http « restful « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. HTTP Monitor Software (Monitor Web Services)

I'd like to monitor HTTP traffic to/from my PC so I can watch web services interaction. (SOAP and RESTful services) There seems to be a lot of different software ...

2. Centralized Logging for many Java Apps: Syslog vs JMS vs Http vs Local file

I what all my applications logs to be centralized (ideally in near real-time). We will use a Log4 Appender. Which one should I use:

  1. Send log event in a JMS Queue
  2. Syslog / ...

3. Overwrite HTTP method with JAX-RS

Today's browsers (or HTML < 5) only support HTTP GET and POST, but to communicate RESTful one need PUT and DELETE too. If the workaround should not be to use Ajax, ...

4. Generic Open Source REST Client?

I want a simple client that takes a few parameters (Method, URL, Parameters), makes an HTTP request, and shows me the results that were returned. A browser obviously can easily ...

5. Is it really possible to call HTTP PUT using prototype

I'm running JEE6 with glassfish v3 on NetBean6.9 and working on RESTful web service. I have jsp file which contains javascript function below. It basically read info from HTML input fields and convert ...

6. calling a wcf/soap method as an http get

Is there any way to enforce that a method call in soap based wcf is called as an HTTP get? I'm not sure if this would be handled on the client ...

7. JAX-RS --- How to return JSON and HTTP Status code together?

I'm writing REST web app (Netbean6.9, JAX-RS, Toplink-essential) and trying to return JSON and Http status code. I have code ready and working just to return JSON when HTTP GET Method is ...

8. Running SOAP and RESTful on the same URL

Say we have a website that responds to a host header "" Is is possible to have both SOAP and RESTful in this URL? That is, both of these are handled within the ...

9. Adding an HTTP RPC Service using webHttpBinding for an Existing SOAP Service implemented with WCF?

I've been told that adding an HTTP RPC web service given an existing SOAP web service implemented with WCF is as simple as adding a webHttpBinding and a couple of attributes. ...

10. Java HttpURLConnection: Content Length computation

I'm currently developing a library for the bitbucket issues RESTful API. I made good progress and now I'm going to tackle the section Updating an Issue which demands an ...

11. RESTFul Web Service type of framework on top of Http calls

We have a system wherein numerous retrieval/updation operations can be performed using making http calls. Now, am wondering if it would make sense to write a Web Service framework on top ...

12. Are all web services automagically restful web services?

Are all web services through HTTP and not SOAP automagically restful web services? I have been hearing the term "Restful web services" everywhere.. but ain't it simply a plain old "web service ...

13. Use Java to read from a REST service

I am trying to figure out how to read from a REST source that requires authentication and having no luck. I have this working fine using C# as follows:

HttpWebRequest request = ...

14. Service to upload/retrive pictures

I'm building a web and mobile phone application and they should both have access to a picture storage. Picture storage would store user's pictures. My idea is to have a service with ...

15. Return a JSONArray as an HTTP Entity

Summary: I want to return a JSONArray via an HTTP response. How do I do that? I am working on a problem where I was previously returning a JSON object, which was ...

16. Best way to define a webservice for others to implement and my software consume

We have a software that reads data from other third party websites, so far so good, but for each new website that we want to import data, we have to read ...

17. Tools for orchestration of web services

Let's say I have many web services (REST or normal HTTP request) and I want to define in which order they should be called. I want the order to be easily ...

18. Java proxy server which will monitor & log the traffic (HTTP, SOAP ,REST)

I basically want to set up a proxy server using Java which will capture the outgoing requests and the incoming response and dump it in a file. It should be able to ...

19. Youtube Oauth callback not working

I am using an URL like the following:
This gets redirected to:
After the user clicks allow access, YouTube directs the page to:
Why is the callback not working? Their API ...

20. Simple client-server application using HTTP/REST in Java

I need to write quickly a simple client-server application in Java that will do the following:

  • Remotely login a client application to a server application
  • Continuously read text data at the client
  • Post the ...

21. REST and uptake of http PUT/DELETE

Hi Leonard and Sam, I think I'm right in my understanding that proper use of the full set of HTTP Verbs is crucial to the REST model - Get for return resource, Delete for delete resource, Put for insert resource, Post for update resource? This all seems very sensible. However, what do you think about the continued low uptake of Put ...

22. RESTful client or HTTP client with DOM

23. HTTP Status 405 - Restful webservice

24. "Http 405 Method not allowed" while calling delete rest service method

I am trying to call DELETE method for my REST web service which I created using enuncaite. when I try to access get it's working fine .. but unable to access DELETE and POST methods.. please fine my service class below @Path("add/{id}") @GET public Persona readPersona(@PathParam ("id") String personaId); @Path("store") @POST public void storePersona(Persona persona); @Path("delete/{id}") @DELETE public Persona deletePersona(@PathParam("id") String ...