log « axis « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Log axis2 client requests and responses    stackoverflow.com

I would like to log all requests/responses made by an axis2 client. I tried to create a file called client-config.wsdd as describer in http://code.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=15137 but without success (I don't get ...

2. Logging with Apache Axis    stackoverflow.com

I would like to know how to configure my .Ear web application to log all of what Apache Axis is doing. Currently, the time taken for one of my web services ...

3. Logging errors in axis2 webservice    stackoverflow.com

In my axis2 webservice, I want to log all possible errors to a log file. I am confused with where to store the log4j.properties file in the .aar file. Please help. ...

4. How to locate Axis2 logs    stackoverflow.com

I have deployed Axis2 war (1.6.1) on my Tomcat server and installed one of my test web service.
When I run any of my service methods using a sample application, it fails ...

5. Problem with Setting up Jakarta Logging with AXIS    coderanch.com

Hi All, I am using AXIS 1.2 RC2, IBM WSAD 5.1.2, IBM WebSphere 5.0 Test Enviroment inside WSAD. I am trying to setup Jakarta Commons Logging with my AXIS web application deployed using WSAD. I have my commons-logging.properties file and log4j.properties file in my WEB-INF\classes\lib directory. Basically I want see all types(levels like TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL) of log ...

6. Simple logging from an Axis web service    coderanch.com

Ok, dunno if this is the optimal solution, but here's what's working for me at the moment: Created a properties file for log4j: [some_machine:/home/sanchez/tomcat/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/classes]$ cat log4j.properties log4j.rootLogger=INFO, some_dest log4j.appender.some_dest=org.apache.log4j.FileAppender log4j.appender.some_dest.File=/home/sanchez/tomcat/logs/logariffic_stuff.log log4j.appender.some_dest.layout=org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout and my code (my single .jws file, containing one class), has this instance field: private Logger log; and then, sprinkled throughout the methods is: log = Logger.getRootLogger(); log.info( "So-and-so *just* ...

7. Problems with logging on an axis2 ws    coderanch.com

We are having problems with our Axis2 web service finding the log path. We set the path as a variable in tomcat as we usually do for webapp logdirs. ie: -Dcom.company.logdir=c:\logs However, the webservice cannot find the logdir so it is dumping the logs to C:. Can only axis see the logdir and not the webservice running within axis? Any help ...

8. logging in axis2    coderanch.com

9. How to restrict the logs generated in runtime by axis API    coderanch.com

we are extending log4j and creating our own Logger. Please let me know how to restrict these logs generated from axis API [java] 2010-08-24 18:03:26,387 DEBUG [axis.encoding.DeserializationContext] - Enter: DeserializationContext::startElement(, records) [java] 2010-08-24 18:03:26,387 DEBUG [axis.i18n.ProjectResourceBundle] - org.apache.axis.i18n.resource::handleGetObject(pushHandler00) [java] 2010-08-24 18:03:26,387 [ DEBUG [axis.encoding.DeserializationContext] - Pushing handler org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.ArrayDeserializer@149d886 [java] 2010-08-24 18:03:26,387 DEBUG [encoding.ser.ArrayDeserializer] - Enter: ArrayDeserializer::startElement() [java] 2010-08-24 18:03:26,387 DEBUG [encoding.ser.ArrayDeserializer] ...

10. axis 1.4 logging to console?    coderanch.com

Hi I am writing a program which contacts a webservice to obtain some data. To handle the connection to the webservice I am using "WTP" in Eclipse. It appears the WTP uses "Axis". In any case, during my testing (under Resin), I have a console running, and the console is totally spammed with log messages which appear to originate from Axis. ...

11. How to turn Axis logging off    forums.oracle.com

In my opinion it shouldnt be logging anything if its not told to logg anything. Which is of what I remember what those lines tells it to do.. Some of them atleast.. Maybe you need to comment out the other lines as well.. Have a try. And tell how it goes. In worst case senario you have wasted 15min of your ...