MTOM « axis « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. jax-ws mtom sample code (service + Client) need.. SIMPLE one

I looking for a simple , working sample mtom sample code (service + Client) either using jax-ws RI or Axis 2 based. I googled the world only to find ...

2. C# client of Axis2 web service complains "but expected 'text/xml'"

My C# sample client ASP.NET program successfully runs a call in my Axis2 server but the client does not seem to like the response. I get: Client found response content type of 'multipart/related; ...

3. MTOM Java WebServices authentication

Im looking for a simple and secure way to authenticate users throug axis2/mtom webservice... Something like http authentication... or session cookie auth. A live example will help me a lot. I have this webservice ...

4. Sending MTOM request to a AXIS2 Web Service from Dot Net application.

I need to send MTOM request (having file to checked in to Documentum location), to a AXIS2 Web Service. The service has identified, two types of transfer mode, 64bit encoding and ...

5. Axis 2 - MTOM Service problem

Hi, I have written a webservice which takes in a paramter (file name with path) and returns its binary data within a DataHandler OMText data = l_objFactory.createOMText(new DataHandler(new FileDataSource(new File(p_sFileName))), true); l_objResponse.addChild(data); The WSDL goes as follows: ...

6. Axis2: MTOM and Rampart

7. MTOM content transfer - Axis2

9. MTOM not working in Axis2

I am trying to transfer content using MTOM (in Axis2). For this I have added the following entry to services.xml true In the client, I am doing the following public static void getResumeContent(String resumeId) throws AxisFault { System.out.println("Resume ID is getResumeContent --"+resumeId); try { ResumeServiceStub rs = new ResumeServiceStub(); rs = new ResumeServiceStub("http://localhost:1234/axis2/services/ResumeService"); GetResumeContent grc = new GetResumeContent(); grc.setResumeId(resumeId); GetResumeContentResponse ...

10. Axis2 client reading MTOM objects.