slf4j « log4j « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Logging using SL4J, Jakarta Commons logging, log4j for third party libraries and my own code

I have some questions about logging, more specifically about setting it up and making sure it works. The project I'm doing will use Wicket, Spring and

2. How to send java.util.logging to log4j?

I have an existing application which does all of its logging against log4j. We use a number of other libraries that either also use log4j, or log against Commons Logging, which ...

3. Is Log4j being abandoned in favor of Slf4j?

It seems that log4j has some class loading issues (among others) and it seems to me the trend is to move out of log4j toward slf4j. (Hibernate stopped using the ...

4. Storing log into .log file using SLF4j/log4j

I am using SLF4J and as per requirement i have to store the logs into the .log file. But when i run the program the log are not written into thelog ...

5. Loding project Specific log into log files

I am Eclipse and i am creating web project. Also i am using SLF4J for storing log into log file. I am putting file into the WEB-INF/classes folder when i ...

6. log4j's configuration

I want to config my logging system based on slf4j and log4j. I want to log all messages from com.A class. And only those messages. so I wrote in my config ...

7. Config SLF4J using library to use LOG4J configuration

I have a project using log4j. Now I have to introduce a library using slf4j. Can I ask slf4j to initialize itself based on log4j config? So I basicly want log4j ...

8. How to get SLF4J "Hello World" working with log4j?

The "Hello World" example from SLF4J is not working for me. I guess this is because I added slf4j-log4 to my classpath. Should I configure log4j directly for the ...

9. Logging: Slf4j flush()?

I need to flush all slf4j loggers, is it possible to do so without using implementation-specific code (like in How do you flush a buffered log4j FileAppender? ? (I ...

10. difference between slf4j and log4j

what are the advantages of log4j and slf4j...

11. What is the proper solution for logging on a StringBuffer object using log4j over SLF4J?

I want to know if there's something already done, an ext library to do such thing?
I need the logger to be redirected to a StringBuffer for then ALL that text to ...

12. How to use SLF4J Log4jLoggerAdapter

I'm deploying an enterprise application on Weblogic 8.1 which has log4j 1.2.8 on it's classpath. I'm getting the following error with SLF4J 1.6.1:

SLF4J versions 1.4.0 and later requires ...

13. migrating a project from log4j to slf4j+log4j

I have a large web project that uses log4j directly, together with many 3rd-party libraries and a mix of logging libraries.

  • our code base - uses log4j directly.
  • Hibernate - uses slf4j, and ...

14. Configuring log4j for a specific user

Hi I am using log4j in my J2EE application, I have a scenario of enabling logging details of a particular user and write his log details in separate file. Is ...

15. Redirect System.out.println to Log4J, while keeping class name information

I have some libraries that are calling System.out.println on me, I'd like to redirect them through log4j or commons logging. But in particular I'd like to keep the fully-qualified-classname so I ...

16. Apache Solr Client = How to enable "wire" logging (with log4j)

I would be very thankfull, if someone can tell me, how to enable "wire logging" (printing all the XML that is sent and received from the solr-java-client to/from the solr-server). The Client ...

17. Log4J attach only one class to an appender

I need to poll the JVM memory stats of my running application on a regular basis. I'm running a service that does this and writes the stats to the root Logger ...

18. Best logging system

I'm making an application and I note that in my dependencies I have many JARs for logging library (commons-logging, log4j, slf4j)...but what do you think is the best approach? Why I should ...

19. Jboss logging - how to limit un-known classes?

My STDOUT / console output in Eclipse is being flooded by lines like:

12:05:37,395 INFO  [STDOUT] 2163 [RMI TCP Connection(1)-] DEBUG org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet - Processing extensions for '/getFare'
What entry can I put ...

20. Is Log4j a dead project?

I recently ended up in a bit of a mess on one of the projects I work on, a "mélange" of Log4j, Slf4j and Commons-Logging due to mixing different JARs ...

21. log4j: Doesn't reflect settings in

I have an Java-SE app with log4j over slf4j. At some phase of development, it stopped logging DEBUG level, and I can't figure out why. I already excluded the causes I encountered earlier:

  • No ...

22. How to include static information in logging with Log4j or similar?

We have an application where a log message without the context in which it was run (i.e. the database) does nearly never make sense. The information is always available, but it ...

23. Logging from base and extended classes with log4j?

I'm using slf4j with log4j and I have the following situation:

package x.y.z.base;
public class FTPOperationsBase {

    private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FTPOperationsBase.class);
    protected FTPClient ...

24. Are there any log4j or slf4j Appender frameworks that provide additional appenders

While the core log4j and slf4j libraries come with a lot of good stuff, and i could build my own, but i was wondering if there are any libraries that ship ...

25. How do Log4j, commons-logging, JDK-Logging and SLF4J relate to each other?

Are they alternatives, dependencies, APIs or implementations of each other? And why do they exist?

26. Implement or replace commons logging

I use Spring which somehow relies on org.apache.commons.logging. I have got my own logger that already implements SLF4J and some proprietary protocol. So I'm really keen to use my logger. In SLF4J ...

27. slf4j + log4j problem

I'm trying to configure slf4j with log4j in my java application and I get no success. My log4j file looks like this:

log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %X{file} %c{1} - %m%n,webcrawler
log4j.appender.webcrawler.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %X{file} ...

28. SLF4J or log4j

I took part in many big projects and usually we use log4j for logger tools. because log4j have many modules console, file, database, email, and you can create yourself append. But In opensource projects usually use slf4j, because when you use this library in your projects you can just change loggers tools add need integrate library.

29. Migrating from log4j to slf4j