string « CSV file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Regarding Java Split Command CSV File Parsing

I have a csv file in the below format. I get an issue if either one of the beow csv data is read by the program "D",abc"def,"","0429"292"0","11","IJ80","Feb10_1.txt-2","FILE RECORD","05/02/2010","04/03/2010","","1","-91","",""

"D","abc"def","","04292920","11","IJ80","Feb10_1.txt-2","FILE RECORD","05/02/2010","04/03/2010","","1","-91","","" The below split ...

2. Java string comparisions/quotations

My problem is the comparision of two objects and the strings that they return (accessed through getters). Object one parses a csv file for dates and when printed out through exampleObject.getDateTime() returns ...

3. Java Escaping String for Storage in csv file

If want to store user created strings in a csv file. Is there a preferred library to use for Escaping the string or should I write my own function?

4. How do I modify a large json string?

Dead silence! Not often you experience that on Stackoverflow... I've added a small bounty to get things going! I've built a json document containing information about the location of various countries. I ...

5. foo.split(',').length != number of ',' found in 'foo'?

Maybe it's because it's end of day on a Friday, and I have already found a work-around, but this is killing me. I am using Java but am .NET developer. I have a ...

6. Splitting Java string with quotation marks

Possible Duplicate:
Can you recommend a Java library for reading (and possibly writing) CSV files?
I need to split the String in Java. The separator is ...

7. How to convert string = "\t" to char

I am working for a java desktop application which parse logs and upload to server. We ask user to provide separator by which we parse CSV file and we read provided ...

8. Is there a Java library which will enable me to easily extract data from CSV text held in a String

I'm looking for a Java library which will enable me to easily extract data from a specific column (or multiple columns) of CSV text held in memory e.g. in a String. For ...

9. What cellprocessor to use on strings when using SuperCSV CSVBeanReader

@Carl V. Dango ,@Zsolt, @Jon, Let's start over. Here is my code and error (at bottom). You'll notice in the console output the first two lines of raw data. ...

10. String comparison after uploading data from csv

Hi, I uploaded data from a csv file into an array using String.split I'm trying to compare the uploaded strings to some user input using String.equals. when the input is numeric (i.e all the characters in the string are numbers) it works fine, but when any one of the characters is a letter the comparison fails. as an example : a ...

11. Splitting CSV file; output a simple tokenised string of doubles - HELP

if you split on the coma you will gave an array; [1] [2 3] [4 5] I then need to loop through the array to split on white space?? However this doea not seem to work, therefore i would want to get to [1] [2] [3] [4] e.t.c and then convert this array back to a simple array "". thanks Dave ...

12. CSV question: String type converted to Number.

hi there, quick question: I have a value in one of my objects stored as type String. when I output the value to a CSV file it works fine unless the value is a number that starts with a 0. eg: 000763533 the output in the cell is 763533. this is caused obviously because the cell regards the value as a ...

13. String Split CSV

Hi Guys, Sry if this question is already answered, I looked around and didn't find it. I'm using string split to parse csv files. Here is my problem Assume these are the lines: a1,a2,a3,,,a4 b1,b2,b3,,, c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6 Now when I read these lines from a CSV files and store them into an String array. firstLine.length comesup 6 2nd coms 3 <-- the ...