war « jetty « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. JavaMail not sending Subject or From under jetty:run-war    stackoverflow.com

Has anyone seen JavaMail not sending proper MimeMessages to an SMTP server, depending on how the JVM in started? At the end of the day, I can't send JavaMail SMTP ...

2. Unpacking an assembly inside of a war    stackoverflow.com

I have another project which contains static content (css, images, JS, etc.), and I need that to be copied to the web root directory of jetty for testing. In that ...

3. are expanded war files faster?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using embedded jetty to launch a web application which I have currently packaged as a war file. At first I was trying to prevent my war file from being ...

4. Jetty Run War Using only command line    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to use only the command line to Run jetty with only a specified war file and context path. Something like: java -jar $jettyHome/start.jar -Dwar.location=myApp.war -DcontextPath=/myApp OPTIONS=default,plus,jsp

5. Jetty runs old war altought mvn clean is run    stackoverflow.com

does someone had an similar issue with maven and jetty, that jetty is run with an old war althought mvn clean is run. My pom uses failsafe to start jetty with mvn ...

6. JIRA WAR under Jetty?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to get handle on configuring JIRA WAR (4.4.1) and Confluence WAR (4.0) under Jetty (7.5.1). Apparently this is not terribly complex thing to do and a similar configuration with ...

7. How to run jetty 7+ with specified war with groovy/gradle?    stackoverflow.com

I want to run Jetty 7+ with gradle build, but unlucky looks like there is no way to do this with jettyRun. So probably simplest idea to achieve what I want ...