configuration « ehcache « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Durable queue configuration in Terracotta

Does anyone know how to configure durable queue on Terracotta server properly?

Terracotta stores clustered objects on server in files and writes data to them in append only fashion. ...

2. Dynamically change ehcache configuration

I want to dynamically change the configuration of the EhCache instance we're using, specifically the maxElementsInMemory setting. We are using EhCache 1.5 and I can see that it is possible API-wise:

cache.getCacheConfiguration().setMaxElementsInMemory(num); ...

3. timeToLiveSeconds and timeToIdleSeconds ehcache configuration

My app sometimes goes unused for 24 hours or more but when it does get a request, it is very slow because the data has to be fetched from database. Here ...

4. Conflicting values in cache configuration

<cache name="org.hibernate.cache.UpdateTimestampsCache"
    maxElementsInMemory="5000" eternal="true" timeToIdleSeconds="300"
    timeToLiveSeconds="300" overflowToDisk="true" diskPersistent="false"
    diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds="300" memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LRU" />

17:08:10,757 WARN  [CacheConfiguration] Cache 'org.hibernate.cache.UpdateTi
mestampsCache' is set to eternal but also ...

5. configuring ehCache : Cache is null

I am new to using any caching tool, I tried using ehcache ... created my ehcache.xml in classpath which contains a <cache name="xyz" .../> entry. But when I try to access ...

6. t1 not shutting down after adding nonstop and rejoin attributes to configuration

mankind1 journeyman Joined: 03/10/2011 02:42:13 Messages: 47 Offline Hi, Im a newbie with the nonstop cache and rejoin behaviour. below is a snippit of a change to our current configuration: what have I misconfigured? now I shutdown jboss (the t1), the server wont shutdown the console makes reference ...

7. Overriding EhCache MemoryStore Size by Configuration

I'm slightly confused about your question here. I guess you are talking about defaultCache configurations, right ? So that some attributes are picked up from the "master ehcache-config" and complemented or overwritten by other config files ? What do you refer to as "named ehcache config" as well ? But I'm afraid this isn't supported. Now you can use the token ...