URL « wsdl « Java Enterprise Q&A

1. Axis 2 java2wsdl creates different wsdl than JBoss shows in the ?wsdl URL    stackoverflow.com

I'm refactoring the way the client code for a bottom-up web service is built. The existing build creates the Java client code by using a deployment of the web service ...

2. Issue with Incorrect URLs in the WSDL of a .NET Web Service    stackoverflow.com

We have installed an ASP.NET web site on a client's server. This site has a web service with a couple of web methods that are called by a Flash object ...

3. JAX-WS: [java] java.io.IOException: WSDL2Java emitter timed out (this often means the WSDL at the specified URL is inaccessible)    stackoverflow.com

I have a client service utilizing wsdls and xsd's to talk to a service. Problem is when I try to compile and convert java to wsdl I keep on getting this ...

4. Impossible to yield classes from wsdl file made with contents of URL, but works with original wsdl file    stackoverflow.com

I'm having extremely painful difficulties to have wsimport working to generate my client classes, as per the following method: 1/ I open my endpoint/URL in a web browser, 2/ I copy-paste the contents of ...

5. How can I add a web reference without the web service URL?    stackoverflow.com

Basically, I have a regenerated wrapper code for a web service that I need to use; when I run this, it works perfectly and receives the data from web service. How can ...

6. Is it possible to call WSDL method just by calling some url from browser?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to call WSDL (bacikHTTPbinding) method just by calling some url from browser?

7. Problem in accessing wsdl from URL(http) from bpel    stackoverflow.com

HI, I want to access wsdl file that is imported in bpel definition, can i do that or i will have to create local copy and then use it? Because whenever it run ...

8. How often the WSDL URL should be read?    stackoverflow.com

Just once to get the address location and use it forever? Every time a call is made? Or some time in between?

9. JBossWS change wsdl url    stackoverflow.com

I have a web application deployed on JBoss 5.1.0 with a couple of webservices. When i use the JBossWS console to see the registered service endpoints, all my webservices follow the same ...

10. wsdl service tag multiple url's    stackoverflow.com

can i specify 2 locations for a single portType operation in the service tag ? Basically this means that the client would call say url1 if it supports soap binding and ...

11. wsdlsoap:address has http while the URL itself is in https; so, is it http or https?    stackoverflow.com

For confidential reasons, I cannot post the actual wsdl on this question for people to see it for themselves. Here is the scenario, I have this web service written in ...

12. How to supply locally running wsdl URL to online wsdl validators    stackoverflow.com

This is my ipconfig details under command propmt .

 IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
 Subnet Mask . . . . . . ...

13. Class Not found exception for the wsdl url while running WSDL2JAVA tool using Axis 1.4 jar files    stackoverflow.com

I am trying the following command

java -classpath "C:\Rajiv\Tools\axis-1_4\lib\axis.jar":"C:\Rajiv\Tools\axis-1_4\lib\commons-discovery-0.2.jar":"C:\Rajiv\Tools\axis-1_4\lib\commons-logging-1.0.4.jar":"C:\Rajiv\Tools\axis-1_4\lib\jaxrpc.jar":"C:\Rajiv\Tools\axis-1_4\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar":"C:\Rajiv\Tools\axis-1_4\lib\saaj.jar":"C:\Rajiv\Tools\axis-1_4\lib\wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar" org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java 'http://server-name:8080/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2?wsdl'
to generate java stubs out of the WSDL url. But getting the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 'http://server-name:8080/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2?wsdl' Caused by: ...

15. How to control the WSDL url and Servive End Point URL flexibly and independently?    forums.netbeans.org

Hello, I'm trying out Netbeans to make a WebServices client for our WebServices application. I have difficulty finding out how and where I can set the endpoint of the service. I ...

16. How to control the WSDL url and Servive End Point UR L flexibly and independently?    forums.netbeans.org

https://jax-ws.dev.java.net/faq/index.html#dynamic_address -----Original Message----- From: jjbrunia [mailto:address-removed] Sent: Wednesday, 8 April 2009 2:15 PM To: address-removed Subject: [nbj2ee] How to control the WSDL url and Servive End Point URL flexibly and independently? ...

17. Read WSDL from URL and save to a file using ant    forums.netbeans.org

I have been banging my head trying to do a simple thing: read a WSDL file from its URL address and then save it as a fille. Preferably using ant. The ...

18. WSDL URL    forums.netbeans.org

Hello, I have a project on a remote server. I have created web service class and deployed it. But when testing i see localhost:8080 in wsdl url in a browser rather than remote server's address. I searched for wsdl file to change soap address, but no wsdl file is generated. I dont know how this tester application works in glassfish..where it ...

19. Service URL in WSDL changes    forums.netbeans.org

Hi, I have a client for which I have produced a SOAP WS which has been deployed and is working successfully. However, they have noticed that the URL contained in the WSDL for the service address changes for no apparent reason, to be located at "localhost:8080" instead of the deployed server location - the rest of the URL remaining unchanged. They ...

20. Webservices URL in wsdl - configurable?    coderanch.com

Hi, I am writing a web services client to access an external web service for some data.The URI always seems to be part of the supplied wsdl file, given to us by the external company. Is there any way, I can programmatically set this URI in my web services client,especially the IP address and the port number? Is it possible make ...

21. Axis Error while retreiving Wsdl from url    coderanch.com

Hi, I have deployed web service in Tomcat. When I try to retreive the wsdl from the url, I get the message... ------------------ AXIS error Could not generate WSDL! There is no SOAP service at this location ------------------ For example when i try to access the url say http:\\myhost:8080\webservices\services, I am able to see the names of services deployed.... But when ...

22. Disable wsdl url in Axis 1.4    coderanch.com

Hi all, I've looked quite some time for the following and am convinced that i'm looking for a solution in the wrong place. I would like to disable the rendering of the wsdl for my webservice that one might trigger when using the ?wsdl parameter in the url. Now i've tried quite some options in the wsdd.config file but can't figure ...

23. Problems with WSDL url using NetBeans    coderanch.com

25. copied wsdl from url to file won't work    coderanch.com

I am using wsdl2java from axis 1.4 to generate java classes (wsdl at bottom of message). The wsdl is at a remote location. However when I copy the wsdl into a file and attempt to generate the classes of that I am getting all sorts of namespace errors. Can anyone tell me why apparently the same wsdl from a URL is ...

26. generated WSDL through wsgen and REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL    coderanch.com

Hi! Etienne Gauthier wrote:Hum, not that wrong the 'wsdlLocation' attribute of the @WebService annotation is marked as ' Not currently used by JAX-WS RI 2.2.1 '. And currently, using some annotation like this one: @WebService(name = "DepartmentService", wsdlLocation = "${testWS.wsdlLocation}") Doesn't change the generated soap:address. It remains: 'REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL' in the generated WSDL Etienne The wsdlLocation specifies the location of an existing ...

27. URL inside an WSDL file    coderanch.com

I am a newbie to web services programming (and actually a newbie to java also). I am currently writing a simple web service client and server. The only requirement documentation available is a WSDL file. There are several URLs inside the WSDL file (e.g. targetNamespace="http://namespaces.unmz.cz/csn369791"; xs:schema xmlns="http://namespaces.unmz.cz/csn369791"; soap:address location="http://spoc-server/SPOC/". Which of the above is related to (and should follow) the URL ...

28. sample wsdl urls exposed    coderanch.com

29. How to get Public domain / Webserver URL on WSDL    coderanch.com

Hi All, I am trying to deploy a webservice on clustered weblogic server setup. The problem is whenever I install the webservice, the WSDL takes the ip address of that particular node. Due to this every node has a WSDL with each having different ip which fails the purpose of my clustering. What I would like to have is that I ...

31. Any public wsdl url?    coderanch.com

Hi Aditya, Thanks for reply. I got it, the problem was I did searched google for known WSDL's, when I try to open WSDL in browser, it always returned the description of the web service. If I open the same WSDL in different PC, it returns WSDL XML definition. That was the thing confusing me so I thought may be something ...