unit test « ejb « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. What is the best way to unit test a EJB3 component without having to deploy the component    stackoverflow.com

I would like to have a JUnit (or other) system where the enterprise beans can be tested in a mock environment so that all resources/beans and so on are injected locally. ...

2. Unit Testing an EJB    stackoverflow.com

I'm looking for a way to apply TDD to Session Beans. can anyone provide advices and links on how to unit test them ? how to use JUnit to do so ...

3. MockEJB - JUnit Mockito - cannot rebind a mock EJB on second unit test    stackoverflow.com

Hi I have a question related to MockEJB. I need to write unit tests to test a code that is calling a EJB. I use Mockito to write a mock for ...

4. unit testing ejb 2.x    stackoverflow.com

I was asked to work on a product which is developed in ejb2.x. The code base is very larger and the code is more generic (same interface for more than 5 ...

5. Any EJB unit test library that supports Inheritance strategy TABLE_PER_CLASS?    stackoverflow.com

I have a super entity class with Inheritance strategy TABLE_PER_CLASS defined in my EJB project. I tried to use EJB3Unit for unit testing but only to realize that Inheritance strategy TABLE_PER_CLASS ...

6. EJB3 Unit Testing with embeddable container    stackoverflow.com

Testing EJB3 using glassfish embeddable container, but this call seems to return null all the time, any ideas?

//from JUnit 

EJBContainer ejc = javax.ejb.embeddable.EJBContainer.createEJBContainer();

7. Unit Testing EJB 3.1    stackoverflow.com

I am doing a small research on Unit Testing of EJB 3.1. At the end my goal is to produce a easy to use solution for Unit Testing EJB 3.1.

  1. I ...

8. Unit testing Bean managed transactions in EJB 3.x outside the container    stackoverflow.com

Is there a good way to unit test BMT in EJB 3.x, outside the container. I believe that it would make sense to test transactions right when we are coding ...

9. Netbeans 7.0 with JBoss 6.0.0: How to unit test EJB?    forums.netbeans.org

Hi there! I'm trying to test my EJB classes, but had no luck so far. What I have so far is my Project ( "Java Web -> Web Application with Existing Sources"), with a JBoss Application Server configured, so that when i hit "Run Main Project", the server starts up and the application runs as it should, so i think the ...

10. Unit testing Java EE 5 applications    java-forums.org

Hello people, I've looked through a couple of testing frameworks that looked promising at first, but then turned out to have some kind of quirk which puts it into the not usable zone for me. I'm not mentioning them as I don't want to affect any ones opinion, I might have dismissed one without a good enough reason. I'm wondering which ...

11. unit test for ejb persistense    forums.oracle.com