commonj « weblogic « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. How to map with weblogic 10.3 Work Manager

I am trying to use WorkManagers in Weblogic 10.3. I have defined work managers in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml. I declared a resource reference for in ejb-jar.xml with the res-ref-name same as the ...

2. CommonJ TimerManager versus EJB3 TimerService

I have to implement a simple (not clustered) timer for WebLogic and it seems there are two different 'standard' options

  • Timer and Work Manager API (CommonJ)
  • EJB3.0 TimerService
Does anyone have any advice on ...

3. How do I ignore stuck threads in a Weblogic Server

I've got the below code working on Weblogic Application Server 10.3.2. The long running task executed on timerExpired takes longer than the server wide StuckThreadMaxTime of 600 seconds. I do not ...