stream 1 « API « Java I/O Q&A

1. How do I handle multiple streams in Java?

I'm trying to run a process and do stuff with its input, output and error streams. The obvious way to do this is to use something like select(), but the only ...

2. How do I turn a String into a Stream in java?

I need to transform a string into (finally) an InputStreamReader. Any ideas?

3. Is it possible to control CPU usage from a Java application?

I'm developing a Java application that streams music via HTTP, and one problem I've come up against is that while the app is reading the audio file from disk and sending ...

4. Why did I get "FileUploadException: Stream ended unexpectedly" with Apache Commons FileUpload?

What is the reason for encountering this Exception:

  Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. Stream ended unexpectedly

5. How do you merge two input streams in Java?

Having two InputStreams in Java, is there a way to merge them so you end with one InputStream that gives you the output of both streams? How?

6. How to send interrupt key sequence to a Java Process?

I've got a handle to a Java Process instance and its associated streams. It's a console program. I'd like to simulate a break sequence. On Windows this is Ctrl-C. Is this ...

7. I need to sign a binary stream with a certificate

I basically need to create a self signed certificate and then sign a binary stream with it to create a signature. I tried searching Google but i can't seem to get ...

8. Java I/O streams; what are the differences? has many different I/O streams, (FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileReader, FileWriter, BufferedStreams... etc.) and I am confused in determining the differences between them. What are some examples where one stream ...

9. Is it possible to avoid temp files when a Java method expects Reader/Writer arguments?

I'm calling a method from an external library with a (simplified) signature like this:

public class Alien
    // ...
    public void munge(Reader in, Writer out) { ...

10. 100% Java encoder for AVI animation

I am looking for a 100% Java solution for encoding software generated images into an AVI stream together with an uncompressed audio track. At the moment I am using JMF, but its ...

11. Estimating bandwidth usage for Desktop Java application

We have a data streaming application which uses local caching to reduce future downloads. The full datasets are larger than what is streamed to the end user - i.e. just the ...

12. What really Filter stream do?

Why does the filter stream used and where? I read that filter streams will be used for letting the needed information into the stream.. Is that right and if so how ...

13. java: StringBufferOutputWriter or StringBufferOutputStream?

I need to take a caught exception and get a String that is what would be printed using printStackTrace(). It looks like the simplest thing is to call printStackTrace(X), where X subclasses ...

14. Problem getting Java Streams in HP Tandem (Non-Stop)

We are porting a simple Java application between Tandem NonStop systems, from G-Series to H-Series. Java version is 1.5.0_02. When performing basic I/O tasks like getting output stream from or opening a ...

15. Homework: Java IO Streaming and String manipulation

In Java, I need to read lines of text from a file and then reverse each line, writing the reversed version into another file. I know how to read from one file ...

16. How to playback asx files/streams with java

I am trying to play a asx file with Java SE. I have read a lot of documentation of frameworks and libraries but I am unable to find a solution. Is it ...

17. Preprocessing with Javacc/ push front some chars in the stream?

Using javacc can I push some new characters in front of the inputstream ? for example let's say that my parser parses the following syntax:

#define Paragraphs  "Paragraph+"
#define Volume "(Title,(Chapter,${Paragraphs})+)"

How can I ...

18. Http Streams with Java

I'm looking for the best way to stream live data over the http protocol with java. I'm currently using HttpURLConnection to receive json feeds, I would like to know if ...

19. How to diagnose File.delete() returning false / find unclosed streams?

I'm working with a 3rd party JPEG/EXIF manipulation library (Mediautil) that is causing me some headaches. I want to change an image's EXIF data. To do this, I ...

20. Java IO (javase 6)- Help me understand the effects of my sample use of Streams and Writers

BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("out.txt") ) ) );
So let me see if I understand this: A byte output stream is opened for file "out.txt". ...

21. disposing streams in Java

In C#, I almost always use the using pattern when working with stream objects. For example:

        using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream())

22. How do I use unread() in PushBackBufferedInputStream after the stream is empty?

Making a Lexical Analyzer in Java and I'm using PushbackInputStream because I need to be able to push back what I read in case it's not what I wanted. But whenever ...

23. How do you obtain modified date from a remote file (Java)?

I've a function to download a file from a remote URL (using Java). Now I want to know the real modified date, because when I download it I lost this info. ...

24. Get the content of the HTTP stream in Java + Mozilla XPCOM

I've often read StackOverflow as a source to get answers; but now I have a very specific question and I can't really find any data on the internet. I trust you ...

25. Simple stream read/write question in java

I'm trying to upload a file via URLConnection, but I need to read/write it as a binary file without any encoding changes. So i've tried to read byte[] array from a FileInputStream, ...

26. Imageiio can't create imageinput stream

When using iget a can't create ImageInputStream. I have a catch exception around it so the program survives but i was wondering if theres a way to put an if ...

27. SCJP Book, IO section: Is this a typo or is there a reason it would look like this?

My question is about line (edit: 19), where the new PrintWriter is created with the constructor taking the FileWriter fw as a parameter. I don't understand the use of chaining the ...

28. Desktop Screen Streaming in Java

Can anyone tell me how to stream my desktop through sockets in Java? I tried using screen captures and sending them 1 at a time but it's no good. Too slow! ...

29. Lackadaisical one-to-one between char and byte streams

I expected to have a one-to-one correspondence between the character streams and byte streams in terms of how the classes are organized in their hierarchy. FilterReader and FilterWriter (character streams) correspond back ...

30. Which is faster: Cloning or using Streams?

In Java, which is faster:

  • Cloning an Object, then passing it to multiple listeners assuming the cloned object contains nothing more complicated than nested arrays, primitives and Strings
  • Using Streams to pass data ...

31. java virtual machine - how does it allocate resources?

I am testing the performance of a data streaming system that supports continuous queries. This is how it works: - There is a polling service which sends data to my system. - ...

32. What is an open free to use radio / music streaming service I can access via java

I am looking for a free to use radio or music streaming service which I can access using java. I am making a game and instead of creating our own music - ...

33. How to build a streaming API in java?

I want to build a Streaming API similar to Twitter Streaming API in java? what is needed to do so ? does need to use a special tomcat configuration? Thanks

34. Java Process with Input/Output Stream

I have the following code example bellow. Whereby you can enter a command to the bash shell i.e. echo test and have the result echo'd back. However, after the first read. ...

35. How do command-line interpreters work?

I have been under the impression that processes on the operating system have three standard streams: stdin, stdout, and stderr. I have also thought that text editors like vim work by ...

36. Get webcam stream on Mac Os X in Java

I would like to get the webcam stream of my Macbook (the integrated iSight webcam). I use Java, and I don't know anything about Objective-C so I'm looking for a "full-java" solution. ...

37. Streams usage in Java

could you please advice what Java I/O Streams can be used for? Every of them which is in standard Java 5 or Java 6 I/O API. For example FileReader and FileWriter ...

38. What's the use of FileDescriptor class in Java and its in,out and err methods?

What's the use of the FileDescriptor class in Java ? We can only obtain it with the getFD() methods on streams and then we can use the obtained FD to create ...

39. How to keep sysout and syserr streams from intermixing?

In my code base is the (very simplified) following:

public static void main (String[] args) {
   System.out.println("Starting application");
   try {
      System.out.println("About to validate");

40. Using IO Streams in Java

I need to launch a binary file using Java and then interact with it using input and output streams. I've written a prototype to figure out how it works, but so ...

41. File Streaming in Java

I'm currently developing 3D graphics application using JOGL (Java OpenGL binding). In brief, I have a huge landscape binary file. Due to its size, I have to stream terrain chunks in ...

42. Stream to String in Jdom

How to preserve white space in jdom i get the below error: org.jdom.JDOMException: Error on line 1: Content is not allowed in prolog

43. java fx stream play help

i am trying to play a stream from my javafx application but i am getting error/ try {

    var url:URL = new URL("http://localhost:8080/lps-3.3.3/Generated_1297401906640.spx");
    stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(url);

} ...

44. Question about and stream

Is there a way to reset so I can have a fresh stream from which to have Scanner wait for input? Here is my code:

    boolean run ...

45. Is possible keeps the contents of all files inside within a compressed tar.gz, like a stream?

I have a problem to resolve. I have tar.gz compressed file, and I wouldLike keep the contents like a stream, like Zipfile permits with the method zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry). I have Implemented using ant ...

46. streams to strings: merging multiple files into a single string

I've got two text files that I want to grab as a stream and convert to a string. Ultimately, I want the two separate files to merge. So far, I've got


47. Junk files created in place of deleted file

I have a strange problem. When I try to delete a file created by my application it gets deleted and gets replaced with a junk file of the exact same filesize. ...

48. playing 3gp live streams in java

Does anybody know if there is anything in java in order to play 3gp live streams? thanks Stefano

49. Need help for FAST(FIX Adapted for STreaming) implementation

Any body knows, how FAST(FIX Adapted for STreaming) protocol handle Increment,Tail field encoding happens.There is a Java API called OpenFast which is supported for FAST.I need to know whether OpenFast it ...

50. Is it possible to control Xuggler via a flex front-end over the internet?

Is it possible to connect to xuggler over the internet with flex / as3 as front-end? I'm creating a video application and I would like to know if I can control xuggler ...

51. Does DataInputStrem::readFully increment the position of the stream?

Java DataInputStream class method readFully is used for reading the bytes from the stream into the to the byte array which is passed as the parameter. After reading the bytes from ...

52. Suggestion for API design about stream

Need to design an API method whihc take OutputStream as a parameter. Is it a good practice to close the stream inside the API method or let the caller close it?

test(OutputStream ...

53. Creating a rolling window on a byte stream in java

I have a byte stream that comes into my app (its actually reading from a file, but this could change). The data is of the form <tag><value>. Im looking for a specific ...

54. Question about streams in Java

I have been reading about streams in Java the past days. After reading quite a bit I start to understand that the name "stream" was chosen because of similarity to what ...

55. Checking if an item in a String[] appears in a stream

I'm currently writing a parser for a language that I'm creating, which needs to check if the current part of the stream fits one of the items in the passed array. ...

56. Stream definition

I'm reading on Java I/O streams and I'm confused on the correct definition associated with them.

  • Some say that a stream is a sort of conveyor belt in which data are transmitted...
  • other ...

57. How do i check if a file has opened streams using java

In windows,if you try to delete a file which has streams opened,it will return false. Where was in linux,if you try to delete a file which is open,it just deletes the file. Now ...

58. Best way to play a radio stream ( shoutcast ) in Java?

I want to code an audio player in Java. java.JavaFX has a very nice support for mp3 playing but I want in my player also the possibility to listen to radio. The ...

59. Rewrite a file that the program already used

I was wondering if there was a way to determine if any streams are open in a program? I am using some of my code and some of another, and my goal ...

60. java+shoutcast stream

i've already search the forums before posting this(i did not find an answer to my problem , thus making this post). i wanna make a java app which plays the audio stream ...

61. How to handle Custom Boolean strings with Jackson Streaming API

I am using the Streaming API of Jackson to parse JSON strings. I need to support "YES" as a boolean type.

JsonFactory f = new JsonFactory();
and then doing
JsonParser jp = f.createJsonParser(jsonString);
and then ...

62. JNLP + proxy + downloading file via stream problem

I'm writing application for downloading CSV file from web and inserting data into table in database. The problem is that I need to setup proxy via System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", ""); and so on. ...

63. Java stream misconceptions... some clarification?

I understand that byte streams deal with bytes and character streams deal with characters... if I use a byte stream to read in characters, could this limit me to the sorts ...

64. Kettle Combination lookup step with dynamic key fields (Dimension field / Field in stream)

Pentaho Kettle I need to dynamically set "Dimension field" and "Field in stream" fields in Combination lookup step of a transformation by using environment variables, it should be something like Dimension field ...

65. byte[] vs. char[] for file stream

I'm writing a program that reads a file (uses custom buffer, 8KB), then finds a keyword in that buffer. Since Java provides two type of streams: character & byte, I've implemented ...

66. Stream HTTP GET response to file in Mule

How do you make a HTTP GET request in Mule, and then stream the response to a file? My application stores the entire response in memory, but the response can ...

67. Why use* as opposed to extending a concrete stream implementation?

What is the purpose of the* types? i.e. FilterInputStream, FilterReader Isn't it possible to add any filtering logic to a concrete stream class like FileInputStream by simply overriding particular methods and ...

68. Creating a List of BufferedReaders

I would like to have a method that would return a list of BufferedReader objects (for example for all files in a directory):

private List<BufferedReader> getInputReaders(List<String> filenames) {
    List<BufferedReader> ...

69. Http file streaming bandwidth problem

i am having a query on bandwidth allocation during http file streaming. The simplest http file streaming mechanism is to read the chunk of data and then flush it. This will be ...

70. How to create a file that streams to http response

I'm writing a web application and want the user to be able click a link and get a file download. I have an interface is in a third party library that I ...

71. Java Graphics2D streaming?

Is there a way in java to use Graphics2D API to paint on screen of remote java process? Any API to stream and deserialize painting instructions? Or I have to use my own ...

72. Xuggle with red5 live streaming

I have a test.avi file that i need to convert to test.flv then stream through red5. I am currently using xuggle it works for most formats but struggles with avi to flv ...

73. do you think http protocol mix character stream with byte stream is not a good design

Firstly,when I say http protocol mix character stream with byte stream,I mean request head is character stream and request body is byte stream(specified by content-length ),they are seperated by an empty ...

74. Web-cams, Java, Streaming.

I need to set up live streaming from a number of web-cameras to the internet (in browsers), and the streams should be visible only to particular users. I.e. user A logs ...

75. Binary vs. String transfer over a stream

I am making a little experiment with WebSockets and Java. Apperantly, according to the last draft of WebSocket, the message can be binary or a plain string. I use Webbit server ...

76. Java open stream from an arbitrary location in file

I want to get a Stream from some arbitrary position in an existing file, for example I need to read/write from/to a file starting with 101th byte. Is it safe to use ...

77. "Waiting" for a stream in Java

Possible Duplicate:
Is it possible to read from a Java InputStream with a timeout?
I'm reading from a stream whose origin may hang. How can I ...

78. Java-reading a file, performance difference between Byte and Character Streams

Pretty simple question: what's the performance difference between a Byte Stream and a Character Stream? The reason I ask is because I'm implementing level loading from a file, and initially I decided ...

79. Java: update CRC32 from a stream

Am I misunderstanding the use of either of the CRC32 or CheckedInputStream classes to calculate a checksum by continuously updating with the latest input? When the input is <= 128KiB ...

80. Stream chaining in Java

Is it bad style to keep the references to streams "further down" a filter chain, and use those lower level streams again, or even to swap one type of stream for ...

81. Xugglers IContainer can't open AMR515 stream

Hope that someone will help me with problem. I've written network client that reseives streaming audio encoded in AMR515. Client uses own protocol, over UDP, and each datagramm contains 2 chunks ...

82. Transferring a file from one host to another and checking its integrity

I've a university assignment to create a server-client pair, where the client can transfer a file to server. Also there should be an integrity check to see if the file is ...

83. Removing the opening and trailing characters from a stream

I have a low level caching mechanism which receives a json array from a server and caches it in a file. The actual caching mechanism is just saving large streams to ...

84. How to validate a Timestamp from an ASN.1 encoded byte stream in Java

I'm trying to validate a timestamp from an ASN.1 encoded byte stream in Java. I'm using the bouncycastle package. I'm creating the TimeStampToken from the encoded byte I got from the timestampserver.

TimeStampToken testTsToken ...

85. What is the significance of the "missing content stream" exception in SolrCore?

Hi guys : I have seen some other questions on this topic , for example : org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: missing content stream. However, they do not address the general nature of ...

86. Java GDB input not from terminal

Im trying to quit the debugging session and it asks for user a input for verification. I tried running this code fragment in my code


87. java/input-output stream

Both are higher level input streams and can be created to add functionality to another InputStream. (Including each other) DataInputStream allows you to read the data off the inputstream as Java types including int, double, byte, byte[]. It does have a method to read in a String but, it's deprecated in favor of readLine in the BufferedInputStream. BufferedInputStream buffers the input ...

88. I/O Streams

89. Streams Vs Reader/Writer

Streams (Input/Output) can be chained with Readers or Writers ??? The following example is from RHE. 1.FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("datafile"); 2.DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos); 3.for (int i=0;i<500;i++) 4. dos.writeInt(i); You would like to write code to read back the data from this file. Which solutions listed below will work? (Chose none, some, or all.) Five possible answers are given ...

90. Streams

91. formatting get lost after streaming

Hi I wrote an Servlet which gets an Path return this File as a Stream.Its workin fine but the formatiing get lost.This is very bad caus the file is an XML File and its very hard to read. I'll post the Code from the Server and the Client Server(my Servlet) :

 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); PrintWriter pw = ...

92. I/O Stream

const is a reservered word in Java so therefore can not be used a a name for a variable, class etc. Java doen't implement the const reserved word in any way so, it can not be used. const in c and c++ is used to indicate that the value of a varible will not and can not be changed. Java uses ...

93. I/O and streams

Hello Pl. read the following code FileOutputStream out_new = new FileOutputStream("Sandip"); out_new.write(5); out_new.close(); I want to know what will be the type of file ( whether .txt or .dat or something else ) if I do not mention file extention along with the file name? When I executed this code on my machine, Winamp Media file was created. Can some one ...

94. Sound I/O Streams

95. what are PIPED Streams...?

96. IO streams

97. i/o streams help..

98. about piped streams

99. streams vs writers and readers

100. i/o and Streams

dear friends, hello, i'm a new friend. i've a problem regarding io. the problem is that what should i do to direct the output of a programe to a printer istead of console. i want that when i press a button the result should be directed to the printer. i hope to get a solution for this problem. thanks bye ------------------ ...