log « osgi « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Logging in Eclipse/OSGi plugins    stackoverflow.com

I am starting to develop an Eclipse plugin (technically, an OSGi plugin) and one of the first problems I've run into is that I can't seem to control the commons-logging output ...

2. Felix 'pref' bundle requires 'log version >=1.3', but D/L 'log' bundle version = 1.0    stackoverflow.com

the Felix download page shows Log bundle version 1.0.0 Preferences bundle version 1.0.2 But preferences requires log-bundle version >= 1.3 It just want to ...

3. OSGI LogService.log method does not work!    stackoverflow.com

I have the weirdest bug, when writting my LogHelper class. I am using org.osgi.service.log.LogService (with Apache Felix implementation). Now I can call the:

LogService.log(int level, String message)
with no problems, but when I try ...

4. OSGi DS: Why are exceptions thrown by binding methods only logged?    stackoverflow.com

Why is it spec to only log an exception thrown from a binding method? I would expect that the component would not activate in this case. How should exceptions thrown from binding methods ...

5. How to avoid duplicate framework events using framework listener and log reader?    stackoverflow.com

I am embedding Apache Felix in my application. I want to log framework events. In order to see framework events occurring early in the framework lifecycle, I register a ...

6. Logging for multiple OSGi bundles working together    stackoverflow.com

Working on an application which involves multiple OSGi bundles. SLF4j is the underlying logging framework. Do I need to configure the logger.properties separately for each bundle or is there any specific ...

7. Configure eclipse osgi log    stackoverflow.com

I am using eclipse osgi jar. How to redirect the log generated by osgi to a file? Whenever I start the osgi framework, it generates a log like 1317008078357.log. How to redirect ...

8. UTF-8 not supported message from logging subsystem, Fuse ESB 4.4    stackoverflow.com

I've upgraded my ServiceMix to Fuse ESB 4.4 compilation. I got, however, errors from logging system, which I can't find how to handle. The error message is:

Warning: encoding "UTF-8" not supported, using ...