xml « jetty « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Where do I put my jetty.xml file with Jetty embedded?    stackoverflow.com

I am just getting started with Jetty (Jetty 6 w/ Java 6). Using the example files with Jetty 6, I place my xml configuration file. in the same directory as my ...

2. Confused about jetty-env.xml    stackoverflow.com

I have a webapp that uses JNDI to locate a datasource and a transaction manager. I see from the Jetty documentation how to do this via the jetty-env.xml file. ...

3. web.xml changes to enable development mode in Groovlet    stackoverflow.com

I am using the Cruise Control jetty container to deploy a Groovlet application. It appears that if I change the groovy files in the webapp directory that Jetty does not recompile ...

4. How to make the Stand Alone Archiva distribution the ROOT application under Jetty?    stackoverflow.com

I am using the stand alone version of Archiva, it uses Jetty for its application container. It defaults to something like http://mycompany.com:8080/archiva I want to get rid of the application context ...

5. Problems overriding web.xml in jetty    stackoverflow.com

I have recently created an executable war (with Jetty embedded inside) following this blog: http://eclipsesource.com/blogs/2009/10/02/executable-wars-with-jetty/ What I'm trying to do is to specify an override-web.xml file to overwrite a context-param ...

6. How do I create a jetty 6 and jetty 7 compatible jetty-web.xml file in the same war file?    stackoverflow.com

In Jetty 6 I need to create a WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml file which contains this:

<Configure id="webAppCtx" class="org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
But in Jetty 7 I need the same exact file WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml to contain this:
<Configure id="webAppCtx" class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
Both ...

7. Can you assign per web app jetty-rewrite.xml file in Jetty    stackoverflow.com

Think the title says it all. Is there a way per web app / context to specify a rewrite file just for that particular webapp. The only way i see this currently ...