Logger « Log « Java I/O Q&A

1. Specify own Formatter in configuration file of java logger    stackoverflow.com

I wrote a Formatter (test.MyFormatter) by extending the class java.util.logging.Formatter; Now I want to use test.MyFormatter instead of java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter: in the configuration file i replaced the entry: java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter with java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = test.MyFormatter unfortunately ...

2. Java Logger Creates Empty Log Files in Home Directory    stackoverflow.com

I am using a Java Logger in my application with FileHandler set to /DemoApp/AAA.log. But my JVM creates empty java.log and java.log.lck files in my home directory every time i run ...

3. How do I prevent my logger from writing multiple instances of a log file?    stackoverflow.com

I wrote a custom logger where the only addition is the following method:

public static synchronized Logger getLogger(String name) {
    try {

4. Java Logger Object not appending to log file    stackoverflow.com

I have the following code;

_fileHandler = new FileHandler(_logFileNameAndpath, true);
_logger = Logger.getLogger("MyLogger");
SimpleFormatter formatter = new SimpleFormatter();
_logger.log(Level.INFO, message);
However, the logging, to me at least, looks weird in that it creates something like 100 ...

5. Optmizing disk writes for Java Logger    stackoverflow.com

I am using Java.util.Logger to log various events of my project. I am using a file handler to create the log. I see that the rate at which events are ...

6. Appending TimeStamp in log file name of Java util logger    stackoverflow.com

Currently I am using using Java util for logging logs into the file which can be configured from java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern. I want to append a timestamp in the log file name. I ...

8. java.util.Logger creating multiple log files    coderanch.com

Hi, I created a My Logger class which holds object of java.util.Logger and in the constructor i am adding FileHandler to Logger. Now this logger i used in all my class for logging purpose. It seems that it is creating new new log files every time. When I run the my application it creates three log files at the same time. ...

9. Logger don't write info and debug in Log file    coderanch.com

Hi, My Log4j properties file is as follows. It creates the log file but i get nothing which i have writter in logger.info() and logger.debug(). Please help. # Set root logger level to error log4j.rootLogger=error, Console, File, info, Debug ###### Console appender definition ####### # All outputs currently set to be a ConsoleAppender. log4j.appender.Console=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.Console.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout # use log4j NDC to replace ...

11. Logging to a file without using Logger?    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I've been thinking of adding logging support to my app. So I found the Logger class. It seems to be ok, but that is not exactly what i was looking for. What I want to implement is cyclic/rolling log. But I am not talking about cycling files (the Logger class works fine with that), I am talking about cycling ...

12. logging.properties which associates loggers with file handlers    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I am trying to find documentation on how to setup the logging.properties config file for java.util.logging which associates loggers with file handlers. Suppose I have 3 loggers, and I want them each associated with their own file handler (different output files). How is this accomplished? The examples I have seen only use one filehander (the one that comes in the ...