plugin « osgi « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Limiting contributed extension point data between eclipse plugins

I have 2 eclipse plugins that I am building; let's call them plugin A and plugin B... Plugin A requires a license to run and Plugin B is free to the world. ...

2. Getting Bundle [] in Eclipse of all the bundles

I am writing an application that uses Equinox as my OSGi framework. I am trying to discover all of the bundles that are known at the time that my bundle ...

3. Is MEF OSGi for .NET?

I'm just trying to get my head around the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) at the moment and digging into a bit. I have an Eclipse background so ...

4. OSGi implementation for .NET

Is there work on implementing a .NET version of the OSGi plugin architecture (or something similar)? I have only found this paper, but no real library. Any pointers?

5. eclipse plugin not loading dll due to long path

I am building an eclipse plugin (a notes plugin, but its a eclipse plugin in the end). One of the plugins my plugin depends on needs to load a native dll. The ...

6. Eclipse New plugin project wizard can target eclipse versions, but where is this information saved

In Eclipse (3.3) if you start the New Plugin Project Wizard, the first page has a Target Platform, where you can target a version of eclipse. Is this information saved/used ...

7. Are externalised plugin.xml strings available to downstream plugins?

If I have plugin common, with plugin A and B as separate plugins/products, both depending on plugin common. In plugin common, I externalise the strings in plugin.xml, this gives me %bundle-vendor = ...

8. Can we contribute a new plugin.xml to ExtensionRegistry

I have a some additional xml files(containing standard eclipse extensions) that lie outside the bundle. Is there a way that I could contribute the extns/extnpoints in those files to the platform's ...

9. Java plugin framework choice

We're trying to determine how to implement a simple plugin framework for a service we are implementing that allows different types of calculators to be "plugged-in". After reading a number of ...

10. Can Eclipse 3.5 discover all bundles in the plugins dir?

Simple usecase: assemble an Eclipse product using simple scripts, just dumping bundles into the plugins dir. This used to work with 3.3 - with 3.5 it's broken: my application doesn't start ...

11. osgi-like framework without the import/export restrictions?

I like OSGi, but the import/export restrictions and the lack of context class loader creates havoc when trying to use 3rd party libraries (e.g., some libraries try to find file.xml in ...

12. Eclipse 3.5 customized with some plugins fails to start on target machine

i have been creating a customized Eclipse Version with some specific Plugins (CDT, AVR-Development) and after configuring and testing successfully on my machine, I zipped the eclipse-Folder and send it to ...

13. Eclipse add plugin development

I have installed Eclipse Helios. how can i add to it plug-in development functionallity (to be able to create OSGi bundles)

14. Launch plugin as OSGi

I changed my Java SE (right button click on project Configure -> Convert to Plug-in Projects) to plug -in, but when i try to run it - it run as Eclipse ...

15. NoClassDefFoundError exception while using external library in EMF plugin project

I'm working on a EMF project where I've created a ecore model from a mdl file. I created the corresponding gencore file and generated the code from the gencore file. While ...

16. Eclipse/OSGi class loading issue - java.lang.LinkageError when trying to load a plugin with two versions

In my Eclipse runtime, I have the following three plug-ins (file names simplified for better readability):

  • javax.wsdl.1.4.0.jar
  • javax.wsdl.1.5.1.jar
  • eclipse.wsdl.jar, which has a version restriction on the dependency: [1.4.0, 1.5.0)
The dependencies of my own plugin ...

17. How use AspectJ in Eclipse plugins

As mentioned in a previous question I am trying to check that all my ResultSet are closed. For that I want to use AspcetJ but after 1 day of hard ...

18. Picking bundle IDs for eclipse plugins

Consider an open source project hosted at github that publishes Eclipse plugins. Options:

  1. Buy a domain name and use it.
  2. com.github.something
  3. make something up and figure that it's not too likely that anyone else will pick ...

19. How does one build plugins containing Aspects with Buckminster and AspectJ?

I am using a headless version of Buckminster, v3.6. From what I had read, by updating to Eclipse 3.6, the PDE environment will build AspectJ projects, if you include certain ...

20. OSGi or URLClassLoader?

I have rather simple scenario: My aplication has core jar file that contains my application's logic. This core jar should dynamically watch folder at runtime and when plugin jar is dropped there ...

21. Eclipse Equinox, how to configure auto load the bundles in plugin folder

I've followed but it seems to be old and not valid. There is no such bundles as described org.eclipse.update.configurator_3.2.100.jar I tried with the org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator_1.0.200.v20100503, but doesn't ...

22. How do you debug a problem in the Activator of an Eclipse plug-in?

I am trying to follow an OSGi bundle tutorial ( It includes this method in the Activator class:

public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Starting ...

23. OSGI bundle Exception

Plz tell the solution for the below problem.when i am running the plug-in project in Eclipse Rcp Iam getting this type error.But I added Emulator bundle to plug-in project..How to ...

24. When an Activator class/"Bundle-Activator" is needed in plug-in and when it's not?

I've implemented "New Wizard" plug-in for my content-type. Tested it - it works. Then I've found that neither Bundle-Activator was declared, nor the Activator class was defined. The question is - when the Activator ...

25. bnd plugin for OSGI not working in Eclipse

I am using eclipse indigo release. I downloaded the bnd plugin (from When i try to right-click on a bnd file and do a 'Make bundle'; I am ...

26. Eclipse Plugin: Getting install location of source bundle

I am creating an IClasspathContainer that access an installed OSGi Bundle (Eclipse Plugin) withing eclipse. I get the IPath for the bundle by

    Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(pluginId);

27. How can I add an AdminPermission to my plugin?

I've created a RCP application with a plugin that requires to invoke the method Bundle.findEntries. In debugging mode (i.e., when I launch my app from eclipse) everything works correctly, but when ...