wicket 1 « wicket « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Minimum directory structure and ant build file contents for Java web app    stackoverflow.com

What is the minimal conventional directory structure for a Java web app? What do I need to put in a build.xml file to get ant to build it and make a ...

2. Wicket: How to implement an IDataProvider/LoadableDetachableModel for indexed lists    stackoverflow.com

What's the best way to implement an IDataProvider and a LoadableDetachable in Wicket for an indexed list? Suppose I have a Customer who has a list of Adresses.

class Customer {

3. What is the preferred way to do site templates and themes with Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

I'm just learning Wicket, and Googling yields different results about how to theme/template a site using Wicket. It appears that the common methods are:

4. Difference between Apache Tapestry and Apache Wicket    stackoverflow.com

Apache Wicket ( http://wicket.apache.org/ ) and Apache Tapestry ( http://wicket.apache.org/ ) are both component oriented web frameworks - contrary to action based frameworks like Stripes - by ...

5. Wicket on self written java based server    stackoverflow.com

Hey yall, I have a wicket- and also a server-related question: We built a little server with java (yeah, I know, why re-invent the wheel ... I got that a lot when ...

6. Problem in Wicket    stackoverflow.com

I have a page by name BranchMap that uses GoogleMap to show some building to user after he has logged in. the data was at first in protected(password required) situation (in CategoiresXML ...

7. Function Pointer in Java    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing a Login page in wicket by java and want to write it as general as possible so I need to pass to class a function which famous as Function ...

8. Apache and LGPL license compatibility    stackoverflow.com

I have a small pet project under development that uses both Apache Wicket and Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter. These are released under the Apache and LGPL licenses respectively. ...

9. Wicket: Openlayers Integration & Open Streetmaps Layer    stackoverflow.com

I want to include a open-street-map widget into my apache wicket application. Im using the wicket-contrib-openlayers component from wicket-stuff and the following code:

 List<Layer> layers = new ...

10. Wicket: Conditional display in Template    stackoverflow.com

Hy, I want to display a certain part (a div for example) of my wicket-template only under a certain condition (for example only if I have the data to fill it). The ...

11. Wicket: how to use the BodyTagAttributeModifier class?    stackoverflow.com

i'm trying to dynamically add the class attribute to the body tag, and i came across this class. but i can't seem to understand how to use this class. i have ...

12. apache wicket texfield null    stackoverflow.com

before call protected void onSubmit() { , what method is called by wicket? my texfield string loginName is null ,but if i close the ...

13. What is the purpose of using a distinct class for each tab in Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

The Wicket examples page for TabbedPanel (link) uses separate, distinct classes for each tab (TabPanel1, TabPanel2 and TabPanel3). Is there a reason to not just use three instances ...

14. Getting Nexus to download dependencies from a repository with no .index file    stackoverflow.com

I've just setup the latest version of Nexus for our company, and it's working great. We've added several 3rd party repositories, and one of them does not have an .index ...

15. Problematic Wicket RuntimeException    stackoverflow.com

I'm having trouble pinning down the cause of a RuntimeException in a Wicket application. I've set numerous breakpoints, but none are firing when I submit my form, only when the ...

16. Apache Wicket vs Apache Click    stackoverflow.com

What is the difference between Apache Wicket and Apache Click? Is Apache Click maintained? The latest release seems to be from Nov 2008 Thanks Achilleas

17. Stateless Apache Wicket stateless pages/requests    stackoverflow.com

So I was reading another question under the Wicket tag comparing Apache Wicket and Apache Click. A concise explanation, in my opinion. I am more familiar ...

18. Any existing Apache Wicket framework sample?    stackoverflow.com

I plan to use Wicket to build a web site with database storage. I haven't used Wicket before. Is there any sample framework I can start from?

19. Mixing Ext JS and Wicket    stackoverflow.com

I have a problem related to Wicket and Ext JS. I have a text field in Ext JS and I want to add a Wicket ID to it. In Ext JS, ...

20. How can I send email from a Wicket application?    stackoverflow.com

How can I send email from a Wicket application?

21. Wicket: Crash when opening ModalWindow (Popup)    stackoverflow.com

In a Wicket Panel i implemented a method called showAttentiePopup(AjaxRequestTarget) which shows an ModalWindow popup screen. This method works fine when i call it from the same Panel. But when I ...

22. Wicket examples' SignInExample not working in IE8 on first attempt    stackoverflow.com

I'm basically duplicating the 'authentication' Wicket example from v1.4.x in SVN. It works fine in FireFox and Chrome but not in IE8. When in IE8, after I click the submit button, it ...

23. In Wicket, what is the difference between the different get input methods?    stackoverflow.com

What is the difference between getRawInput, getValue() and getModelValue() etc...?

24. What's the easiest way to implement background downloading in Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

I've got a simple Wicket form that lets users select some data and then download a ZIP file (generated on the fly) containing what they asked for. Currently the form button's ...

25. How do you manually set a RadioGroup value in wicket?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to change the selected radio button in a Wicket RadioGroup during an AjaxEventBehavior but can't figure out how to do so. Specifically when a user types some text ...

26. How do you make a link inside a PropertyColumn in Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

I successfully made an AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable, but I want to make the contents of the cells links. How do I do this with Apache Wicket?

27. RadioGroup getValue does not return correct slected value    stackoverflow.com

I'm running into a small issue with RadioGroup. My RadioGroup has possible values, true and false. The Radio types I have in my radiogroup use a Model that ...

28. Examples of Wicket ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn?    stackoverflow.com

I'd really like some kind of filter I can use on my AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable. It seems that I may be able to implement that with a ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn, however I cannot seem ...

29. Wicket application + Apache + mod_jk - AJP queues are filling up!    stackoverflow.com

We are having a Wicket-based Java application deployed in a production server cluster using Apache (2.2.3) with mod_jk (1.2.30) as load balancing component w/ sticky session and Jboss 5 as application container for ...

30. How do you get the selected items in a Wicket ListMultipleChoice?    stackoverflow.com

I'm using a ListMultipleChoice component in wicket and I want to get the selected items. It seems that isSelected is protected so I cannot use it. How do I ...

31. Wicket - runtime class reloading    stackoverflow.com

I have classical complaint - rebuilding and reloading the web app takes too long. I want to compile the classes (preferrably from the IDE) or change a static file and let ...

32. What are the key benefits when upgrading from Wicket 1.3.7 to 1.4.9?    stackoverflow.com

I am thinking about migrating a larger WebApp from 1.3.7 to the latest stable Wicket version. As some basic things have changed with version 1.4, this will be quite some effort. Apart from ...

33. Which companies/websites are using the wicket framework?    stackoverflow.com

I am currently evaluating wicket for the use of a rich intranet application, and I am very curious if there are big projects/websites which take the use of the apache wicket ...

34. where to start, if i want to learn Java and wicket framework    stackoverflow.com

I am a C/C++ programmer with moderate experience in desktop application. (no web development). now I would like to move to web development. and I am considering Java and Wicket framework. ...

35. How to integrate CMS to existing web site    stackoverflow.com

I try to solve problem with integration some CMS to existing web app. Web app is based on java (basic 3-layered architecture). UI layer is based on Apache Wicket framework. Our web app is ...

36. Set the timeout value in Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

How do you set the timeout value in Wicket without using the web.xml file; I am not using one. My project uses bookmarkable pages which I think prevent the session ...

37. Is it difficult to make a mainly stateless web application with Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

I've been working with Wicket for month or two now, making simple web applications with it and getting used to models and so forth. Now I'd like to move forward and ...

38. log4j.properties being ignored    stackoverflow.com

I have a Java EE 6 Wicket application deployed with maven using IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.3 on glassfish v3.0.1. I use slf4j-log4j12-1.5.6 with slf4j-api-1.5.8 and log4j-1.2.16 for logging. It was previously working ...

39. Apache Wicket - wicket-auth-sessions - Prevent multiple signins    stackoverflow.com

I'm using wicket-auth-roles, and in particular 'AuthenticatedWebApplication' to secure pages in my wicket application. I would like to disallow users from signing in from multiple locations with the same login. Currently ...

40. Wicket framework adoption    stackoverflow.com

I am new to Wicket framework, I have seen many good reviews on this framework. I would like to know how is the adoption rate for Wicket compared to other frameworks ...

41. Why does my PageableListView & PagingNavigation not work?    stackoverflow.com

I try to use a PageableListView with PagingNavigation. From the examples that looks quite easy, but I can't get it to work. I always get the following error message:

The ...

42. Wicket: How to add link address in runtime    stackoverflow.com

Does somebody know how can I dynamically add link address in Wicket?

43. AOP or APT for overriding methods from super classes    stackoverflow.com

I have a large library of wicket components that are annotated with a custom annotation @ReferencedResource or another annotation @ReferencedResources, that has a ReferencedResouce[] value() parameter to allow multiple annotations. Here is ...

44. How do I use Dependency Injection with wicket?    stackoverflow.com

How do I convert the following example to use one of the wicket/IOC integration packages? I want to learn and understand the DI/IOC pattern. I have read a lot about it, but ...

45. Generating commented-out content with Wicket    stackoverflow.com

For debug reasons, and on a whim, I'd like to include certain information in a Wicket page's HTML output that is enclosed in HTML comments. The output would be something like...

<!-- ...

46. How to type into input field with WicketTester?    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing a unit test for a Wicket WebPage. I want to fire up a page, type into a field, click a link, and then make some assertions. Looking at the API ...

47. How to get a specific attribute from a object list?    stackoverflow.com

I've an array keeping a list of "Group" objects. I want to set this list to the dropdownchoice component. However I want to show the end user only the name attribute ...

48. Wicket or Playframework?    stackoverflow.com

I'm totally new to Java web development and I would like to choose a good Java web framework to learn. I've found some really good echoes regarding the Apache ...

49. Wicket 1.5 compared to 1.4    stackoverflow.com

What are the wicket 1.5 new features in short as compared to the most recent 1.4 release? The first release candidate will be released very soon. We're thinking about the introduction of ...

50. Optimizing file search    stackoverflow.com

I have a large ( around 10 000) database of people. These people can input standard information and upload documents (pdf, .doc & .docx). When I do a freetext search, it searches ...

51. Apache wicket is it good technology for public sites?    stackoverflow.com

If I want to create site which would be great as PUBLIC SITE, which would be good indexed by Google with human readable paths in http-get requests, fast in runtime and ...

52. Code change reloading in Wicket    stackoverflow.com

I've started to work with Wicket. When I make changes to the HTML templates, that becomes visible right away. But when I make changes to the code, I need to ...

53. How to use YUI calendar in Java Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

My question is not so hard, i think. But it does not change the fact that i dont know how to do it :) Anyway, how can i use yui calendar ...

54. Open source social site written by Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

I am investigating the Wicket's open source community. Is there any open source social site (i.e., friending, messaging, authentication, threaded discussion...) written by Java's Wicket framework and with ajax UI? Thank ...

55. Apache Wicket exposes internal attributes    stackoverflow.com

I just tried the Apache Wicket "Hello, world" application and I noticed that in the rendered HTML output, Wicket is exposing it's internal attributes. This is what the rendered HTML looks like ...

56. How can I see stack traces for my Wicket app?    stackoverflow.com

I am new to Wicket and working on an existing project. How do I see the stack trace from Wicket on the UI? Currently I see the following:

Internal error

57. wicket wicket:link    stackoverflow.com

I am trying out the following example. ChangeTextOnClick.html works fine as it is in the same dir as the file that contains the following snippet (WicketLink.html). But HelloWorld.html does not work ...

58. How to dynamically change required to false    stackoverflow.com

I'm new to Wicket. Can someone please tell me how to dynamically set required to false? Here is my code:

AjaxButton cancel=new AjaxButton("cancel"){
    public void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form form){

59. Which is the easy way to build login/registration/admin area type website in java    stackoverflow.com

I am php programmer but i am learning java now. i have finished the core java and build small projects using jdbc , mysql gui etc. Now my boss wants to build ...

60. TextArea renders apostrophes(and speech marks) incorrectly    stackoverflow.com

I'm pretty new to Wicket. Could someone please tell me why speech marks and apostrophes get rendered by a textarea as a bunch of numbers and a # sign? Here ...

61. Integrating Real Time Messaging Protocol with Wicket    stackoverflow.com

I am designing my web project by Wicket. There I want to add web cam video capturing facility. I have Recorder.swf which records the video and save in rtmp and Player.swf ...

62. This null pointer is really annoying me-please help!    stackoverflow.com

Can anyone help me with the following null pointer exception issue please:

AjaxButton viewResult = new AjaxButton("test"){
    protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target,Form form){

63. Webcam Video Recording In Wicket Application    stackoverflow.com

I want to place a video recorder and player in my wicket application. Can any one tell me how can I do this? Thank you.

64. How can I install the Wicket framework?    stackoverflow.com

How can I install the Wicket framework? Please guide me!

65. Wicket: getModelObject returns null    stackoverflow.com

I am in trouble with getModelObject. It is returning null. Actually the model concept is not clear to me. The code is:

public class SpaceCheckListWindow extends WebPage {
private SpaceCheckListForm spaceCheckListForm;
private Page parentPage;
private ...

66. on wicket's continueToOriginalDestination() method    stackoverflow.com

what is the link between backbutton and continueToOriginalDestination(). method. how to keep url saved for continueToOriginalDestination() method while clcking browsers back button.

67. Wicket: Close ModalWindow on keypress    stackoverflow.com

I would like to be able to close a ModalWindow when the user presses a key, in my case ESC. I have a Javascript listener for the keypress which calls the click ...

68. Business logic in wicket, where are some recommended places to put logic (on load logic)    stackoverflow.com

So, I see this question asked but I will a little bit more code: Where is the best place to put code to initialize the model before a page renders. I know ...

69. Is it possible to create an offline application with Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to make an offline application using Wicket? If so, would it be necessary to use another tool/framework (Gears, Spring, etc)?

70. Integrating Apache Wicket with Jython    stackoverflow.com

I am new to web development, but quite familiar with both Java and Python. In my beginning experiments with web development using Java, I discovered Apache Wicket; around the same time ...

71. Wicket Contrib Examples Source-Code    stackoverflow.com

Is there any source code available over internet for the Wicket Contrib Examples - cdapp? Thank you.

72. Wicket table with variable number of columns    stackoverflow.com

I've been creating tables by adding a ListView (providing it with my data as a List<MyObject>) to the page, and assigning the corresponding ids to each column in the html file. However ...

73. What are the disadvantages of Apache Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

I've read a lot about the good things about Apache Wicket, but it's hard to find the bad things. Since no framework is always the right solution for every ...

74. Is there a way to load multiple application properties files in Apache Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

My WicketApplication.properties file has grown very large, and now to keep it more readable I want to categorize properties in different files. Is there a way to accomplish that and still ...

75. Wicket- RequiredFieldValidator for AjaxEditableLabel    stackoverflow.com

At first I want to say, although RequiredFieldValidator is used in .NET but I use this term for wicket as I want to mean a Label (color: red and text: *) ...

76. Is there an activity indicator in Wicket?    stackoverflow.com

I'll make this short: Is there a way / library in Wicket to show an activity indicator? You know, the spinning thing that moves while the user is waiting for something, or ...

77. Is it possible to change the color of Wicket's activity indicator?    stackoverflow.com

Situation: I'm working with Wicket's IndicatingAjaxButton. I have the button set up on a page with black background. When the user pushes the button, the button's activity indicator goes off and ...

78. See if HeaderContribution or ResourceReference exists in Wicket    stackoverflow.com

When using CSSPackageResource.getHeaderContribution(ResourceReference) or JavascriptPackageResource.getHeaderContribution(ResourceReference) is there a way to see if the css or JavaScript file actually exist before calling add?

79. Define own feedback messages in Wicket    stackoverflow.com

How do I define my own feedback messages in Wicket? For example: if I give an incorrect username, I want to get an error message like "The user name in incorrect, try ...

80. What is the most efficient way to develop Java webapps? Or to be more specific, say Wicket apps?    stackoverflow.com

this is my first time to post a question here, I will try to make my question as clear as possible. I try to find a best process to develop Java webapps. ...

81. Use of IChoiceRenderer    stackoverflow.com

In wicket IChoiceRenderer for DropDownChoice is used like :

IChoiceRenderer renderer = new IChoicerRenderer() {
    public Object getDisplayValue(Object object) {
        return ((Country) ...

82. AbstractReadonlyModel in wicket Framework    stackoverflow.com

package org.apache.wicket.examples.ajax.builtin;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
import org.apache.wicket.model.AbstractReadOnlyModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;
import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel;

 * Linked select boxes example
 * @author Igor Vaynberg (ivaynberg)
public class ...

83. Wicket: “large memory footprint!â€?, "Does Wicket scale?".. etc    stackoverflow.com

Wicket uses the Session heavily which could mean “large memory footprint� (as stated by some developers) for larger apps with lots of pages. If you were to explain to a bunch ...

84. renderHead is not called    stackoverflow.com

I have a class CloakDecorator which implements IAjaxCallDecorator and IHeaderContributor:

public class CloakDecorator implements IAjaxCallDecorator, IHeaderContributor {

    private static final ResourceReference INDICATOR = new ResourceReference(CloakDecorator.class, ...

85. How do I mimic HybridUrlCodingStrategy in Wicket 1.5?    stackoverflow.com

We have an existing Java Wicket 1.4 application which uses the HybridUrlCodingStrategy extensively:

mount(new HybridUrlCodingStrategy("/myurl", MyPage.class));
This results in our URL's looking like:
I would like to maintain this URL format in Wicket 1.5, ...

86. extend WebApplication or extend SpringWebApplication Difference    stackoverflow.com

This is my question. I search Internet but no luck. Thanks and Regards.

87. wicket onrendered values    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
session handling for request object in wicket framework
1) i have added an element in request object(html page given below, i need to get/read ...

88. ModalWindow does not work properly in Opera    stackoverflow.com

The ModalWindow does not work properly in Opera. Window content is not displayed but the browser's error page is displayed The browser says "Internal communication error: Check that the address is ...

89. Wicket and the 'constructor calls overridable method' PMD warning    stackoverflow.com

We've been avoiding this PMD warning by moving most of our constructor code into onInitialize(). But are we just moving the problem (design flaw?) into a difference place? i.e. is our ...

90. wicket issue unable to move items from one listmultiplechoice another    stackoverflow.com

I have a Wicket Panel,it has 2 text fields adjacent to each other and 2 ListMultipleChoice controls adjacent to each other and 2 buttons "add and remove" in between 2 these ...

91. Dynamically add links into String in Wicket    stackoverflow.com

I have a string (user message) and I would like to find (using regexp) special codes in it and replace them with links. (For example, @user will be replaced with <a ...

92. Wicket/Java UI framework Development    stackoverflow.com

I am quite used to creating user interfaces with HTML/CSS/JS. However, I am working on a JAVA application that utilizes Wicket. Can anyone point to me anything that shows how to create ...

93. Change style of Wicket Wizard extension    stackoverflow.com

how can change the style (css) of the Wicket extension Wizard (org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard)? Is there a common way? Thanks

94. java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList    stackoverflow.com

I am running Junit test, getting error: GroupOptionInputPanelTest.java:

public void setUp() {           
        groupOptionInputPanel = new ...

95. Create info bubble in wicket?    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to create info bubbles in wicket. I would imagine for instance a ? as a small round image and when hovered-over, it would pop out a bubble ...

96. Wicket - SetResponsePage callback not firing    stackoverflow.com

I'm writing my first wicket app , and ran into my first road-block today . Here's the problem . I have a page which contains an AjaxSubmitLink . In it's onSubmit event ...

97. Dynamic host-based mount on Wicket    stackoverflow.com

I have an unusual requirement for Wicket. I chose Wicket because I will make my website design-centric and it's URL-mounting features are simply the best for SEO. Unfortunatelly, I found a ...

98. How can I reuse code when two different wicket applications share common functionality    stackoverflow.com

I have a Wicket AuthenticatedWebApplication which has several pages and features that need to be reused in a new AuthenticatedWebApplication that I have to develop. I am using Wicket 1.4, Spring and ...

99. What are ResourceReferences in Wicket, and how do they work?    stackoverflow.com

I have seen examples containing things like this:

mountSharedResource("/images/logo.gif", new ResourceReference(ImageScope.class,

  Application.class.getName() + "/" + resourceKey);
But the Javadoc says this for the constructor:
ResourceReference(java.lang.Class<?> scope, java.lang.String name);
So when you create ...

100. Wicket: pattern for specifying global application properties    stackoverflow.com

I have several properties related to the configuration of my app that I'd like place into a single file, in order to centralize configuration. The source for this app will be ...