ear « ejb « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Configuring one ear to call remote ejb3 on another ear in JBoss    stackoverflow.com

I am new to EJB3 and am missing something when it comes to accessing a @Remote @Stateless bean deployed as an ejb module inside an ear file. I want to ...

2. J2EE: How to package 3rd party JARs into an EJB jar?    stackoverflow.com

I have an old J2EE application (J2EE 1.3), which packages into an EAR, and in the EAR, there are WARs and EJB JARs. Now one of the EJB JARs needs to ...

3. What else do I need in ejb 2.x ear?    stackoverflow.com

I have now


4. J2EE Packaging: Two ears and one shared EJB    stackoverflow.com

Let's say I have two ear file and one .jar file with an EJB that both of the EARs use. I want to do this because in some cases I ...

5. Cross referencing an Entity from another ear    stackoverflow.com

What I basically have is this (obfuscated example of my real domain code):

In CarDaoEar:

public class Car {

public class CarDao implements CarDaoRemote {
   @PersistenceContext( unitName = "carPersistenceUnit" )

6. errors deploying an EAR with EJBs 2.1 into JBoss AS5    stackoverflow.com

I'm porting an application with EJBs 2.1 from Weblogic9 to JBoss AS5. I have made some of the changes like adding jboss.xml descriptors to EJBs and fixing application.xml of the EAR, ...

7. EJB explanation EAR vs WAR    stackoverflow.com

I have just begun reading up on EJB's. Even as I venture into it I have a few questions based on what I have heard about them.

  1. Do applications using ejb's always have ...

8. Packaging EJB in JavaEE 6 WAR vs EAR    stackoverflow.com

Starting a new project and would like to know the pros and cons of packaging EJB in a WAR vs EAR. Will JNDI still works when EJBs are in the ...

9. How to solve class loading problem between ear files on JBOSS 6.0?    stackoverflow.com

I have an ear file which contains this bean

public class ProjectServiceImpl implements ProjectServiceLocal, ProjectServiceRemote {

    public List<Project> listProjects() {

10. Adding external jars to EJB project using EAR content folder    stackoverflow.com

i have EAR and an EJB project. I noticed eclipse (sts) creates and earContent folder so I assume this is where I need to add external jars. I added my hibernate ...

11. JBoss not recognizing EJB jar inside of an EAR    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to deploy a simple test EAR containing and EJB project to JBoss AS 6. I copy my EAR file to my JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy dir. I can see my SUP.ear show ...

12. JBossXBException    stackoverflow.com

I have an ear file that is generated through Maven EAR plugin. The ear file has only one module which is the ejb module. I am able to deploy it to ...

13. How to edit a java class file in an EAR file    stackoverflow.com

I need to edit one line of code in the EJB. I import the ear into eclipse, but I cannot figure out how to edit the .class files. I ...

14. Java EE - EAR vs separate EJB+WAR    stackoverflow.com

Whats the difference in deploying application as ear (with 1 ejb and 1 war module) vs separate modules? Since I want use Glassfish 3 web profile, but it does not support ...

15. make one ejb-jar uses another ejb-jar classess in the same EAR    stackoverflow.com

I've an EAR which contains two ejb jars.. I need for the second EJB Jar to access classes from the first EJB Jar... Should I changed the deployment assembly for the second EJB ...

16. How should I try to fix java.lang.IllegalStateException in JBoss "is already registered"?    stackoverflow.com

I have a web application. When I try to deploy it via Netbeans, the JBoss server throws the following error:

  Deployment "vfs:///path/to/my/Application.ear" is in error due to the ...

17. deploying EJBs from two different jars in one EAR    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Jboss 4.2.3 with EJB3. I have an EAR file which contains two different JAR files. In one JAR there are many EJBs, and in the other JAR there is only ...

18. ejb (ear) deploy    bytes.com

I created ejb project in eclipse added application.xml to meta-inf folder exported the ear but when i try to deploy the ear in sun java system app server admin console it ...

19. 6.8 Beta: Can't install "EJB and EAR" plugin    forums.netbeans.org

Downloaded and installed NB 6.8 Beta Java SE OS Independent Zip. Tried to install "EJB and EAR" plugin and got a dialog with the message:

20. EAR problem    java-forums.org

I have created an enterprise app project and added a web component and ejb as its modules where jsps in the web module makes use of beans in the ejb module. I deployed the project as EAR in jboss but the links just wudn't run. None of the class files seems to have been created in the build folder for the ...

21. creating .ear file    java-forums.org