ldap « ldap « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Is JCE needed if you have LDAP?    stackoverflow.com

Do you need to have JCE embedded in your java application when you already have LDAP authentication in place.

2. What is a good embeddable Java LDAP server?    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on a Java web application that integrates with a few other external applications that are deployed along with it. Authentication information must be synchronized across everything and the other ...

3. LDAP Java library    stackoverflow.com

We are using J2EE to develop a security product that relies on LDAP for authentication and role-based user management. The team has implemented this using the JNDI but we have run into ...

4. LdapContext, how to do select count(*)    stackoverflow.com

I am using an LdapContext in java to query an LDAP server (I think the server is Sun server version 5.2). I use the LdapContext.search(String name, String filter, SearchControls cons) method for ...

5. LDAP Best Practices    stackoverflow.com

I'm interested in the best practices of using LDAP authentication in a Java-based web application. In my app I don't want to store username\password, only some ids. But I want to ...

6. Using the JDK LDAP library, how can I add more than one description?    stackoverflow.com

I can add two descriptions (attribute) using my IDE, but from Java I can only add one description. How to add the second one? I'm using the JDK LDAP library.

7. Java Netscape LDAP Delete    stackoverflow.com

I have been using the Java Netscape LDAP library to modify LDAP entries (http://www.mozilla.org/directory/javasdk.html). I now need a way to delete an entry. I looked through the ...

8. Is it possible to use Jasper Reports to generate reports from LDAP    stackoverflow.com

I'd like to be able to include the results of LDAP queries in Jasper reports. Is that feasible? From what I can gather it seems that the only way ...

9. Running Apache DS embedded in my application    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to run an embedded ApacheDS in my application. After reading http://directory.apache.org/apacheds/1.5/41-embedding-apacheds-into-an-application.html I build this:

public void startDirectoryService() throws Exception {
    service = new DefaultDirectoryService();

10. Does a LDAP library exist for JME?    stackoverflow.com

I would like to know if a LDAP library exists for JME. Does anyone know ? Best regards, Quentin

11. How do a LDAP search/authenticate against this LDAP in Java    stackoverflow.com

I am playing with LDAP and Java search. Here's my LDIF export with a simple organization

version: 1

    dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organization
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: top
dc: example
o: MyOrganization
description: Test Description

dn: ou=people, dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: ...

12. Connecting LDAP server from java application    stackoverflow.com

I am building an application based on GXT (J2EE). Now the problem is that I have to connect the application to a LDAP server. Can you tell me how to connect ...

13. read LDAP with Java    stackoverflow.com

I need an efficient way to read all users from LDAP. I have a super/root password in Java All I need is just to list the names. All ideas are appreciated.

14. SearchResult in Java    stackoverflow.com

I list users from LDAP with the following code:

    Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>();
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, HOST); 

15. Java (Groovy) LDAP Non-ASCII Characters    stackoverflow.com

I've been googling my ass off without any success. So I came here. Hope someone can help me out! Im using Groovy to do some LDAP searches but when a person has ...

16. How to implement single sign-on in my java project?    stackoverflow.com

I need to implement single sign-on in my java web application which can achieve the following features: All the computer joined in my domain smb.local , after user login in the ...

17. List LDAP trusted domains with Java    stackoverflow.com

We're migrating from C to Java, and we need to query Active-Dirctory Domain to get the list of trusted domains. Until now, we've done it with ADSI. And a second question. Is ...

18. A Java client for LDAP    stackoverflow.com

I need to write some Java code to connect to an LDAP server to verify that the user supplied LDAP account info is correct, and then I need to get attribute ...

19. using UnboundID's @LDAPGetter and @LDAPSetter    stackoverflow.com

Does anyone have a basic example of using these two annotations from UnboundID's SDK to persist objects in an LDAP directory? I can't seem to find any info ...

20. Working with MS's Integer8/LargeInteger in Java?    stackoverflow.com

I am working with AD via LDAP (using Spring LDAP) and I ran into a odd problem while working with Integer8/LargeInteger being used as timestamps which are outlined here. ...

21. LDAP Not processing showing SchemaViolationException    stackoverflow.com

I am having a LDAP Queue which process a object class.I cant find the exact location why it is giving the exception. The objclass is a concadenation string with pipe symbol. ...

22. Why use Altassian Crowd    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to understand what Altassian crowd does over an LDAP server? It looks like most Altassian products allow you to point to an Altassian server for authroization/authentication. If that's the ...

23. how to update LDAP VLV list thru Java API?    stackoverflow.com

The LDAP VLV list goes out of sync, when i add a new LDAP entry. So i need to know how to update the VLV list also, when i add a ...

24. adding an LdapEntry with VLV control    stackoverflow.com

does any one have a sample... I need to add and ldapentry, but with VLV control being updated. Here are the APIs i am looking at.. LDAPConnection.add(LDAPEntry entry, LDAPConstraints cons) So i need ...

25. Invalid credential from ldap    stackoverflow.com

I write Java code to connect LDAP. When the code run on Windows XP,the ldap messages are : bindRequest(1)

0000   30 3e 02 01 01 60 39 02 01 03 04 00 ...

26. LDAP multiple or syntax    stackoverflow.com

I'm hoping this is an easy question for any LDAP experts out there. I'm using java, SearchDirContext's and a string builder to put together a query that looks like: (|(givenName=smith*)(sn=smith*)(middleName=smith*)(mail=smith*)(telephoneNumber=smith*)(buildingName=smith*)(department=smith*)(major=smith*)(minor=smith*)). The ...

27. Is there a way to provide SocketFactory _instance_ to InitialLdapContext?    stackoverflow.com

There is a static way of providing SocketFactory to InitialLdapContext:

env.put("java.naming.ldap.factory.socket", MySocketFactory.class.getName());
new InitialLdapContext(env, null);
But is there some way to provide the instance itself instead of its class name? My socket factory is ...

28. LDAP Java development    stackoverflow.com

I have three questions related to LDAP and Java.

  1. is there any way to find the newly created users on the windows active directory using Java? Now I am get the all ...

29. java: ldap problem    stackoverflow.com

I trying to use LDAP authentication.

public boolean login(String username, String password){
      AndFilter filter = new AndFilter();
      filter.and(new EqualsFilter("objectclass", "person")).and(new EqualsFilter("uid", ...

30. How can I just check if a given username exists?    stackoverflow.com

I have an application that uses both LDAP and simple database authentication to log users in. Only if the user does not exists in the LDAP context, the application checks if ...

31. Why don't I have this class when it is supposed to be in rt.jar?    stackoverflow.com

So, I am trying to implement an LDAP connection in java...this requires the com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory. Jarfinder shows that the LdapCtxFactory should be included in rt.jar, which to my understanding is the base ...

32. Unable to catch exception from logging    stackoverflow.com

While trying to login to an ldap server with an expired password an exception is thrown in the logging.

javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903A9, comment: ...

33. LDAP not returning any results    stackoverflow.com

I have a piece of Java code that does a simple search of an Active Directory. The code functions as expected when using out production AD but when using the same ...

34. Netbeans and LDAP    forums.netbeans.org

Hello there! I'm having some trouble running Netbeans on a school lab that uses authentication through ldap. All folders are created and stored at the ldap server, that includes the .netbeans folder When starting the program for the first time (or after deleting the .netbeans folder) it won't give me any errors, UNTIL I start a projetct. It'll start popping windows ...

35. How to add 'control' field to an LDAP modify request    jmeter.512774.n5.nabble.com

Hi, I have problems in creating a specific ldapmodify in Jmeter. This is the LDAP modify that I need to make in Jmeter: ldapmodify -x -h localhost -p 389 -D cn=auser -w apassword -f ldiffile.ldif ----ldiffile.ldif start----- dn: uid=[hidden email],key=auseruid,o=test,o=test.com control: changetype: modify replace: ipV4Address ipV4Address: F1F1F1F1 ----ldiffile.ldif end----- My problem is that I ...

36. How to create multiple LDAP entries with unique uid?    jmeter.512774.n5.nabble.com

I'm building Extended LDAP test plan, to simulate one user creating 100 of entries. With the following test plan, I'm able to create an entry with uid=nnnn: 1) Thread Group Thread Properties->Number of Threads(1) Thread Properties->Ramp-Up Period(1) Thread Properties->Loop Count(1) 2) LDAP Extended Request Defaults (ALPHA) 3) LDAP Extended Request ...

37. Improvements related to LDAP Sampler    jmeter.512774.n5.nabble.com

Hi, I have made the following improvements to the JMeter LDAP support which I wanted to share with the list: 1. Changed LDAP sampler to: a. sort search results (by DN), attributes for each result (by id) and values (by toString()) for searches returning less the a configured constant ...

38. LDAP sampler question    jmeter.512774.n5.nabble.com

Hi, Some instructions i have lying around Offcourse dn needs to be there as well. For users (objectClass=user), the attribute sAMAccountName must be present and should be fewer than 20 characters in length. The second mandatory attribute is cn the third mandatory attribute userAccountControl a default is taken. Mailbox-enabled user entries must have the mandatory attributes mail, legacyExchangeDN, proxyAddresses, showInAddressBook, textEncodedORAddress, ...

39. Retry LDAP thread bind request    jmeter.512774.n5.nabble.com

Dood, The snag is that the LDAP server is not going to tell you when you can rebind! Though you can run a loop which exists when the successful query has been made. Cheers AJ On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 20:27 +0800, wolverine my wrote: > Hi! > > I'm testing the LDAP server with 1000 concurrent users and some of the ...

40. LDAP and RMI    coderanch.com

41. LDAP Server V/S Data Base Server    coderanch.com

Hi All, I'm not able to find outwhat exactly main diffrence between LDAP server and RDBMS Server. Can I use LDAP in placeofDB Server. pls if any one know the diff write me soon.also when I have to use what? In short What is the difference between a database and a directory service? When should I choose for a database and ...

42. LDAP    coderanch.com

43. Retrieving JPGs from LDAP    coderanch.com

Good morning, all. A coworker of mine presented me with an interesting question this morning, and I thought I'd ask here as I myself don't know the answer (not being an LDAP expert or having to often use it). I've looked through Sun's own documentation and have been unable to find an answer. My coworker's client is requesting to be able ...

44. LDAP    coderanch.com

45. Open LDAP    coderanch.com

46. LDAP - what it does    coderanch.com

47. LDAP jar files    coderanch.com

48. LDAP problem    coderanch.com

Hi! I have problems to rout myself down to the right map in LDAP. WHat I want is to go down 3levels on the OU. Have problems with this, because I can only make 2 levels down. 1 from URl and 1 from the search. Where and how can I get down to that level? Have tried: NamingEnumeration answer = ctx.search("OU=Tveita,OU=NEW","name=*", ...

49. LDAP, ADS and java API for same    coderanch.com

Hi buddies, I am to design a web-page (basically a servlet or JSP page) that accepts a username and pwd. The deal is to authenticate this user against the Active Directory Service which is basically on win 2003 server machine. Now hod do I achieve all this??? With a vision of core java programmer, I have something to ask and something ...

50. How to get this specific list from an LDAP Server?    coderanch.com

Hello, We are connected to an LDAP Server with this structure: Under OU=OUs as the root tree we have all our units, each unit is represented by a folder. Inside each unit are the departments, each unit can have 1 or more departments. Again, each department is represented by a folder. Inside each department are the actual users. Let's assume that ...

51. LDAP for file transfer    coderanch.com

52. Connecting to Active Directory using LDAP    coderanch.com

I have been trying to use LDAP authentication for connecting to the active directory, and I'm having some problems. I have a few questions. First: I can set up a test to use for the username and password, but I want to use the ones in the AD instead, not hard code them in. Second: I can't even test it yet ...

53. performance LDAP    coderanch.com

Hi, we have a java-agent running in our Domino server; this agent makes an LDAPConnection to retreive some address data from a lotus database, however the performance is rather bad. Is it true when I use a servlet instead of the agent, that performance improves? As each instance of a servlet has its own thread (is that correct said?)? And if ...

54. LDAP    coderanch.com

Check the beginner docs at http://www.ldapman.org to get started. LDAP is a protocal, like HTTP, and as such it relies on LDAP servers. In the same way that Apache and IIS manage HTTP communication, servers like IBM SecureWay, Netscape's NDS and OpenLDAP are LDAP implementations. There are many things that LDAP does, but in its most basic usage, it is used ...

55. Java and LDAP    coderanch.com

56. Ber Decoding for ldap response control    coderanch.com

Hi! I am using JNDI for LDAP Binding (passing userid and password while creating initialcontext) for authentication purpose. In case, the user's password is expirying in x days, i am getting a response control from the context object where the control has the value which is BER Encoded. Can some one tell if there is any freeware / opersource project which ...

57. Talking to LDAP    coderanch.com

58. ldap hell    coderanch.com

I'm in LDAP hell...I simply cannot get this chunk of code to authenticate on our active directory server. First off, I don't know all that much about AD, LDAP or related stuff. Everything I know about JNDI I've learned in the last 2 hours. I've been tasked w/ simply retrieving a list of users in AD and listing them out on ...

59. LDAP example in JAVA    coderanch.com

60. LDAP and software applications    coderanch.com

Hi guys, I have a question more about design than code. We want to use LDAP in our software but we have granular security - i.e. this person has access to these specific things. The specific things (such as administration of users, access to certain reports, etc) are specific to our software. So, my questions are: 1. If a user exists ...

61. ldap_bind: Invalid credentials    coderanch.com

hi., I've just installed OpenLDAP 2.1.25.., I've searched through the mailing lists and read the OpenLDAP 2.1 Administrator's Guide but I must be missing some vital information becuase I can't get past: $ ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f example.ldif Enter LDAP Password: ldap_bind: Server is unwilling to perform (53) additional info: unauthenticated bind (DN with no password) disallowed If I ...

63. Not able to connect to LDAP    coderanch.com

64. Prevent URL Rewriting: Integrate File system & LDAP    coderanch.com

Hi All, Prologue: ------------ There are two kinds of entities: Manager and Projects(each project has a monthly financial report) One Manager might have access to one or more Project (and hence to their respective financial reports as well) Manager is the User who will login to the application. Context: ------------ Once the user logs in to the web application, he/she gets ...

66. LDAP: error    coderanch.com

Hi I am using the following LDAP query to retrieve data from the Active Directory environment: < LDAP://kworld.myserver.com:123/dc=uk,dc=kworld,dc=myserver,dc=com>;(&(ObjectCategory=person)(ObjectClass=user)(employeeID=*)(!(userAccountControl=514)));UserPrincipalName,CreateTimeStamp,GivenName,TelephoneNumber,HomePhone,Name,sn,Company,c,l,st,StreetAddress,distinguishedname;subtree I am getting the error - LDAP: error code 1 - 00000000: LdapErr: DSID-0C090627- Get Active Directory RootDSE with JNDI //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // My Java code for the above is : //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// import javax.naming.*; import javax.naming.directory.*; import java.util.*; public class KPMGADSearch{ public static void ...

67. LDAP Subdomains    coderanch.com

Hi, Is there a way how I can view the subdomains under a domain using LDAP once I authenticate and authorize myself on the directory? For example, abc.com is the domain and subdomains are a1.abc.com, a2.abc.com, a3.abc.com, a4.abc.com. I need to retrive all the subdomains (in this case a1, a2, a3 and a4). Can anyone please help me? Regards Vijay

68. Open Ldap and Java    coderanch.com

Hi guys , I tried to access data from LDAP and it seems the userpassword is in a encrypted format using MD5. The password looks like " {MD5}RX5uBO/CdEjQpaM/0KTDCg== ". Actually i want to check if the username(uid) and the password provided by user is correct. I tried search filters too, even they take only normal text and the comparison fails. please ...

69. (how to) Read entries from LDAP? getting server down error    coderanch.com

Hello, May I ask for help on connecting to an LDAP directory (for reading only) from a Java code? I am getting this error: netscape.ldap.LDAPException: Server down (80); Unknown error at netscape.ldap.LDAPConnThread.networkError(LDAPConnThread.java:619) at netscape.ldap.LDAPConnThread.run(LDAPConnThread.java:436) Note: i also searched for possible reasons for this error but search says that I should check if my server is down, but pinging the IP address ...

70. what are the different LDAP connecting mechanisms ?    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a Active Directory for which I can connect using simple JAVA calls. Like setting env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://"+domain+":389"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, userName); env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password); this works. But I want to enhance the security here. Should I go for SSL or SASL? (if so how to enable them in my active directory? and what changes I might require in my code?) ...

72. LDAP java codes    coderanch.com

73. LDAP & Endian-Order    dbforums.com

74. Code required for LDAP    go4expert.com

76. new to LDAP    forums.oracle.com

77. LDAP : Looking for the right forum    forums.oracle.com

Google is not turning up any thing when I search for sun one server console discussion forum. I have questions on LDAP automation while using this tool and any help would be appreciated. Please let me know if there is a forum where I could discuss on how to automate LDAP operations using sun one server console. Thanks John

78. LDAP    forums.oracle.com

I have to create directory using LDAP, can anybody help me in telling the exact steps for this, what i did upto now is 1) start server using "slapd -d 1" 2)search server using "ldapsearch -x -s base (objectclass=*) namingContexts" 3)loading database using "slapadd -f slapd.conf -l init.ldif" but on doing this i have confront with error like naming attribute does ...

79. LDAP    forums.oracle.com

80. Using an enum to represent an LDAP structure    forums.oracle.com

I'm trying to represent an LDAP structure with an enum. I just looked into all that a couple of months ago. There are a couple of hundred LDAP object classes, and of course anybody can define their own too. Initially I went looking for libraries of LDAP beans, i.e. POJOs, and somewhat to my surprise I didn't find any. I then ...

81. LDAP question    forums.oracle.com

82. Date time issue for ldap    forums.oracle.com

83. LDAP: error code 65    forums.oracle.com

// now, create the root context, which is just a subcontext // of this initial directory context. ctx.createSubcontext( subContext ); } catch ( NameAlreadyBoundException nabe ) { System.err.println( subContext + " has already been bound!" ); } catch ( Exception e ) { System.err.println( e ); } } } slapd.cof # # See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options. # This ...

84. Need Help in using LDAP through Java.    forums.oracle.com

I need help in using LDAP through Java. 1.To create a new directory/Subdirectories through Java 2.To access- to edit/modify/delete the users inside each of the directories/subdirectories. 3.Can we change any of the traditional object classes and attributes? 4. To create/edit multiple users in the existing directories. Can anybody guide/provide urls/ provide sample codes? Thank you Edited by: rbs786 on Feb 6, ...

85. Java Properties empty if LDAP    forums.oracle.com

Hi, we used to have a systemcall on /usr/bin/env and a Reader to get system-information like Home directory and Username. I switched this over to System.getProperty("user.home") and System.getProperty("user.name"). Unfortunatly these are empty! It seems that those Properties are read from /etc/passwd which does not contain the User-Information as we login on this box via LDAP. Is that the reason or am ...

86. LDAP and JAVA    forums.oracle.com

17/10/2008 16:6:25--AddUser : process---[LDAP: error code 65 - Failed to find designation in mandatory or optional attribute list.] javax.naming.directory.SchemaViolationException: [LDAP: error code 65 - Failed to find designation in mandatory or optional attribute list.]; remaining name 'cn=r,cn=users,ou=aes,o=amal,c=my' at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode(LdapCtx.java:3019) at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(LdapCtx.java:2934) at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(LdapCtx.java:2740) at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_createSubcontext(LdapCtx.java:777) at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentDirContext.p_createSubcontext(ComponentDirContext.java:319) at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.PartialCompositeDirContext.createSubcontext(PartialCompositeDirContext.java:248) at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.PartialCompositeDirContext.createSubcontext(PartialCompositeDirContext.java:236) at javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext.createSubcontext(InitialDirContext.java:176) at com.mastek.eElixir.security.SecurityManager.addUser(SecurityManager.java:1243) at com.mastek.eElixir.security.action.AddUser.process(AddUser.java:165) at com.mastek.eElixir.security.servlet.SECController.process(SECController.java:138) at com.mastek.eElixir.common.servlet.Controller.doPost(Controller.java:259) ...

87. LDAP authorization and AD    forums.oracle.com

HI! I am trying to authorize a user wit Active Directory via LDAP, the user logs in as user1 but if I use the uid as principal it doesn't work, I need to specify principal = "CN=Name Surname(user1),OU=Users ..." -> works principal = "CN=user1,OU=Users ..." -> does not work Any help? Thanks, Iggy

88. Java LDAP    forums.oracle.com

I am currently planning on working on a small application (to help keep myself current) for my company. I was hoping to have an Employee management application which would allow EMployees to go in and edit thier details/book holiday and the such. But what I wanted was for there to be LDAP authentication to it, rather than creating the users on ...

89. Getting the count from LDAP    forums.oracle.com

HI, I'm trying to get the count of some records from LDAP using JAVA, the way I'm doing it is: //Get the search values NamingEnumeration totRecords ; totRecords = context.search("", srchQuery.toString(), ctrl); List userList = Collections.list(totRecords ); listCount = userList.size(); It seems to me that making the collection List takes to much time is there another way to this so it ...

90. LDAP server    forums.oracle.com

91. Problem about LDAP (active directory) server automatic discovery    forums.oracle.com

Dear all, i am using sun's ldap provider to connect to active directory with server automatic discovery turned on. when i turn on the connection pooling, i found that there is more ldap connection created, compared with don't use automatic server discovery. my company have about 100 active directory master / replicate server. do anybody know why the connection is less ...

92. problem using LDAP    forums.oracle.com

import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext; import javax.naming.directory.DirContext; import javax.naming.directory.Attributes; import javax.naming.NamingException; import java.util.Hashtable; /** * Demonstrates how to retrieve an attribute of a named object. * * usage: java Getattr */ class Getattr { public static void main(String[] args) { // Identify service provider to use Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11); env.put("java.naming.ldap.version", "2"); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://localhost:398/o=JNDITutorial"); try { // Create the ...

93. ldap image storing and retrieving problem....    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I have a problem in which i have 2 store a jpg file into ldap and then have 2 retrieve bck for display . The code i m using to store it is below,hoping this works f9. byte[] ba="".getBytes(); File f1=new File("c: ab.jpg"); FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream(f1); int count=fin.available(); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f1); long len = f1.length(); byte[] bytes = ...

94. LDAP Programming using Java    forums.oracle.com

95. LDAP login    forums.oracle.com

If you're talking about responding to an HTTP request in a web application, then you wouldn't "run another application". That doesn't make sense. But maybe you don't know the right words. Generally after you validate a login in a web application, you either forward or redirect to another URL. How you do that in Struts I have no idea. But then ...

96. LDAP    forums.oracle.com

97. Ldap causes Sevice Unavailable problem    forums.oracle.com

98. Ldap thread hang    forums.oracle.com

I've written a multi-threaded ldap performance program which uses netscape ldap. The program works great with moderately sized input files, with when I get to large input, there are issues with one or more threads just stopping and hanging. I was wondering if anyone has experienced this or similar issues before. Each thread gets a bunch of searches to send to ...

100. View Information from LDAP    forums.oracle.com