BufferedInputStream « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. How do I peek at the first two bytes in an InputStream?    stackoverflow.com

Should be pretty simple: I have an InputStream where I want to peek at (not read) the first two bytes, i.e. I want the "current position" of the InputStream to stil ...

2. Should I use DataInputStream or BufferedInputStream    stackoverflow.com

I want to read each line from a text file and store them in an ArrayList (each line being one entry in the ArrayList). So far I understand that a BufferedInputStream writes ...

3. Java BufferedReader for zero-terminated strings    stackoverflow.com

I need to read zero-terminated strings from InputStream in Java. Is there similar to BufferedReader.readLine() method for reading zero-termianted strings?

4. How do i input a string from a buffered reader?    stackoverflow.com

Im used too using Scanner mainly and want too try using a buffered reader: heres what i have so far

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class IceCreamCone 
// variables
String flavour;
int numScoops;
Scanner flavourIceCream = new Scanner(System.in);

// ...

5. how to tune BufferedInputStream read()?    stackoverflow.com

I am reading a BLOB column from a Oracle database, then writing it to a file as follows:

    public static int execute(String filename, BLOB blob)


6. Java: downloading issue using BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream    stackoverflow.com

When downloading a rar file from the internet with the code below, the downloaded file is larger than it actually is. Not sure what causes this?


7. Should I always wrap an InputStream as BufferedInputStream?    stackoverflow.com

Does it make sense to always wrap an InputStream as BufferedInputStream, when I know whether the given InputStream is something other than buffered? For e.g:

InputStream is = API.getFromSomewhere()
if(!(is instanceof BufferedInputStream))

8. Usage of BufferedInputStream    stackoverflow.com

Let me preface this post with a single caution. I am a total beginner when it comes to Java. I have been programming PHP on and off for a ...

9. Many nested BufferedInputStream's - what's the impact?    stackoverflow.com

There's a common pattern, when each layer of application, dealing with data from a stream tends to wrap it into a BufferedInputStream, so that at a whole, there's a lot of ...

10. BufferedInputStream isn't marking    stackoverflow.com

A BufferedInputStream that I have isn't marking correctly. This is my code:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    byte[] b = "HelloWorld!".getBytes();
    BufferedInputStream bin ...

11. Missing and unexpected chars in reading a large input stream using BufferedInputStream in java    stackoverflow.com

I have to do read an Large InputStream comming from a URL. I loaded the InputStream to the BufferedInputStream and read it to a byte[ ] and I append that ...

12. Seeking out the optimum size for BufferedInputStream in Java    stackoverflow.com

I was profiling my code that was loading a binary file. The load time was something around 15 seconds. The majority of my load time was coming from the methods that ...

13. bufferedinputstream help    stackoverflow.com

I saw the following code somewhere and I'm confused by the (ry-'0') part. what does that do? bis is a buffered input stream and the input is a line of multiple ...

14. Can calling available() for a BufferedInputStream lead me astray in this case?    stackoverflow.com

I am reading in arbitrary size file in blocks of 1021 bytes, with a block size of <= 1021 bytes for the final block of the file. At the moment, I ...

15. Can I close/reopen InputStream to mimic mark/reset for input streams that do not support mark?    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to read java.io.InputStream multiple times starting from the top of the stream. Obviously for streams that return true to markSupported() I can try and use mark(availableBytes) and then reset() to ...

16. Java Downloading Flood Prevention    stackoverflow.com

currently I have a java downloader that downloads a .zip file and uncompresses it, however the host has an 8mb download speed limit. So due to bandwidth issues if more then ...

17. Java: Issue with available() method of BufferedInputStream    stackoverflow.com

I'm dealing with the following code that is used to split a large file into a set of smaller files:

FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(this.fileToSplit);

18. Adding characters to beginning and end of InputStream in Java    stackoverflow.com

I have an InputStream which I need to add characters to the beginning and end of, and should end up with another variable of type InputStream. How could I easily do ...

19. Downloading with BufferInputStream not working properly    stackoverflow.com

The following code doesn't work to download a file (btw clen is file's length):

    int pos = 0, total_pos = 0;
    byte[] buffer = new ...

20. Optimization of CMOD-ODWEK code for bulk retrieval    stackoverflow.com

I have written a code to perform bulk retrieval operation which will retrieve the .afp files and .res files separately. The retrieved .afp files and .res files are then concatenated using ...

21. I/O BufferedInputStream    coderanch.com

I have trouble using BufferedInputStream. I'm trying to read the int I just have written to the file. Is the code OK? I get the error text: IOException in DataFiles: java.io.EOFException java.io.EOFException at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt(DataInputStream.java:343) at FileBuff.main(FileBuff.java:27) Something wrong with the file (just a text file) or with the readInt()? FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("../buff.txt"); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos); DataOutputStream dos ...

22. BufferedInputStream(Very Uregent)    coderanch.com

How big was b.length? I bet it's 0. You can't rely on available to tell you how many bytes are going to be read from the stream. It only tells how many bytes "can be read without blocking". The base InputStream.vvailable() always returns 0 (that is, it always has to block to get the next byte). BufferedInputStream.available() reports how many bytes ...

23. BufferedInputStream.read method    coderanch.com

Please take a look at the code below. I am trying to use the the BufferedInputStream.read method to read in an image, but it keep erroring out on the last read rather then reading the remaining bytes and returning that number. I can't figure out why the method isn't working. I have worked around it by reading a byte at a ...

24. What exactly is BufferedInputStream or BufferedOutputStream    coderanch.com

hello friends, What is buffered stream? How is that useful. Speaking about a fileinputstream it can be said that it is a useful thing but how can the buffered stream help us. is it stored somewhere in the primary memory so that the access to this stream will be fast unlike the file which is stored on the hard disk and ...

25. Read from BufferedInputStream    coderanch.com

Hi, I've got a JSP page which has to read the html code returned by a URL as it contains a certain number of parameters which I must use for further processing. I have the following code so far: URL url = new URL("myurl"); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); Probably something really simple this but how do ...

26. BufferedInputStream vs BufferedReader    coderanch.com

Other than bytes vs text... What is 'better'? Is a BufferedReader faster/more efficient than a BufferedInputStream? If I was using a BufferedInputStream to read one line worth of bytes from a file, would that be slower than just using the readLine in the BufferedReader? Not clear on the benefit. Thanks. (probably could of been put in Performance forum. Coin toss. Sorry) ...

27. new BufferedInputStream(new RandomAccessFile()) dosent work ..why?    coderanch.com

Though it may seem counterintuitive, RandomAccessFile is not a File, nor does it extend File. It performs many of the tasks a File does, but it encapsulates the read/write methods by implementing DataInput/Output directly, rather than having you wrap it with streams. Take a look at the JavaDocs for the class and you'll see how you can use it. The JavaDocs ...

28. BufferedInputStream    coderanch.com

Hi, I am just trying to understand how the following code works: BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); byte[] buf = new byte[6 * 1024]; int byteRead; while ((byteRead = is.read(buf)) != -1) { output.write(buf, 0, byteRead); } how exactly does the BufferedInputStream write to an array of bytes ? a byte only has 8 bits but a character has 16 ...

29. BufferedInputStream mark() method    coderanch.com

30. Performance improvement beyond BufferedReader & BufferedInputStream    coderanch.com

Hi Ranchers, Is there a way to improve performance of File I/O in java beyond using BufferedReaders and BufferedInputStreams? I have to write a piece of code which searches for some string in a bunch of text and binary files. I have written this using BufferedReader for reading text files and BufferedInputStream for binary files. Typically I read these files in ...

31. BufferedReader and BufferedInputStream    coderanch.com

Hi everyone. I'm currently troubleshooting my java program, I'm trying to link 2 working java programs together. First program, Client and Server would communicate with each other using PrintWriter and BufferedReader. The program will check whether Client has the correct password to access to the server. When granted access, second portion of the program will run. This program is a file ...

32. Seek backwards in BufferedInputStream    coderanch.com

Hi all, I use BufferedInputStream for byte processing a file. I use skip method on BufferedInputStream to skip bytes that i dont need to process. Now when i encounter an error i need to re-process the bytes that i have already processed. So how can i seek or skip backwards the BufferedInputStream . The skip API is not reacting to negative ...

33. Difference between BufferedInputStream and InputStream ??    coderanch.com

The toString method for class Object returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the object is an instance, the at-sign character `@', and the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the value of: getClass().getName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(hashCode())

34. BufferedInputStream vs BufferedReader    coderanch.com

Can anybody please let me know when to use the BufferedReader and BufferedInputStream . Because using both i can able to read the data from my Text Input File . Bartenders please bare this time if this is a question not to posted . so please share your ideas . Thanks in advance .

35. BufferedInputStream    coderanch.com

36. BufferedInputStream: read() vs read(byte[])    coderanch.com

I'm no expert on this, so wait for confirmation from one before you take this as gospel, but I thought that the ability to read in data as chunks rather than byte by byte was the whole reason for the existence of the BufferedInputStream class. So if I understand things correctly, you are better off using the read(byte[] b, int off, ...

37. About BufferedInputStream set method    coderanch.com

Hi everyone, I have a BufferedInputStream in my program and I want to use the whole stream multiple times, so I wrote my code like this: BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream); if (bis.markSupported()) { bis.mark(bis.available()); } However when I called bis.mark() afterwards, there was a java.io.IOException: Resetting to invalid mark which indicate that the mark had became invalid. May I know ...

38. Difference between PushbackInputStream and BufferedInputStream?    coderanch.com

Well, a BufferedInputStream buffers input, as its name implies. It will read chunks of data into a buffer before it returns bytes to the client. A PushbackInputStream does no such thing. If you want to read one byte, it will read one byte. It doesn't buffer chunks. However, a PushbackInputStream provides the ability to push bytes back onto the stream, so ...

39. Speeding up BufferedInputStream and FileOutputStream    coderanch.com

Hello import java.io.*; import java.security.*; public class backup_client { public static void makeBackup(String file) throws IOException { File fileHandle = new File(file); long length = fileHandle.length(); //Instantiating a new input stream DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))); //Instantiating a new output stream OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream("2" + file); //Looping through the content of the file byte by byte while(in.available() ...

40. BufferedInputStream with Huffman Compression    java-forums.org

Hi there, Is it a good idea for one to read bytes data from input stream as int values from 0 to 255 and construct a Huffman coding tree out of it then use it later for decoding? Most of the tutorials out there are mainly about compressing txt files so I wondered if I can do it on both text ...

41. BufferedInputStream    java-forums.org

Hello! I'm new to Java and I'm trying to understand how a BufferedInputStream works. I understand the underlying principle but I still have some questions. 1. Can I control the size of the buffer? 2. When exactly do the system calls occur? After I read all the values in the buffer, or at specific time intervals? 3. Can I perform any ...

42. InputStream and BufferedInputStream    java-forums.org

43. how to find out when BufferedInputStream is empty    forums.oracle.com

it helps to read the API Documentation. BufferedInputStream is a subclass of InpuStream whose read() method does the following: public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException Reads up to len bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes. An attempt is made to read as many as len bytes, but a smaller number may ...

44. RandomAccessFile and BufferedInputStream    forums.oracle.com

I have a program which uses BufferedInputStream since I assumed it was faster since I wanted to read all the data sequentially. Now on some of the files, I want to look at both the beginning and the ending of about 100 bytes. It looks to me like I have to write another set of code using RandomAccessFile to be able ...

45. BufferedInputStream.read locked even when it has a FileInputStream    forums.oracle.com

When you are executing an external program with Runtime.getRuntime().exec, internally it creates a BufferedInputStream for stdout. With parallel programming you should be able to close this BufferedInputStream (because it depends on a FileInputStream), but this doesn't happen. If you try to stop this process interrupting it, the other process will be locked too.

46. Maximum size limit for bufferedInputStream    forums.oracle.com

Looking at the source for 1.6.0_15 the default is 8192 and, other than the buffer size being greater than zero, there are no other constrains on the size so the limit will be the largest positive integer. Of course you may well run out of memory trying to allocate this amount of memory but ...

47. How to implement a seek function with BufferedInputStream    forums.oracle.com

I need to be able to implement a seek function while using a BufferedInputStream. Let me give you some background: 1) The file that I need to work with is 5GB 2) Its structure is like a movie file. For example, there are x-bytes of file header and then the frames for the movie start. Each frame has its own y-byte ...

48. a question about BufferedInputStream    forums.oracle.com

If you were reading a few bytes at a time, the BufferedInputStream is a good idea, although 1M is several orders of magnitude too large: after somewhere between 8k and 64k a larger buffer ceases to have any effect. However if you're reading 512k at a time you don't need the BufferedInputStream at all, you can do that directly from the ...

49. Getting unusual behavior using a BufferedInputStream on a 5 GB file    forums.oracle.com

I have a utility that reads the first 1000 records of a file, the middle 1000 records of a file, and the last 1000 records of a file, to check for data integrity. It has worked like a champ for years on thousands of fairly large files, but has recently been behaving badly on files around 5 GB. I use a ...

50. BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)    forums.oracle.com

After some extensive research on the web, it is found that that you are using an UTF-8 encoded file with byte-order mark (BOM). Java doesn't handle BOMs on UTF-8 files properly, making the three header bytes appear as being part of the document. UTF-8 files with BOMs are commonly generated by tools such as Window's Notepad. This is a known bug ...

51. What is the point of BufferedInputStream and BufferedReader?    forums.oracle.com

Hey, I don't deserve this. I have been a contributing member for a long time here on these boards. I am asking a legitimate question. I'm just trying to figure out if/when using a Buffered Reader/InputStream adds anything. If you could post an example that shows a consistant benefit to using one of these, that's all I'm after.

52. How can I know the InputStream is BufferedInputStream?    forums.oracle.com

How do you know if it's a file or message? I send all the messages by different message types objects which are extended from Message object I defined, they were sent by OutputStream. And none of them is sent by BufferedOutputStream. Only file is sent by BufferedIOutputStream in my program. A buffered stream can be associated with somethings else than a ...

53. BufferedInputStream to file? File gets corrupted!    forums.oracle.com

I suggest you use a regular FTP client, Window's or WSFTP, etc., to download the file just to see if it works. Then if that works, then try use to your Java FTP program to download a file from somewhere else. It is likely that there might be a bug in the FTPClient or you are not using it properly.

54. Reading BufferedInputStream in byte[]    forums.oracle.com

55. Stupid question regarding BufferedInputStream    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I spent nearly all morning trying to further understand streams in java since I believe they are quite fondumental to say the least. I understand nearly completly the use of BufferedInputStream. What I cant understand is why it is actually required. I mean can't I have the same effect by using the InputStream method read(,,,) method? : http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/io/InputStream.html#read(byte[],%20int,%20int) The BufferedInputStream ...

56. BufferedInputStream & charset    forums.oracle.com

Hi, does anyone know how to set the charset when using BufferedInputStream along with FileInputStream. I want to specify it to "UTF-8". I know that it is easy to set using DataInputStream but I have a program all written using BufferedInputStream. Here is the object declaration: BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile));

57. Do this code need to have BufferedInputStream?    forums.oracle.com

Only you can answer this question really. It is typical to use a buffered stream to improve an applications performance. This is achieved by buffering input/output and only saving it to or reading it from a device once an amount of data has been accrued. The alternative un-buffered approach reads from or writes to the device whenever you execute a read ...