connection « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. End of an XML stream over a JSSE connection?

I have a Java server that accepts SSL connections using JSSE and uses a simple XML message format inside the stream. I would like the server to read a complete ...

2. How to negotiate red5 connection parameters for streaming with JAVA

I have been creating a thin browser client (on java) that sends an RTMP stream to a specified red5 instance. I also use RTMP Researcher to monitor the traffic and events ...

3. Reading from Streams during connection timeout

I have this piece of code executed inside a Thread public void run() { Socket socket = new Socket("hostname", Integer.parseInt("4444")); InputStreamReader input = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStreamReader()); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(input); System.out.println("start....."); while (true){ if (in.ready()){ int x =; // do processes } } } This piece of code works fine but I have this problem. After sometime...the host connection suddenly ...

4. ObjectInputStream problems "connection reset"

hi all here i have 2 program , one is the server and the other is the client. i am having problems with the ObjectInputStream it must read 5 objects "String" but here it is reading one or two Objects and then the connection Closes the Error Message is : connection reset plz help me with it coz i tried every ...

5. Converting string into inputstream and outputstream Jsch (ssh connection)

Hi, I want to transform string commands into Inputstream, then send it to server using Jsch and see the result. The Jsch/examples/shell allows us to load .profile that's a good thing(so don't try to offer exec which doesn't load shell commands in a file automatically! unless u can make that work...), but I want to create a program which interacts on ...

6. acceptandopen for stream connection

7. PrintWriter checkError cannot detect connection error immediately

Hi, I have a server application that accepts a single client connection and sends messages to the client. After every call to println(), I call the checkError() method of PrintWriter to check if there are errors in sending the message. This is to make sure message sending to client is successful. If message sending is unsuccessful (meaning checkError() returns true), my ...

8. Converting string into inputstream and outputstream Jsch (ssh connection)

hi, I'm not really sure if this is the place where i should ask this, but if it is so then tell me! So my problem is that everything works just fine with input output streams like in this code, but i need to change this input stream into string messadge(Which would work!!) The main problem is not that i can't ...