static « jetty « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Embedded Jetty serving static content with form authentication

I try to use the Forms-Based authentication within an embedded Jetty 6.1.7 project. That's why I need to serve servlets and html (login.html) under the same context to make authentication work. I don't ...

2. Serving static content from a jarfile with Jetty?

This should be fairly easy, but for some reason nearly everything I try just seems to hand out a 'not found' error when I hook it up to a web browser. I've ...

3. Embedded jetty ServletTester serving single static file

I'm unit testing with jetty and I want to serve not only my servlet under test but a static page as well. The static page is needed by my application. I'm ...

4. Serving static content with jetty 7, using defaultservlet configured from web.xml

This is jetty 7 and xml configured, not embedded. I'm trying to serve a static file, crossdomain.xml, to an app that connects to a datasource I run from jetty. To do this, ...

5. Jetty in eclipse - loads static content from .war

I'm running Jetty from within Eclipse, installed with the Jetty Server Adaptor. I'm building a Tapestry app, and live class reloading works great. However, changes to static assets, such as images ...

6. Mule 3.1 - Static web server via jetty?

I cannot figure out how to use the jetty:endpoint in a Mule 3.1 context. Examples such as this question do not work in my context. The application fails ...

7. Where does this high serverload come from?

We use an embedded jetty server with a bundle with registered resources in the org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.resources extensionpoint. Now when we try to get static data out of it, (small sized mp3, like ...

8. Where can i place static contents under Jetty webserver?

i need to place some static contents under jetty directory , anybody knows where to place them ?