Persist « jdo « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. persisting persistence; or moving legacy webapp to non-relational store

Suppose you have a huge app with a data access layer bound to SQL You want to provide other non-sql DAL, for instance a GoogleAppEngine instance or XML-based backup. How would you ...

2. What's the easiest way to persist java objects?

Right now I have java program whose classes are currently POJOs and stored in volatile memory. These need to be persisted. As I understand it two popular choices are JDO and ...

3. How to use JDO persistence manager?

I have two questions regarding how to create / use the JDO persistence manager (PM, hereafter). Say, in a Java web application, if I have 10 entities, which can be logically ...

4. Reading a persistent object's variable prevents it from being added to an object later

I am trying to make a new object Session and persist it to the database. It has a persistent variable of object User. I query the DB for the user I ...

5. JDO getKey sometimes returns null after newly persisted ojbect

I have the same question that was never resolved at the link below. Has anyone solved this? Datanucleus JDO Retrieve newly generated primary key Using JDO + GAE, after calling makePersistent, sometimes ...