canRead « File Attribute « Java I/O Q&A

1. Help needed with File.canRead()

I'm having trouble getting File.canRead() to return true when I think it should be. On my Solaris 8 system there should be an empty directory called: /h/data/local/ME In order to check if it exists, I have my program create the path to the directory like this: String pathString = makeUrlFormat(File.separator + "h" + File.separator + "data" + File.separator + "local" + ...

2. file.canread()

Hello, I have a tricky situation here and i need help. I have a java server running under windows xp as a service , the properties of the service is it will log on using local system account. Now when My server tries to access a file in a shared directory using the canread() method it is able to access it, ...

3. problem in canRead and canWrite

I have two programs. -write data into local txt file - read the data from the above same txt file. While FileWriterUtil is writing, FileReaderUtilNew has to wait till that writing process completely written. i am cheking the above scenario(whether completely written or not) by using canRead and canWrite methods. But both methods are giving output as "true" while ...

4. How different between File.exists() and File.canRead() ???; From the API: "public boolean exists()Tests whether the file or directory denoted by this abstract pathname exists. "public boolean canRead()Tests whether the application can read the file denoted by this abstract pathname. One tests whether or not the file is there and the other tests whether or not it can be read (for instance that the file does not have ...

5. How to get File.canRead() to return false?

Thanks. Any ideas if it is possible to change the permissions on the file using Java so that I can programmatically take a arbitary file and ensure that the canRead() method will fail? From a quick Google it seems this is not possible in Java 5. So it sounds like the only way I can get canRead() method to fail is ...

6. File Polling Impossible on Win32? Bug in File.canRead()?

I'd like to know when a source file has been completely copied to its destination. The portable solution, of course, is to poll the file based on modified time or size. In Windows, this doesn't work when copying files within the same file system, in my case, the file system is NTFS, and the files complete size is noted as soon ...