FileOutputStream « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. error with FileOutputStream

I'm having trouble with the following code. I'm trying to write to a .ppm file, and I get " unreported exception; must be caught or declared to be thrown" ...

2. I can't delete a file in java

I'm trying to delete a file, after writing something in it, with FileOutputStream. This is the code I use for writing:

private void writeContent(File file, String fileContent) {
    FileOutputStream ...

3. InputStreams being GCed

I know that if I do something like

copyFromInToOut(new FileInputStream(f1), new FileOutputStream(f2));
It will run the GC on those FileInputStreams, closing them. But if I do
copyFromInToOut(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f1)), new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f2));
Is ...

4. Get file name from FileOutputStream

Is there a way to get the file name from a FileOutputStream or from FileInputStream?

5. Java Progress Bar Help

I need to implement a progress bar for the following task delay

FileOutputStream Fos= new FileOutputStream(FilePath);
byte buffer[]=Services.downloadFile(FilePath);
Now, how can i know how much the file has been downloaded to update the progress ...

6. Inputstream and Outputstream with reading a list of files

I have this ArrayList files

for(File file : files){

    InputStream in = FileInputStream(file);
    // process each file and save it to file
    OutputStream ...

7. Java "Formatter" vs. "FileOutputStream": Very simple explanation desired of when to use which

I am learning the basics of Java IO and cannot find what I would think would be covered in basic discussions of IO in java: without getting into subtleties or complexities ...

8. why are java RandomAccessFile so much slower than FileOutputStream?

as long as I can understand java api, opening a RandomAccessFile using "rw" does not write ervery single byte synchronously on the underlying storage device, unlike with "rws" or "rwd". Why ...

9. How to overwrite one property in .properties without overwriting the whole file?

Basically, I have to overwrite a certain property in a .properties file through a Java app, but when I use Properties.setProperty() and Properties.Store() it overwrites the whole file rather than just ...

10. FileOutputStream Reflection

I was just wondering if there was some way I could actually rename the method of the FileOutputStream using reflection in Java. I'm in a Java programming class in college, we ...

11. FileOutputStream into FileInputStream

What is the simplest way to convert a FileOutputStream into FileInputStream (a piece of code would be great)?

12. The FileOutputStream

Hi, I'm taking my SCJP exam tomorrow afternoon and was working through some practice exams. I came accross this one on Boones' Exam number 38: -------------------------------------------------------------- Question 38: What does the following code do? File f = new File("hello.test"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); Create a new file named "hello.test" if it does not yet exist. It also opens the file ...

13. FileOutputStream

Studing for the SCJP I was supprised to learn that the following code will actually create the file if it doesn't already exist. Whey then does the constructor FileoutputStream(File file) declare that it throws a FileNotFoundException. public class FileTest { public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException{ File f= new File(args[0]); FileOutputStream f1=new FileOutputStream(f); System.out.println("done"); } }

15. How to get filename from FileOutputStream?

Hi, I have a FileOutputStream and I need to get the location (or just the name of the file) from it. I see that there are functions: FileChannel getChannel() FileDescriptor getFD() But they don't seem to have the filename either. I would have thought that this is an easy task, but it doesn't seem so. I need something like myFileOutputStream.getFilename(); Thanks, ...

16. FileLocks and FileInputStream/ FileOutputStream

Ok, new to java questions. 1) I'm a little confused about if/when explicit close() is needed. I've seen code like: Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.setProperty("one", "1"); FileOutputStream("c:\\$user\\test\\"),"master"); where nothing explicitly is done with the file except that temporary FileOutputStream. If I had a reference to the FileOutputStream and kept it around for a while, would I need to close() ...

17. Problem in streaming & creating files using FileOutputStream

Hello, I am having two image files with its size. Now what i want to do is ,i want to send the file size & then the whole data of the file to a servlet. What i am doing is on the client side: Opening the connection to that file Getting the fileSize Opening the httpConnection to the servlet opening an ...

18. FileOutputStream exception

hi i am doing application where i want to store file in images folder under my project directory. iam also changing the file name with attributes taken from seesion. I am taking context path using request.getContentType() I am not able save the file using FileOutputStream i am attching my code <%! String userid=null; String companyid=null; String concat=null; %> <% userid=(String)session.getAttribute("userID"); companyid=(String)session.getAttribute("companyId"); ...

19. Deleting files created using FileOutputStream

Hi, Can anyone tell me how I can delete a file which is created using FileOutputStream. For Ex., FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream("",false) ; The above statement creates a file called "". Now I do some processing with it and at the end of it, I would like to delete it. Please suggest.

20. Hai i need Help in FileOutputStream !

hai friends ! When i try to compile the below code , the data is being overridden , i need append the lines ,i mean i need to add few more line without replacing the old lines. can you help me in that ? The code is as follows CODE import*; public class WriteByteArrayToFile { public static void main(String[] args) ...

21. Hai again came with a another error in fileoutputstream

Hai friends when i compile this coding i cant find my input in the demo.txt friends help me out in this and if you find any error please do alter the code and show it to me ! CODE import*; public class MyInputeStream { public static void main(String arg[]) { try { int i ; byte[] c = new byte[10]; ...

23. FileOutputStream and JPG file.

I use Applet to send a file to Servlet. Now my coding is only working for Text and small GIF icon. The saved file, if it is in JPG and large GIF file, will be corrupted. How to fix it ? Thanks. applet : send a file HttpURLConnection conn = ... // point to servlet conn.setRequestProperty("content-type", "multipart/form-data"); BufferedOutputStream out = new ...

24. why is int required as FileOutputStream's argument? reads one character, moves forward and then returns the read character. So if you call read() twice in the loop, once in the guard and once in the writing, then the first, third, fifth etc bytes are not written. Also, if there is an odd number of bytes then the guard will return something other than -1, but the read ...

25. FileOutputStream, I dont know what Im doing wrong...

Hi! I got this code, that first uses FileInputStream to get the files pure content and put it all in one string like: "1100101011101010101" for example.. Now it can do that! But once I use FileOutputStream and do wright for each one of those 1s and 0s then it messes it up! Casue if my txt file contained the text: "hello ...

26. FileOutputStream > int > FileInputStream

Hi people, I have a server with FTP. Now there is a textfile on my server. In the textfile there is a number, just a number. I retrieve the file, and put it in a FileOutputStream, now I want to convert it to an int and higher the number with one. So for example from 445 to 446. Then I need ...

27. closing FileOutputStream?

28. FileOutputStream to GIF

package test; import*; public class ByteWriter { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { int[] data = {71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97, 13, 0, 12, 0, 145, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 12, 0, 0, 2, 38, 132, 45, ...

29. Clarification of FileOutputStream

File dataFile = new File("C:\test.txt"); FileOutputStream inputFile = new FileOutputStream(dataFile); InputStream inps = connection.getInputStream(); BufferedInputStream input2 = new BufferedInputStream(inps, 1024); byte[] buff = new byte[1024]; int length = 0; int count = 0; while ((length =, 0, 1024)) != -1) { count = count + 1024; inputFile.write(buff, 0, length); } input2.close(); inputFile.close()

30. How to change FileOutputStream to class.getResource()

Java Code: public class HighScores { //Inner class, Score. class Score implements Comparable { String name; int score; //Constructs scores from text file. Score(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException { if (stream.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { System.err.println("Expected highscore name value in highscores.txt not found. "+stream.lineno()); System.exit(1); } name = stream.sval; stream.nextToken(); if (stream.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { System.err.println("Expected number in highscores.txt not found: "+stream.sval+", line: ...

31. Exception concerning FileOutputStream & ObjectOutput Stream

Cole_learning wrote: Now this solves the problem & it now compiles but this leads me to another dilemma... It's not really a dilemma. A dilemma is when you have two problems you must choose one of. Why do I need to have the FileNotFoundException block if I already have the IOException block as the IOException is more general? You don't, as ...

32. FileOutputStream?

33. FileOutputStream

35. Question about FileOutputStream and creating files from bye[]

Ok, so I have a byte array coming to me and I understand that I can create a file with the data by using FileOutputStream. But lets say I have the scenario where A send B byte[], B creates a file and then send C the file. Can B create the file WITHOUT writing the physical file on B's computer? If ...

36. File Lock : FileOutputStream

37. error in fileoutputstream

38. Question about implementation of FileInputStream and FileOutputStream

sorry if this question seem stupid... i know that using write() will cause the file to be overwritten, however, are the bytes really overwritten on the storage media, or will Java just make the OS jump the reference to a different place? im asking this because i wanna try to write my own File Shredder (for fun), instead of relying on ...

39. Cast FileOutputStream to File

Apart from the actual problem, you seem to misinterpret "casting" as "converting between objects". This is not actually true. Casting more means "narrow or widen an object to its super- or subclass.". A String, as being a subclass of Object, can guaranteed be upcasted to Object. But Object, as being the root superclass, can't guaranteed be downcasted to String, it only ...

40. FileOutPutStream

try { int savelog=3; File afile,bfile; // Cycle server log save for (int i=savelog-1;i>0;i--) { afile=new File("../log/server.log_"+i); if (afile.exists()) { bfile=new File("../log/server.log_"+(i+1)); afile.renameTo(bfile); } } afile=new File("../log/server.log"); bfile=new File("../log/server.log_1"); afile.renameTo(bfile); // Cycle error log save for (int i=savelog-1;i>0;i--) { afile=new File("../log/error.log_"+i); if (afile.exists()) { bfile=new File("../log/error.log_"+(i+1)); afile.renameTo(bfile); } } afile=new File("../log/error.log"); bfile=new File("../log/error.log_1"); afile.renameTo(bfile); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("../log/server.log")); FileOutputStream ...

41. FileOutputStream problem


43. FileOutputStream Question

Hi, I am currently writing bytes to a file using a FileOutputSteam - the problem is that each time I write a chunk of data to the end of the file, I need to go the beginning and alter a couple of bytes... How do I go about writing to the end of the file, then altering the beginning? Cheers, Crispin ...

45. Piping OutputStreamWriter into a FileOutputStream

Hello, i suppose you use ResourceBudle class, respectively *.properties file. If you wonna work with UTF-8 encoding, try out working with property file based on XML file instead of usual property file - UTF-8 encoding is default in handling with XML property file. But if you have to use normal property file - check following: ... File f = new File(path); ...

46. FileOutputStream.close() not working?

(a) You shouldn't create either the DataInputStream or the DataOutputStream once per line. You are in danger of losing data at both steps. Create them both at the same time you create the FileInputStream and FileOutputSream. (b) Unless you are certain all the files contain lines, you should be reading and writing byte arrays, not lines. As you can't in general ...

47. Cannot reuse a fileoutputstream?

FileOutputStream follows a pattern: 1. new FileOutputStream 2. write 3. close After a FileOutputStream variable is closed, you should have no problem using it to open up and write to another file. BTW, I strongly suggest that you search this site << for tjacobs InfoFetcher (posted ages ago) which I created for exactly your purposes - reading from a URL InputStream ...

48. A question about FileOutputStream

49. How to delete FileOutputStream ,once we are done with writting in it ???

i am using .close () and closing both input as well as out put stream but it seem to be not working properly It works perfectly. Maybe you should read the documentation to see what you're actually doing. If people tell you you should delete the file, then you should delete the file and not try to do any magic on ...

52. FileOutputStream Issues

I have a simple statement that initially reads from an oracle table and saves 4 processes to an array. I am dynamically creating a batch file. The "System.out.println(process[0]);" Looks correct - It is a simple command of REM Process 1 Pause But when I run the Test.bat file after I write to text.bat the first line is unreadable and the second ...

53. FileOutputStream problem...