port « jetty « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Configure webserver:80 to direct a domain name request to a different running webserver:8080 on same machine, different port?    stackoverflow.com

I run Jetty6 yet gladly place Apache in the front if needs be. I would like to have two webserver instances running on the same machine on different ports. I would like the ...

2. JSESSIONID collision between two servers on same ip but different ports    stackoverflow.com

I've got a situation where I have two different webapps running on a single server, using different ports. They're both running Java's Jetty servlet container, so they both use a cookie ...

3. Separate webapps in Jetty on different ports    stackoverflow.com

I need the following setup.

  • Jetty must listen on port 8080 and 9090
  • Each port must have its own separate applications (i.e. webapp1 runs on 8080 and webapp2 on 9090). The web-apps should ...

4. port binding "problem" with Eclipse, Java, & Windows    stackoverflow.com

I use eclipse to develop a web based java application. My normal course of business is grab the next task tracking ticket. If there is a problem that needs ...

5. How do I serve https and http for Jetty by one port    stackoverflow.com

What I want to do is serving http and https at the same time for my jetty application. I have SelectChannelConnector and SslSocketConnector connectors and their ports are 3131 and 8443 ...

6. how to configure jetty to listen to multiple ports    stackoverflow.com

I just want to configure jetty to listen to more than one port. I don't want multiple instances nor multiple webapps, just one jetty, one webapp, but listening to 2 or ...

7. Jetty with multiple war applications and multiple ports    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to figure out the best way to deploy simple jruby webapps wrapped up in war files. I'd like them to be available at the root URI on different ports, ...