format « log4j « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Java: library that does nice formatted log outputs

I cannot find back a library that allowed to format log output statements in a much nicer way than what is usually seen. One of the feature I remember is that ...

2. log4j: Change format of loggers configured in another library

Using clojure, I've been able to successfully setup log4j very simply by using this file, and including log4j in my classpath.


log4j.appender.STDOUT.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{MMdd HHmmss SSS} %5p %c [%t] %m\n

log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, STDOUT
Then ...

3. Log4j formatting: Is it possible to truncate stacktraces?

I want to log only the first few lines of Exceptions in my program. I know, I can do something like this to print only the first 5 lines of a ...

4. How to format a String onto one line, StringUtils?

I have a String that I'm passing to log4j to have it logged to a file, the contents of that string is XML, and it is formatted to be on multiple ...

5. Does Apache Log4J support Web Services Distributed Management Web Event Format?

Does Apache Log4J support sending event via the Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM) Web Event Format? I tried googling around and wasn't able to find it but perhaps someone smarter ...

6. java convert milliseconds to time format

I am trying to convert a long value (The number of milliseconds elapsed from 1/1/1970) to a time of format h:m:s:ms
The long value I use as timestamp, I get from the ...

7. Log4j has no support for binary logging format?

I have a need to have Log4j log into a binary format so the logs can be easily machine-interpreted. I know I could use XML for this purpose but don't want ...

8. Log4j - hexdump and C style formatting

Hi, thanks for reponse, but e.g. when I will format the string before calling the Logger.warn() method and I will log only ERROR level, than I will waste system resources to execute formatting routines isn't it? I think I will inhertite my own class from the Logger, putting new method for hexdump and C like formatting output here, so I will ...

9. Log4j string formatting question

10. Log4j file name formatting

I have certain logging requirements to meet, and log4j was chosen as the logging API of choice. I can do the appenders & loggers, and rolling files and all of that, however, we have requirements on how the files themselves should be named. ${user.home}/logging/process-name/ip-address/log.xml.{date} I can do the ${} and append the date to the end using DailyRollingFileAppender. However, i see ...