InputStream 3 « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. InputStream not working?

2. need help with input stream

i am just starting with the output and input streams, and i thought it was going fine. I am pretty sure the outputing to a file is working just fine, but whenever i try to read any of the chars that are in there, i get just a bunch of different hearts, diamonds, clubs, and clovers. The reason i thought this ...

3. InputStream retrive null

5. HELP: Creating an InputStream from bytes?

6. getting input stream from a file

7. InputStream from String via StringReader ?

8. RenderedImage to InputStream

9. input stream to string tooooo slow

VER 4 MSNP13 CVR0 CVR 5 8.1.0106 8.1.0106 8.1.0106 GCF 0 3866 ...

10. Open directory as inputstream

Good day. Is there a way to open a directory as an inputstream for reading just like Perl? The only availabe listing of files of a directory in File class is the listFiles() method which stores the file list in an Array. I am creating a program that processes files from a directory that contains hundreds of thousands of files.If the ...

11. File Input Stream problem

ok. thanks alot. i will look into it the "|" is because i want to separate different attributes by using symbol for example: Name | Address | Age Alex | Australia | 34 Jack | Malaysia | 32 Kate | Africa | 11 Holmes | California | 54 from there, this will be captured by the BufferedReader (because this is use ...

13. Still not sure if InputStream Reader/Writer is the right thing

Well I changed my simple client/server code to use Reader and Writers, since i figured they should be correct because I am sending text back and forth between the client and server. But I just realized that Readers and Writers (the read and write method) returns ints. I can convert them to chars, but that seems relatively inefficient. Whereas before I ...

14. Using System.setIn to Change the InputStream

The CLI is mine too and works fine if I do not use the GUI. I know if i run the CLI with the GUI i can set the teh to another Input Stream but I can't seem to create that input stream on to be used. I want to take the submitted input from a JText box or something ...

15. How to handle an arbitrarily sized input stream

Hey, First of all - nice to have a forum like this. I'll do my best to help out in the future. My problem reads something like this: I have a forked off process that CAN write a byte stream to its stdout. I want to store this byte stream in my java program to process it further in the future. ...