WCF « activemq « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Apache.NMS.WCF    stackoverflow.com

Just curious if anyone has messed with the Apache.NMS.WCF code at all. For a work project, I've started to try to integrate the Apache.NMS WCF binding with ActiveMQ. I've ...

2. Duplex or request-reply with Apache ActiveMQ WCF Binding configuration question    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to use the Apache.NMS.WCF bindings for a WCF application and get the following error - Contract requires TwoWay (either request-reply or duplex), but Binding 'NmsBinding' ...

3. How does WCF turn a ServiceContract/OperationContract into a Message that can be serialized?    stackoverflow.com

I'm starting to experiment with using ActiveMQ (in conjunction with the ActiveMQ.NMS bindings) to support some cross platform RPC messaging that we're looking at doing. As part of this I'd like to ...

4. Window Server AppFabric instead of Apache ActiveMQ/Camel?    stackoverflow.com

What I'm looking for is at first a message queue for decouple JavaScript code (publish/subscribe, Comet/Bayeux) from the server business logic. The server's business logic should not reinvent the wheel while interacting ...