jai « Media File « Java I/O Q&A

1. Check if a file is an image    stackoverflow.com

I am using JAI and create a file with:

PlanarImage img = JAI.create("fileload", myFilename);
I check before that line if the file exists. But how could I check if the file is a ...

2. How to combine two or many tiff image files in to one multipage tiff image in JAVA    stackoverflow.com

I have 5 single page tiff images. I want to combine all these 5 tiff images in to one multipage tiff image. I am using Java Advanced Imaging API. I have ...

3. Java save CMYK image to file    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to create image in CMYK Colorspace and after working with it, for example, painting lines etc., save it to file. Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of information in the ...

4. How to combine multiple multi-page tif files into a single tif    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to take multiple multi-page .tif files and combine them into a single multi-page tif file. I found some code in this question, but it only seems to take ...

5. java create a TIF file    stackoverflow.com

I've got an awt image (bw) coming from a scanner, I'd like to save it in a TIF file, I tried with JAI but it has a poor documentation so I'm ...

6. Printing a .TIF file    stackoverflow.com

I am able to print a .GIF, .JPG or .PNG successfully using the following code snippet but it doesn't work for .TIF file. Also I can't get the color even ...

7. Splitting Tiff file with JAI taking more time    coderanch.com

Hi, I am using Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) API to split a tiff file into mutliple files. Our tiff file is in COMPRESSION_GROUP4. To split the file in memory, we are using ImageDecoder & ImageEncoder. Here if the original doc is 10 pages and we may want to split it as let us say 1-3, 4-5, 6-9, 10-10 pages, the decoder ...