i call an instance of this Web Service, to which i ...

52. Doubt about Web Service Client

Hi, I'm triyng consuming a WSDL file. When I create a Web Service Client with the URL of the WSDL, the compilation shows this message: init: wscompile-init: Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\ooliveros\Mis documentos\NetBeansProjects\Selector1\build\classes Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\ooliveros\Mis documentos\NetBeansProjects\Selector1\build\generated-sources\jax-rpc IISelector-client-wscompile: Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\ooliveros\Mis documentos\NetBeansProjects\Selector1\build\generated-sources\jax-rpc\wsdl advertencia: Procesando la operacin "GeneraTurno" que no se ajusta a WS-I con el ...

53. Cannot send parameters from java client to web service

I get return values ok from the web service in my java client since I tried getting a constant from the web service. However, in the case above I am trying to send 20 from the client to the web service and receive it back. However I am receiving 0. Does anyone know why sending parameters from client to web service ...

54. Handling exceptions between Java web service and client

I'm developing a web service and web service client using Netbeans 6.8 (I'm new to this world so sry for asking something possibly trivial). I want the web service to output a custom exception when for example the client tries to enter a duplicate entry which would then be caught by the client. I don't think it makes sense to write ...

55. Problem with JAX-WS web service and client

Hi I'd like to send custom object using JAX-WS. When I try to do this, I receive an exception: Unsupported Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Supported ones are: [text/xml]. The problme is that I have no idea how to change this Content-Type to text/xml. I use NetBeans 6.7. Pls help - thx a lot.

56. Calling webservice using jax-rpc client

57. How can i call java webservice from ms .net client(C# code)

Hi All, Basically iam .net developer, my need is to call java web service from .net client code. The need is as follows: Whenever a new file get stored in document library(Sharepoint), a . net event handler gets called which will call or consume java web service to import that file into some other java based site document library. Here to ...

58. Exception in Java WebService Client

Service is available, and its running successfully. I have checked the endpoint url. Can any one help me on this topic. Edited by: javausers07 on May 21, 2009 9:39 AM Edited by: javausers07 on May 21, 2009 9:39 AM Edited by: javausers07 on May 21, 2009 9:40 AM Edited by: javausers07 on May 21, 2009 9:43 AM

60. Problems with Web services client

61. Web Service client using Plain Java 1.5

Hi Is it possible to call Web Service using java 1.5 only, not using axis or jws I have a web service, and i need to write a java client, but i dont wanna add axis or jws to my project, but use plain java 1.5 Is it possible to do so? Can anyone point at some examples, I would like ...

62. Java Web Services Client Tutorial

I believe that what i meant in reply # 2 and the only reason i haven't given out the answer is because the OP can have a look at the other methods of writing a webservice client. The idea was to educate him with different ways of doing it. Hope there are no hard issues.

63. Calling web service using Java Client

Hey ppl, Can anyone help me out with writting a java client for one web service? If the wsdl looks like this........... - - - - - - ...

64. Could I get result in xml from webservice (my client is java application)?

Hi, I have a client which is a java application to call to my existed webservice and webservice return object result is okie. But I would like to get the result which is wrapped in xml file, not object? Can webservice do that? (If not, I have to wrap the result in xml by hand). Anyone who know please help me. ...

65. How to set a max response time in webservice client

Hi, I have a query regarding writing a standalone Webservice Client class to access a webservice. I am deploying this on weblogic server. I have a webservice running on the server. Suppose for example I have a service as shown public class SimpleService { public String getTest() { int i=1; String str = null; while(i>0) { str = "Hi Hello"; } ...

67. Web Service Client with kerberos authetication

Hi, I must develop a web service client to access a web service but this access must be made using kerberos protocol. I'm not sure which way to go! I think Axis doesn't support kerberos. I've been reading JAX-WS but it seems a big mess ( a lots of ins, a lots of outs...). Any advice on how to approach the ...

68. Web service client type

Hi, I am new to web services. I need to write a web service client that invokes a web service method. The method takes complex types as parameter and returns a complex type.what kind of client(static stub, dynamic proxy or DII) should I use to invoke such kind of method from a standalone java application? Thanks in advance.

69. how to show argument variable names to webservice client

hI i have posted my wsdl below If you go through , you can find that in order to call a method , we have to supply string or int arguments but those names are not shown for example to call login , you need to supply 2 string arguments but how do you know first one is username and second ...

70. Web Service Client

72. How to call webservice using java client

If you want to use an IDE thats fine, but it is your responsibility to learn how to use it. In other words questions like "how do I do this in JDeveloper" are irrelevant, you want to know how to do it using Java, the rest is up to you. What you want to do at this point is study the ...