bundle « osgi « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. accessing command-line arguments from OSGi bundle    stackoverflow.com

I have an application that runs as a collection of OSGi bundles. I start it using a very small wrapper that embeds the Felix framework. The necessity of that wrapper irks ...

2. Embedded OSGi or Application Bundle    stackoverflow.com

I've just spent the last two days reading up all the OSGi stuff I can get my hands on and I finally think I've got my head around it. I'm now trying ...

3. How to discovering types exported by OSGi bundle without installing/activating?    stackoverflow.com

Basically i want to discover if a jar implements any number of interfaces wihtout activating or starting the bundle. Is it possible to read the meta data from the meta-inf from ...

4. A cycle was detected in the build path of project xxx - Build Path Problem    stackoverflow.com

I'm in the process of converting my projects to OSGI bundles using maven and eclipse. Maven builds the stuff just fine, only I get the above error now within Eclipse. How ...

5. How can I merge multiple OSGi bundles with BND / Maven-BND-plugin?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using some off-the-shelf OSGi bundles in my application and would like to repackage them together with additional packages that are not yet OSGi compatible into a new bundle. Case in point ...

6. Is having Eclipse OSGI Activators inheriting from each other a good idea?    stackoverflow.com

If you have a common eclipse/osgi code platform on which you build various products can you/should you inherit activators from the common code E.g. org.test.common.PluginActivator
org.test.common.ui.UIPluginActivator org.test.product1.Product1PluginActivator
org.test.product1.ui.Product1UIPluginActivator org.test.product2.Product2PluginActivator
org.test.product2.ui.Product2PluginActivator I want to have all the UI activators inheriting ...

7. OSGI - static method calls across bundles    stackoverflow.com

I have a 3rd party JAR that I have converted to an OSGI bundle using bnd. The code I need to call to use it from my own bundle looks ...

8. Load DLL (using JNA) inside an OSGi bundle    stackoverflow.com

OSGi cannot find my DLL file, and I can't seem to figure out why. Currently I have the DLL file (foo.dll) at the root of my bundle, I've also tried having it ...

9. OSGi: programmitically add imports to a bundle    stackoverflow.com

How can I add packages to a bundle's import from within code? I need it since I use libraries which rely on reflection and require other packages and I don't want ...

10. Is there a way to secure access to bundles in OSGi?    stackoverflow.com

I have an application consisting of several OSGi bundles. I would like to enforce that some of them only provide other bundles access to their services if a valid token (e. ...

11. With OSGI how does one pass parameters from a host to a embedded bundle    stackoverflow.com

In the end i will perhaps provide a helper so that the activator can import and export services and other types of meta data about the system. By parameters i mean objects ...

12. OSGI + SWT: How to split the View (GUI) in many bundles    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing a graphic application, with java, swt and osgi. The bundle A holds the application main window. Depending on the selection of the user, a different user interface must be ...

13. OSGi Bundle Repositories    stackoverflow.com

I am empirically testing OSGi Bundles and their relationships for this I need lots of bundles. Making these datasets is a difficult task. I already have Eclipse update (1700 Bundles) sites ...

14. Different osgi bundles with implementations of the same interface - where to place that inferface?    stackoverflow.com

I'm currently testing out osgi (Spring DM) on a new application. The application needs to be able to listen to file system events. Today I've solved this with a simple time ...

15. Netbeans and osgi bundle development    stackoverflow.com

I'm about to star an OSGI project using netbeans 6.8 and felix 2.0.4; can anybody provide me with tips and/or links to get started quickly ? Thanks in advance.

16. What's the difference between OSGI bundles and components?    stackoverflow.com

getting started with osgi, i wonder what's the conceptual diffence between bundles and components. And when to use which of them. Any pointers are welcome. EDIT: Components and Bundles provide different interfaces ...

17. Repackaging Jasper-Reports into an application specific OSGi bundle, legal or not?    stackoverflow.com

I wanted to ask (probably a silly) question regarding the packaging of existing open-source components as OSGi bundles (more specifically Jasper Reports). I have an application that I am converting from a ...

18. getting OSGI Bundle from Eclipse IConfigurationElement    stackoverflow.com

I am looking for extensions that implement a specific extension point, and am using the following acceptable method to do this: IExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = Platform.getExtensionRegistry(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { ...

19. Relative path from an OSGi bundle    stackoverflow.com

I have a updater bundle that lookups in a specific folder "bundle" and checks for new bundles to install and updates for currently installed bundles. Inside a parent directory, OSGi framework ...

20. Passing data to OSGI Bundles    stackoverflow.com

I don't know how far the discussion in this thread is still relevant, but I'm not able to read system properties from a Felix BundleActivator. Is this working for anybody out ...

21. Does Fuse ESB 4.2 have features(group of bundles) in it?    stackoverflow.com

when i see the avaliable commands on the karaf console.there is no "features:" commands. Are their only osgi bundles in 4.2 or did i download sumthing else @Claszen thank you for the answer ...

22. Installing several bundles from one source    stackoverflow.com

I'm using Apache Karaf as an OSGi container. Karaf have url wrapper which can install bundles directly from maven repository

> install mvn:com.farpost.billing/background-service/2.2-SNAPSHOT
Bundle ID: 139
All works just fine. But I want to ...

23. Question about loading DLL (using JNA) inside an OSGi bundle    stackoverflow.com

Currently I have the DLL files (rfid.dll;cpl.dll;rfidtx.dll;) at the root of my bundle. I make a Utility Bundle to hold the jna.jar, and export com.sun.jna, com.sun.jna.ptr as services. The Manifest for the ...

24. Access resources in another osgi bundle?    stackoverflow.com

I have created two OSGI bundles A and B using the eclipse Plug-in project wizard (using eclipse Helios). In the manifest file of bundle B I have added bundle A as ...

25. Run osgi bundle from command line    stackoverflow.com

I developed an OSGi bundle, which I usually test from Eclipse. Aftrer exporting the bundle, I get a bundle.jar file. I would like to be able to run the generated file ...

26. Finding files and folders in an OSGI Bundle    stackoverflow.com

I am writing test cases that have to be executed in osgi environment, i have put the test data which is a set of files in the test bundle. I am ...

27. Update OSGi bundle while starting    stackoverflow.com

I have several OSGi bundles, each of which can be updated from an OSGi Bundle Repository. When I start my OSGi framework (Apache Felix), I want the first bundle to start and ...

28. Managing team bundles    stackoverflow.com

We are moving our application to the OSGI platform (All developers are using Eclipse) and are trying to figure out the best team environment for developing our bundles. We have bundles from ...

29. Override Bundle classloader in OSGi?    stackoverflow.com

Is this possible somehow? I mean for my own bundle? Thank you Misha p.s. More specifically, I am interesting in having a class within my bundle (well, within a fragment) return my custom classloader from ...

30. Find the dependent bundles in Eclipse at runtime    stackoverflow.com

How can an Eclipse bundle (eg. within activator code) find the dependent Bundle instances at runtime? I would like to find the bundles that Eclipse has choosen to satisfy the dependency ...

31. How does OSGi bundle update work?    stackoverflow.com

When a bundle is updated (say to fix a bug), what happens to other bundles that are currently using the one being updated? Say that there are two bundles service and ...

32. How to install OSGi bundle in program distribution    stackoverflow.com

I have an application that I am converting to OSGi, and there are a couple of bundles that are required (for now). These are jars that are included in the program distribution. What ...

33. Is there a way for one bundle to get the Bundle instance for another bundle from a ServiceReference?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to create a bundle that watches service registrations and, depending on certain metadata embedded in the API bundle for the service interface, performs some additional tasks. The metadata ...

34. OSGI: is it possible to import a bundle only if it exists externally, otherwise use a local cut-down version?    stackoverflow.com

The problem I am facing is that an application is being deployed on an OSGi container that is maintained by a third party. There is some functionality in my bundle that ...

35. EclipseLink into OSGI Bundle persistence.xml not found    stackoverflow.com

I'm having some problem with EclipseLink. I'm using GlassFish v3.1 and I'm trying to use EclipseLink for my persistence layer. I followed all tutorials available on the Eclipse wiki without luck. ...

36. Installing stuff in Eclispe - No repository found "osgi.bundle"    stackoverflow.com

When I am installing stuff (paxRunner for example) in Eclipse RCP (Helios) sometimes I would get this error. Does anyone have any idea what it's about? I've googled and searched everywhere ...

37. how to get the image which is outside the OSGi bundle?    stackoverflow.com

In my project, we dynamically create some pictures, we put it into a folder "event". then we want to display those pictures through jsp page. but it does not work. before ...

38. guava osgi bundle download    stackoverflow.com

The guava-osgi project site says I can download the bundle from their repository but I don't see any usable bundles with classes there. Has anyone downloaded their ...

39. OSGi Application Patching Strategy    stackoverflow.com

What are appropriate mechanisms for patching an OSGi container.

      1) Should the bundles (binaries/jars) have the same name as the old ones then:

40. OSGi/BND: How to exclude classes from bundle generation?    stackoverflow.com

I have a bundle project (Eclipse) that has the following structure:

   Bundle source files here
   Bundle internal test cases
When I try to make the bundle I get ...

41. osgi HttpService register resource from outside of the bundle ( filesystem )    stackoverflow.com

I am using OSGI's HttpService to register my servlets and resources. To register resource I am using HttpService.registerResources(java.lang.String alias, java.lang.String name, HttpContext context) I have tested that "name" can take any relative path ...

42. OSGi bundle on status STARTED but not available until its restarted    stackoverflow.com

I have written a simple servlet that has been loaded onto an OSGi based web container. If I install the bundle it is going to status ACTIVE and I can see the ...

43. Eclipse bundle pooling, how can it be used?    stackoverflow.com

With P2 Eclipse has the option of using bundle pooling to reuse common bundle between applications, but what possibilities do I have with it? The example on the page lists ...

44. OSGi: Loading a super class with a different version than the child Class is statically wired to    stackoverflow.com

I have a situation: Class B in it's own Bundle (say Bundle-B-1.0.0). Class A is in Bundle-A.1.0.0) and the relationship between A and B is:

public class B extends A {

45. How to extend the BndTool Repository with additional bundles?    stackoverflow.com

I try to add the gemini blueprint bundles to the bndTool Repository. Unfortunately I could not find out how this works.
I have downloaded the Gemini Blueprint ...

46. No access to Bundle Resource/File (OSGi)    stackoverflow.com

at the moment i'm developing an OSGi based WebApp with Jetty and Equinox (see: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Tutorial/EclipseRT-Jetty-Starter-Kit). Everything ist fine so far but i can't get access to some files/resources of my ...

47. Managing access to OSGI bundles    stackoverflow.com

How can i control access to my bundles. I have a set of bunldes that expose packages through export in MANIFEST.MF. Packages exposed are supposed to be used only within my ...

48. Is separate OSGI bundles for api and implementation common practise?    stackoverflow.com

I have a class with dependencies which I want to hot deploy without restarting the dependencies. The class has an interface but there's only one concrete implementation. Initially I created a single ...

49. How do I access a file inside an OSGi bundle?    stackoverflow.com

I am new to OSGi and created an OSGi-bundle which I run in the Apache Felix OSGi-container. There is a file resource contained in the bundle, which I need to pass to ...

50. Best technique for getting the OSGi bundle context?    stackoverflow.com

Each bundle in my OSGi project has it's own BundleActivator, which I think is normal. This gets passed the current BundleContext, which is useful to have around for getting service references ...

51. Bundle gains unexplained requirement to different bundle when try to read XML    stackoverflow.com

This is an odd situation for me. We have a large project using OSGI and I'm modifying one of the bundles. Most of the changes work fine, except that ...

52. Any way to make a bundle required with Knoplerfish?    stackoverflow.com

Is there any way to abort the startup of Knoplerfish if a specific bundle fails to initialize? By default, a FrameworkErrorEvent is printed to the console and the framework continues to ...

53. No bundles specified     stackoverflow.com

Iam using OSGi frame work in eclipse(Equinox)for developing some application .Actually iam new to OSGi framework.while iam trying to run the program in eclipse using start commant (osgi> start)'No bundles speicified ...

54. OSGI: asking Framework to load class exported by a bundle without visiting each bundle's classloader?    stackoverflow.com

OK. So I have a org.osgi.framework.launch.Framework which I created programmatically in the following way.

framework = ServiceLoader.load(FrameworkFactory.class).iterator().next().newFramework(getFrameworkConfig());
installBundles(BUNDLES_PATH); // installs bundles from a directory, by searching BUNDLES_PATH recursively for JARs
What I want ...

55. How to set up connection pooling in an OSGi bundle?    stackoverflow.com

After many years of developing web applications for the Websphere platform, I have recently been looking at OSGi especially in connection with the RAP (RichAjayPlatform) project. In the past, I have been ...

56. Virgo problem: ClassNotFoundException for an exported class in a started bundle    stackoverflow.com

For some reason one of my bundles fails to load class from another:

[2011-09-08 10:57:55.574] Thread-2                 ...

57. How to perform XSLT Transformation with Java extension from within OSGi Bundle    stackoverflow.com

We are in the process of converting existing code to an OSGi environment. In one of our (yet to be) OSGi bundles we have code that perform an XSLT transformation. A ...

58. How is the OSGi bundle start level defined?    stackoverflow.com

How is the OSGi bundle start level defined? I am using Apache felix and would like to persist the start level across framework executions. I do not anticipate a need to change ...

59. How does the OSGi framework set the Bundle ID?    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to run OSGi framework (Equinox) in a main method. But each time I start the framework, when I print BundleContext.getBundles().length, it says the framework has only 1 Bundle installed ...

60. Importing resources from OSGi bundle    stackoverflow.com

With the import mechanism in OSGi, it is straightforward to import packages from another bundle. However, I have been unsuccessful in importing resources that exist in the "root" of the bundle. Is ...

61. Is there anyway to limit bundle version while updating?    stackoverflow.com

When I use update command in OSGi, the framework (Equinox) uses the file in update location in order to update the bundle. No matter if the bundle in the location has ...

62. The Activator X for bundle Y is invalid, caused by ClassNotFoundException: X    stackoverflow.com

When starting my OSGi application in eclipse, I get the following error:

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The activator org.pathvisio.sbgn.SbgnPlugin for bundle org.pathvisio.sbgn is invalid
    at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.loadBundleActivator(AbstractBundle.java:157)
    at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl.start(BundleContextImpl.java:751)

63. Bundles within a Bundle    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to implement a client-sever model using OSGi. the server application is the OSGi framework that is running in a computer and client applications connect to its console remotely and ...

64. How A Bundle can access OSGi output stream?    stackoverflow.com

Is there any way for a bundle to print an string in OSGi output stream? I mean like System.out.println("String");. Instead of this I want the bundle to print its strings in that ...

65. Access class of other OSGI bundle    stackoverflow.com

My project has two bundles, lets say Bundle A and Bundle B. Now Bundle A needs to access a class from Bundle B. How on earth can I do that? Thanks

66. How to start/stop bundles in OSGI based web application    stackoverflow.com

Usually we start/stop bundles via OSGI console, but for web application, how to do that once it's deployed in a container ? Regards, Setya

67. How can I retrieve Bundle given its symbolic name?    stackoverflow.com

Documentation for BundleContext says it lets you

  • Get the list of bundles installed in the Framework.
  • Get the Bundle object for a bundle.
However, there is no getBundle(String symbolicName) method, only getBundle(long id) ...

68. How to create a working OSGI bundle for Apache POI 3.8?    stackoverflow.com

My goal is to create an Excel 2007 document (XLSX) in an Eclipse RCP Environment (Excel 2003 is simple). I don't want to place the POI jars inside a /lib folder, ...

69. How do I "install" a log4j bundle?    stackoverflow.com

I've downloaded the code for an Eclipse plugin. The code uses log4j, but it doesn't just use it as a library (referred jar), but as a "bundle". So it doesn't compile ...

70. Projects not recognized as OSGi Bundles    forums.netbeans.org

71. Re: Projects not recognized as OSGi Bundles    forums.netbeans.org

72. OSGi Bundles list resources    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I have a bundle and I need to know list of resources in a particular folder. Previously this application was packaged as a jar file. So I simply created new jar file referencing the package, then getting enumeration of entries contained within. i.e. JarFile jar = new JarFile("thisjarFile.jar"); This worked fine, but as bundle, it does not work. How can ...