activemq « activemq « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Multicasting, Messaging, ActiveMQ vs. MSMQ?

I'm working on a messaging/notification system for our products. Basic requirements are:

  • Fire and forget
  • Persistent set of messages, possibly updating, to stay there until the sender says to remove them
The libraries ...

2. How can I observe what's happening under the hood of ActiveMQ?

I'm experiencing an issue with ActiveMQ and would like to trace/view all ActiveMQ activity. The only log file I can find is one associated with persistent data (if this ...

3. ActiveMQ setup of tcp socket using mina

I am trying to setup a simple demo of activemq and mina. I edited the camelContext in the activemq.xml file to include two mina tcp sockets, two queues and routes as ...

4. Is this a realistic expectation of a distributed mechanism?

I've been evaluating ActiveMQ as a candidate message broker. I've written some test code to try and get an understanding of ActiveMQ's performance limitations. I can produce a failure state ...

5. Securing ActiveMQ externally by IP filtering

I have an instance of ActiveMQ running on an externally facing server and exposing a STOMP interface. I would like to be able to ensure that externally connected clients can only ...

6. ActiveMQ throws OOME when creating a large number of topics

I'm using ActiveMQ 5.2 and my application requires a large number of topics, somewhere in the neighbourhood of 500,000. When I run my application, after creating only about 1000 topics, ...

7. How to delete all of the topics in ActiveMQ?

I'm using ActiveMQ with the C# client library. I create 10,000 topics with random names as part of a test for evaluation purposes and now I can't get rid of ...

8. ActiveMQ distribution of messages

I have several servers that produce xml files from Python and some other servers that consume those xmls using Java. I've only recently looked into JMS and ActiveMQ and ...

9. Why ActiveMQ, as opposed to a simple Queue/Mutex?

Tomorrow I am presenting my rationale for choosing an in-process message queue implementation, and I'm unable to articulate my reasoning. My co-designers are proposing that we implement a simple asynchronous ...

10. only latest message to be present in active mq?

I am sending messages to an active mq queue through mule. I want that only latest message to remain in the queue and not any previous one. how can this be ...

11. ActiveMQ 5.2.0 + REST + HTTP POST = java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

First off, I am a newbie when it comes to JMS & ActiveMQ. I have been looking into a messaging solution to serve as middleware for a message producer that will insert ...

12. Messaging platform

We're considering a messaging platform to integrate two core systems in a banking environment. We're looking at open source options. Which products have you used and can you share experiences?

13. activemq No suitable Log constructor

this is driving me insane. I'm simply trying to run activemq on Mac OSX 10.5.7. I have java version 1.5.0_19 and activemq 5.2.0. Below is the exception I ...

14. Why i should use ActiveMQ for send emails?

many weeks ago recommended me for send emails, ActiveMQ. So i search information about this, but i don't understand totally how this works. Could someone explain me why i should use ...

15. ActiveMQ message content is truncated

We have an ActiveMQ topic into which a Java program inserts messages, where a C# client retrieves them. This has been working fine for a long time, with most of our ...

16. What do some of the fields returned from ActiveMQ.Agent query mean?

I'm trying to do some kind of administration on our activemq process, and I'd like to know what some of the fields mean that I get back. Specifically, What is InFlightCount? Is that ...

17. What does the last digit in the ActiveMQ message ID represent?

I have a system that seems to be working fine, but when a certain process writes a message, I get 10 messages appear in the queue. They are all almost ...

18. ActiveMQ OutOfMemory Can't create more threads

I'm simulating a overload of a server and I'm getting this error:

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
I've read in this page, that I can increase the memory ...

19. Feedback about ActiveMQ. How about it? Is it worth?

we are evaluating ActiveMQ and I whould like to know what you think about it. Any feedback is welcome. EDIT: actually, I need to know things like: how does it scale? What ...

20. Apache ActiveMQ 5.3 - How to configure a queue to reject duplicate messages?

I need the queue to enforce no-duplicate policy. Is it possible? If so , how? (I've been googling for hours... ) Edit: The ActiveMQSession implementation has this lines:


21. Run ActiveMQ offline?

Is there a way to run ActiveMq offline?

22. how to associate the activemq-core.xsd url with the activemq.xsd found in the jar file?

Somebody knows how to associate the activemq-core.xsd url with the activemq.xsd found in the jar file (activemq-core-5.2.0.jar)? I dig some solution in internet but didn't work. I'm getting this error:

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException: Line ...

23. activemq-maven-plugin ignore files in classpath?

I have been trying to get activemq-maven-plugin to run activemq with configuration in classpath of the bundle. However, I don't have much luck. It seems that the activemq-maven-plugin just ignore ...

24. activemq transportlistener how to use

I am using two brokers and create a consumer connection like this

 ccf = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(new URI("failover://(tcp://,tcp://"));
I see in the logs that if one broker goes down the connection reconnects ...

25. How to perform undirected graph processing from SQL data

I ran into the following problem in dynamically creating topics for our ActiveMQ system: I have a number of processes (M_1, ..., M_n), where n is not large, typically 5-10. Some of ...

26. ActiveMQ information about delete of queue

How can I get to know that queue is deleted.

27. ActiveMQ install issue

I am running win7 professional 64-bit. I have already installed java, and am trying to install ActiveMQ. The install worked perfectly on a Windows Server 2003 machine but now ...

28. how can I configure an activemq queue to make it not accepting messages?

I am an activeMQ newbie. Is it possible to add something to the activeMQ xml configuration to force a queue to stop accepting messages when (for example) 100 messages are already ...

29. cURL and ActiveMQ

I need an example on how to read/write to an ActiveMQ queue over HTTP in C or C++ using cURL (or something else, I'm open to anything at this point). I have ...

30. track changes to a db blob

in my web app the database has a blob(an xml file). The user is allowed to change the blob through a web interface. I take the blob show it in a ...

31. How do you replay KahaDB message archives?

In the ActiveMQ KahaDB documentation, it mentions that you can archive KahaDB data files so they can be replayed if needed later. Yet, through some searching and looking through their documentation ...

32. SQL Queue, execute SP at a future date

I am using SQL Server 2005... I want to monitor table1 with a trigger for an update. On the occurrence of this update, I will check another table (table2), using the ...

33. When there are multiple consumers of a queue in ActiveMQ, are they all delivered the same messages as they arrive on the queue?

What I'm seeing seems strange to me. Not all consumers of a queue are being delivered the messages. Is there a setting I'm missing?

34. Active MQ unstable?

Is it possible that ActiveMQ is unstable ? I'm using version ActiveMQ 5.4.1 on Windows XP and 7 and sometimes I get a lot of different error messages when I start ...

35. Is activemq reliable?

We have put ActiveMQ on a fresh server. Configured it to use 'kahadb' (the preferred as we read) and set it to allow the file to expand to 2gb. Then when we ...

36. activemq java version

In the ActiveMQ docs, it is mentioned : NOTE: ActiveMQ can be run on a Java 1.4.x system, however, Java 1.5 is required to compile/build ActiveMQ.. How is this possible? If it is ...

37. javax.naming.NameNotFoundException : When trying to lookup

Hi all I got an exception and can't solve it. Actually same line of code runs correctly when I use console application but when I am trying to convert it into ...

38. Cross platform real-time-data

I am working on designing a new platform for a certain type of application. These applications will mainly exists on both iOS and Android devices. One of the main requirements in ...

39. Apache MQ gathering statistics for a particular message type/topic

I am using AMQ in clustered mode. and the consumers are distributed across multiple nodes and will consume messgaes depending on the current functionality to handle a particular message topic. Now there ...

40. Using Apache ActiveMQ + XMPP over plain XMPP for messaging

I am producing a message passing system and considering using ActiveMQ with XMPP as the transport. I have used plain XMPP with OpenFire server for similar messaging ...

41. ActiveMQ example which shows client-server 2 way communication?

I want to write a Java SE client application that talks to a Java server. Imagine something akin to an online game where there is a lot of traffic and potentially ...

42. Where can I download ActiveMQ Source Distributions?

I have been trying to download the source distributions for activeMQ now for over a week and all I get is a server not found page. I have emailed apache ...

43. Apache Cassandra as a message data store for ActiveMQ

Can I use Apache Cassandra as a message data store for ActiveMQ? The reason I am exploring this option is we have to have our application on cluster and provide scalability and ...

44. Duplicated messages on ActiveMQ

I use ActiveMQ as JMS broker and consumer, jmsTemplate to send the messages, 1 non-durable Topic for the moment. During the peak time I have ~100 messages/second. It doesn't matter ...

45. send message from java program to activemq using mule

Iam trying to send a string message from a java program to queue in ActiveMQ using MULE.Iam new to mule this is my mule-config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mule xmlns=""

46. ActiveMQ or any messaging queue - FIFO requirement

Question on messaging queues. I've been reading around for a while (couple of days) on the number of messaging queue products - totally astounding! I need to have the ability to have ...

47. How are multiple ActiveMQ message groups load balanced across consumers on multiple JVMs/machines?

I have multiple message groups, and consumers for each of these message groups on multiple VMs. The desired behavior is that messages for one message group go to one consumer on ...

48. ActiveMQ 5.5: Not able to get the DLQ_DELIVERY_FAILURE_CAUSE_PROPERTY value

I am not able to get the reason of exception from the message that is in the DLQ. These are the steps i have followed:-

  1. Message is sent to a 'Sample' Queue.
  2. The Message ...

49. Apache ActiveMQ: What is TCP Port 64119 Used For?

I am running Apache ActiveMQ 5.5 on CentOS 5.5. I have searched the ActiveMQ website, source code, configuration files, and I cannot find any reference to this port. Yet, when I ...

50. activemq failover & recovery for consumers

I'm using version 5.3.2. I'm doing failover testing with the failover transport in the host URL. The failover and recovery seem to work perfectly except for the consumer, it does not appear ...

51. NIO disadvantages in ActiveMQ

I've been working on configuring an ActiveMQ broker, and one thing that confuses me is that everything I've read describes NIO being "a good choice if you need to scale" or ...

52. Retrying messages at some point in the future (ActiveMQ)

I'm working on a system in ActiveMQ where I would really prefer not to lose messages. My problem is that retrying messages is causing my consumers to block (instead of working ...

53. How can i configure Custom Plugins for ActiveMQ

Since i didn't get a working answer on the mailinglist i try it here. The Documentation says its possible to configure your own plugins like that: <plugins> <bean ...

54. get Activemq Dequeued messages statistic over time

I'm trying to monitor activemq Dequeued messages overtime and save them in Zenoss monitoring system. I can see the Dequeued number in the control panel of activemq, however if I restart ...

55. How to prevent low priority messages on an ActiveMQ Prioritized Queue from being starved?

I am working on a system where we need to implement a prioritized queue. We have messages with different priorities and we need to process messages based on priority. Right now, ...

56. CF & ActiveMQ integration?

Anyone tried integrating CF with ActiveMQ? How was the experience? Worth spending time to build a new solution on it? I would like to learn more on how ...

57. ActiveMQ MOM vs Remote Method vs Shared DB for SOA architecture in ColdFusion?

We are at an architecture crossroad. The previous system used used share DB for communicating between each other, but we want to get rid of the cfschedule polling latency. ...

58. How can I add a custom property to the message I create in ActiveMQ web interface?

How can I use the Activemq web interface to add a custom property to the message I create?

59. ActiveMQ OpenWire C API problem

I run ActiveMQ 5.5.0 broker on Ubuntu, downloaded and compiled APR 1.4.5 and C API related libactivmq and libopenwire. The test c supplied in Examples at: does not work, the ...

60. How to monitor an activemq boker with HypericHQ

How to monitor an activemq boker with HypericHQ? And how to specify the broker name? when i specify the broker name as 'localhost', hq gives me an error "The configuration has not ...

61. What message storage is the best to use for ActiveMQ?

ActiveMq v 5.5 comes with default message storage configured as KahaDB. Does anyone use it in enterprise level solutions? Should it be replaced with MSSQL instead? And what benefits can each ...

62. ActiveMQ debugging lost messages

I'm trying to use ActiveMQ in my application. In order to test it, I wrote two small Java applications, one acting as a Message Broker (server) and one application acting as ...

63. Active MQ - Network of Brokers

I have configured network of brokers with the topology as below.

  • Producer(P1) connected to Broker(B1) and Producer(P2) connected to Broker(B2)
  • Broker(B1) and Broker(B2) are connected as network of Brokers and ...

64. Active MQ get count number of messages consumed/produced per second

Is there any way in activemq with which we can get count number of messages consumed/produced per second/minute at the broker end? I have tried JMeter configuration using but there ...

65. Upgrade from ActiveMQ 5.4.2 to ActiveMQ 5.5.0 with non-empty KahaDB

Good Day! We have problem with issue AMQ-2736( on remote sites and wants to upgrade to 5.5.0 version, wich resolved this problem. But network connection with remote sites not stable and ...

66. Local vs. remote queues in pub/sub messaging

If I was building a system with dozens of publishers/subscribers using message queues, it seems I have a few network configuration options:

  1. I could have one clustered broker that all machines use ...

67. Detecting ActiveMQ flow control

I have a production system that uses ActiveMQ (5.3.2) to send messages from server A to server B. A few weeks ago, the system inexplicably started taking 10+ second to ...

68. ActiveMQ "Scheduler" Daemon Threads not terminating

I'm using ActiveMQ 5.5 with an embedded broker. All messages are non persistent. Producer and Consumer both run within same JVM. Advisory Support is disabled. Everything is working fine. My ...

69. what is the use of ClientId in the activemq connectionfactory class

Scenario :

private readonly IConnection connection;
this.connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
this.connection.ClientId = clientId;

70. ActiveMQ Request-Reply timeout

I have this activeMQ issue where I send a request to a remote broker (from a Camel Application). See config below:

<bean id="providerJMSConnectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
    <property name="alwaysSessionAsync" value="false"/>

71. OSGI import-package constraint violation with activeMQ

I'm new to OSGI, i was trying a simple example and extending it to include activeMQ. Initially I thought I would use the bundle-classpath and add my jar (as it's not ...

72. Difference between Pending Messages and Enqueue Counter in Active MQ?

In the Active MQ Admin console of what is the difference between "Number Of Pending Messages" and "Messages Enqueued"? When a Message is placed on to the queue, should ...

73. Is there a way to failover messages in a distributed ActiveMQ cluster?

In a distributed activemq cluster, if a node fails, its messages are lost until it comes back. Is there a way to keep distributing these messages even if a node fails ...

74. Finding if a Queue has more elements

I have the following code. I m trying to access a queue and consume resources, well i dont know how many elements are in the queue and how many left, so ...

75. ActiveMQ uses more ports than I ask it to and gets an error

I've got activeMQ failing to bind to a port which I never told it about. I'm guessing that it calculates that number from the number I did give it. How can ...

76. how to run Activemq program in java

i have install activemq 5.5.1 in my c:\programFiles\activemq\...
and from the command prompt i have installed it and set enviroment variable.

and i have also run it. and it is also running on ...

77. How to set up Monitoring for queue in activemq

I read in ActiveMQ page , using JMX enabled we can monitor queue in activemq. How can we get notified if queue has messages (depth high) or service interval high ...

78. Difference between RMI and ActiveMQ

I'm currently trying to get comfortable with multi tier applications (Server / Client Architecture). For that I created Service Interfaces and the associated Service Implementations. Both modules - the Client and the Server ...

79. active Mq delivery policy

Can you tell me the meaning of this function, what they do? I have tried to find it on Google but i can not be understand. I am setting the redelivery policy.


80. Damaged queues in ActiveMQ

I usually see damaged queues in our activemq5.4.2 ,meaning queue's are malformed and i had to remove the kahaDB files and bounce the broker to resolve this. all messages ...

81. How to listen for Advisories on Slave-Brokers

I'm using consumers for Advisory-Topics to monitor activemq brokers. Now i have to add direct replication to my architecture. Is it possible to create a consumer for Advisories on this slave? it ...

82. Real-time auction updates - Comet? Tornado? ActiveMQ?

I'm in the process of deciding how to write an online auction application. I would like to provide real-time updates to the site users. My background is with LAMP ...

83. sharedDeadLetterStrategy is not discarding the DLQ messages

Am using AMQ 5.5. I would like to disable the option of sending dead letters to ActiveMQ.DLQ destination and completely discard (automatically) the messages that would be sent there otherwise. To ...

84. Netbeans and ActiveMQ logging?

I am trying to understand the changes to ActiveMQ logging in the current version (5.5.0). Previously my Netbeans Platform Application used ActiveMQ 5.2.0 and the logging worked as I expected. However simply by changing to 5.5.0 the logging now behaves differently, in that Standard Out does not appear to be getting written to log and there is an excessive amount of ...

85. Axis talking to ActiveMQ

Hi, I need a help or some examples for the problem addressed below, I am trying to use webservices for JMS, as of now i am able to run the broker(using ActiveMQ) and run few examples. Later i created a file which uses spring's JMS support which also ran successfully after the broker started running. Now, my problem is i need ...

86. ActiveMQ in C

Hi, I am very new to ActiveMQ . I am Using Solaris 9.0 Server. I have installed ActiveMQ5.1 and I have to contact ActiveMQ through C. Where can I Download OpenWire C Client for ActiveMQ. I have installed ApacheProtableRuntime Folder in Solaris Server. ActiveMQ folder is in /apps/opt/activemq5.1. Please guide me Where should I place the Openwire C Client... And ...

87. ActiveMQ error