exception « restful « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. java rest web service RuntimeException WEB9033    stackoverflow.com

i'm developing a rest web service in java. i'm using htmlparser library on it. but when i try to run service i'm getting this exception. i can build it successfully. and org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean ...

2. WevDav example project in Apache Wink throws unsupported encoding exception    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to compile and run WebDav example project supplied as part of examples of Apache Wink project. I have successfully deployed the project into JBoss and can reach it ...

3. Interview Question - How to handle SOAP Based and REST based Exceptions    stackoverflow.com

Can some one provide a very specific and to the point answer for this question ?

4. Getting exception near DefaultHttpClient when i am trying to access restful wcf service in java.Here is my code    stackoverflow.com

Getting exception near DefaultHttpClient when i am trying to access restful wcf service in java.Here is my code:

public String rest(String SERVICE_URI){
    String a="";



5. ClassNotFound Exception when configuring RestEasy    stackoverflow.com

I'm having trouble while configuring RestEasy with Jboss 5.1GA. I have done everything that the installation manual says to do, Basically downloaded the restEasy zip, copied all the jars inside the ...

6. What do I return and how from a SOAP service?    stackoverflow.com

I am refactoring some SOAP and REST services. The SOAP services respond with the requested entity and nothing else. For example, a GET returns the XML representation of the ...

7. Apache asis2 REST JSON exception    forums.oracle.com