Save 1 « Operation « Java I/O Q&A

1. JEdit Macro - Open and Save File

I have a JEdit (BeanShell) macro which opens a specific file then immediately saves the file to my c:\temp folder (so that I don't accidentally update the real file). Here ...

2. How to save a Java FloatBuffer (or any Buffer) to a file

I have a FloatBuffer of known size and just want to dump the data to a file (in binary) for inspection outside my app. What's the easiest way to do this? ...

3. How to save Chinese Characters to file with java?

I use the following code to save Chinese characters into a .txt file, but when I opened it with wordpad, I can't read it.

StringBuffer Shanghai_StrBuf=new StringBuffer("\u4E0A\u6D77");
boolean Append=true;

FileOutputStream fos;
fos=new FileOutputStream(FileName,Append);
for (int i=0;i<Shanghai_StrBuf.length();i++) ...

4. How to download and save a file from internet using Java

There is an online file (i.e. I need to grab and save to a directory. I know there are several methods for grabbing and reading online files line-by-line ...

5. Saving a file in Java

I have a String that holds a path to a file. I want the users to be able to select a path and filename with a file chooser and have ...

6. What's a good place to save a file to in a Java app?

I have a Web Start application which needs to save a single text file. I would like to know where I should write the file, such that it goes in a ...

7. How can I save an object in the file?

How can I save an object in the file? I have an Object obj,how can I save all its information such as:

and the others in the file???

8. How to save a file with an incrementing suffix - file1, file2, etc

Scenario: I save my drawing with a file name as picture. After a while I made some changes on the file picture and save it again. Since both file have the same ...

9. How to save sap IMetaData into file (and then reload it as IMetaData)?

I need to save the JCO (sap) IMetadata object in a file, then create the IMetaData object from the file on a different computer. can anyone help me on how to do ...

10. How to save file and read

I create a program that place random image in grid layout format. The size of the grid layout is 6 x 6 = 36. Only 10 were filled with images (each image was ...

11. Java - HtmlUnit - Unable to save HTML to file (in some cases)

I am having intermittent issues saving the response HTML in HtmlUnit.

Caused by: Unable to save file:C:\ccview\PP50773_4.0_walter\TSC_hca\Applications\HCA_J2EE\HCA\target\HtmlUnitTests\single\1\com\pnc\tsc\hca\ui\test\SiteCrawler\crawlSiteAsProvider\10.SiteCrawler.crawl.html
    at ...

12. How do I take a ByteArrayInputStream and have its contents saved as a file on the filesystem

I have an image which is in the form of a ByteArrayInputStream. I want to take this and make it something that I can save to a location in my filesystem. I've ...

13. Java, How to save values in a permanent file and load from that

I want to be able to pull values from a file that is saved, and that I can edit, and add to from in the program or just outside of it. Just ...

14. Saving More Complicated Application Data

For simple program data that needed to be saved I just used properties files before but I was wondering how I can save more complicated application data such as: arraylists e.g.. How ...

15. How can we read from a file saved with NSKeyedArchiver with no root object - in Java?

I'm encoding a series of co-ordinates as short values, plonking them into an NSData object via NSKeyedArchiver and then converting that to base64. It's very easy of course to get the ...

16. How to save the data into File in java?

I have one problem, that is I have one string of data and I want to save it into a separate file every time. Please give me a suggestion. Thanks, vara kumar.pjd ...

17. How do I save the contents of a textview to a file, on Symbian?

How do I save the contents of a textview to a file, on Symbian?

18. Read a file with java while it is saved manually

I have a question concerning java and file input/output. for an specific task, i have to transfer a file (excel to be precise) while it's opened. imagine following scenario: An excel file is opened ...

19. protecting java data (saving items to a secure file)?

I couldn't think of a very good name for a title, there is probably a technical term for what I want to do but I am not aware of it. I ...

20. Saving/Loading files java

Possible Duplicate:
Java: how to create and write to a file
I am new to java and wanted to know of theres an easy way to ...

21. How to save result of a sparql query on a .nt file

I want to save all triples of dbpedia films on a N-Triple file (.nt file), I take a query on dbpedia endpoint with a java application and save the result on ...

22. Associating file types with program and saving files with extensions other than .java

For my program I have 2 questions:

  1. The program I am creating will act like MS Office. How do I associate Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files with my program?
  2. My program lets the ...

23. Where to save the user files?

I've developed a web application using Tomcat 6.0.32 on the server side. On the client side, users can send a files (max size: 10MB) and my web application should save them locally. ...

24. OpenOffice API: Saving Impress (presentation) document as self-contained file

When I save a with the 'MS PowerPoint 97' filter, image files used in GraphicObjectShape objects are just linked, not contained in the file. Is there a property of this filter or ...

25. Preventing window shutdown before saving a file with java

When i shutdown computer, we have unsaved file and then show dialog box to save or not. So, How do i write java program to interrupt shutdown event to save unsaved ...

26. Scraping Data. Save File?

I am trying to scrape data from a website which uses javascript to load much of their content. Right now I am using jSoup to parse html pages, however ...

27. Saving parameters in a file

I want to use a .properties file to store some parameters with values. I also want to use these parameters as class attributes in my code. How to avoid a situation ...

28. Is there a better way... (Java, saving data)

I currently wrote a small program for a manager at work. It inputs an invoice number and creates that into a button, going down in a row. Then inputs a date ...

29. How can we save a file with date?

How can we save file with current date?

Date date11 = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); 
DateFormat formatter =new SimpleDateFormat("d/M/yyyy"); 
String date1 =formatter.format(date11);
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("C:\\InjectionExcel"+ date1 +".csv");
date1 given is current date. But this code ...

30. Aptana .js files won't save without java dialogue

When I hit save in Aptana3 with a .js file I get a really annoying dialogue that says

 Save Failed
 Compilation unit name must end with .java, or one of the ...

31. Java - Load file, replace string, save

I have a program that loads lines from a user file, then selects the last part of the String (which would be an int) Here's the style it's saved in:

nameOfValue = 0
nameOfValue2 ...

32. Java: saving files with snapshots

I was wondering: if you have an application to create math graphics such as matlab, and you want your saved files to have an snapshot when showed at the file explorer ...

33. saving a file as HTML

Html files are really straight text. Saving them is pretty straight forward. import*; public class SaveHtml { public static void main(String args[]) { try { File f = new File("HelloWorld.html"); PrintWriter pr = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(f)); pr.println("< !doctype html public \"-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//en\">"); pr.println("< html>"); pr.println("< head>"); pr.println("< title>Hello World From Java< /title>"); pr.println("< /head>"); pr.println("< body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#0000ff\" ...

34. Saving a File

Hello. How would i write code to save a file. Example, i want the code to be able to take the data just manipulated and save it to a file. Ideally i want the screen to have a popup menu that can let you type in a file name and hit save...this will save your file to your destination. How would ...

35. saving more than one value in a file

Hi, I am really confused.I thought it's simple..but some where it's going wrong. i am trying to get data from browser and save it in a file.but the file is not created.i am giving the code below. can any one help me please thanks in advance public class servlet1 extends HttpServlet { public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException ...

36. Saving applications

37. saving portable application with static variables

I would like to save a java application so that when I open it with JFileChooser all the variables have been saved appropriately. Unfortunately I have alot of static variables so saving an instance that represents the entire application won't work (or at least that is my understanding of object serialization). How is this done?

38. save a file, in a different subdirectory

Hi all, I run a servlet that creates a xml file. I use: response.setContentType("text/plain"); ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream(); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream)); to write to the file. But I need to specify a different sub-directory. How can I do that? Everything works but the file gets generated under tomcat\bin and it should be somewhere else. Thanks, Francois

39. Opening & Saving Problem

I have a JFrame with 2 buttons namely button1 & button2. The primary role of button1 & button2 is to open-up a dailog to open & save documents. 1.) button1 should open the file and append it to my JTextArea. 2.) button2 should save everything on my JTextArea. Before they can do this, I need to pass my 2 methods which ...

40. Saving a file

How would I write a writer version of the following /** * Thread to load a file into the text storage model */ class FileLoader extends Thread { FileLoader(File f, Document doc) { setPriority(4); this.f = f; this.doc = doc; } public void run() { try { // initialize the statusbar status.removeAll(); JProgressBar progress = new JProgressBar(); progress.setMinimum(0); progress.setMaximum((int) f.length()); status.add(progress); ...

41. data saving question

My scenario is this: I want to save the contents of a JTextArea to a file. If possible, I'd like to be able to have bold, italics, and underlined text in that JTextArea as well, and be able to save and restore it into my Java program. I'm not exactly sure the best way to do this. Serialization? XML Serialization? Or ...

42. Saving esacpe characters to file

43. Saving in HTML files.

Hello, I am facing same problems in developping my project. I am making a tool to provide rich text editing like MS Word. It provides diffent font size, style, text alignement ...etc the tool saves text in .html files. a Jtree shows the created files names. When a user clikes on the corresponding leaf the file is opened and content is ...

44. Saving Objects as Files

Hi, I'm new here and I have a question that I've been trying to figure out for awhile now. I'm working with saving files and stuff using a GUI and I was wondering how you could just have a "Save" button (like in MS Word, there's a "Save As..." and a regular "Save" menu item). I currently have a Save As ...

45. IE file save as

Friends, I have a servlet that pushes excel file to client. In Firefox/Netscape I am prompted with "Save As" option but in Internet Explorer I am prompted with the dialog box where I have to open/save/cancel. I want the Internet Exlporer also to prompt me with "Save As" option for Excel. Can I do this with any of the IE (version ...

46. Saving a file to clients machine

A servlet normally writes HTML to its output stream. (A JSP is converted into a servlet that does exactly the same thing.) You can get data from any source, eg read an Excel spreadsheet from disk, and write it to the same stream. When it gets to the browser the user will get a prompt for what they want to do ...

47. saving and reading data

hey everyone, I have a for loop that makes an array of JTextAreas which ar stored in panels. I want to be able to store data that is put into the JTextAreas and read data and populate the areas if something has been saved on load up. here is my loop for (int x = 0; x <=11 ; x++) { ...

48. About Saving in a file

Guys please help me with this... I made an application that will save the texts in my text area in a text file but the problem is it is saving the texts in a straight line. This this is how it looks when it is in my text area: Cedric Diggory Harry Potter But there are squares positioned between the words ...

50. to save a file dynamically

Hi All, my requirement is to save the file dynamically into the local system of the user who ever runs the servlet. iam able to do it with in my local environment with the following code String p = System.getProperty("user.home"); String C = p.substring(0,3); File outputFile = new File(C+"Coo_"+ strDate_MMDDYY+".xls"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); but its not working when i ...

51. saving page as a file

I am using following servlet to save a file on server but making new URL creates a new session.How Can I do this without creating new session. package report; import java.util.*; import*; import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class Bypass extends HttpServlet{ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)throws ServletException, IOException{ res.setContentType("text/html"); //PrintWriter out=res.getWriter(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); if(session.getAttribute("report1")==null){ System.out.println("report1 is ...

52. Saving HTML page as a file on hard disc.

Hi , I dont know whether ur requirement was the same or not but what I could undestand can be achieved through this . Make use of URL Class in an application , get all the data and store it in buffer and later on write it to the file . ------------------ Sandeep Jain

53. How to fix the problem of need to click "Save" button TWICE on "File Download" popup?

Let me add more details to this.. After the "File Download" IE popup is displayed, a user clicks "Save" button. Then instead of displaying the file brower, Internet Explorer will display "File Download" IE popup again. Then the user clicks "Save" button again, then file brower is displayed. I am using IE 6.0.28. A coworker got the same result on a ...

54. Mobile phone "SAVE" filename problem

55. save file to client machine

You will need to pump your text file through the response object. But first, you need to set your response with the right content type. And on the header, set content disposition to an attachement, so that the user will get the download dialog box. But the net of it is that you will get an output stream from the response, ...

56. Save a file on the application root

57. Save File As UTF-8

If you look at the API for writeUTF(), it also writes two bytes of non-text data representing the length of the string. For general applications this probably isn't what you want - it's only good if you plan to use readUTF() later to read the data. Typically you're beter off with something like: Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("out.txt"), "UTF-8")); ...

58. Saving an ImageIcon to a file

59. tim stamps of saved files

60. how to save as a java file

Hi: I am a new java learner. I intalled Windows 98 ( no Dos intalled) on my computer. Then I installed the JDK1.2.2, and set up the path. After writting the code using Notepad, I selected 'All Files' under the extenstion menu,and tried to save it as a *.java. However, the file remains as a text file, not a java file. ...

61. Saving files

After I compile, the computer is picking up the 'previous' version all the time and i can't figure out why. I am saving them as .java and then when i need to save, i click 'Save As' and then write over the existing file. but I only get what i had previously. any thoughts? thank you, Judith

62. Where to save my .java files?

im working on certain programs at school and i want to take them home, so i dl the necesary crap needed for it. i can cimpile it and execute it fine, except i get an Invalid class path error... where do i need to save my files so that i can run them properly?

63. save file

I have to make a file and store some data(string) in it. I want that no one will be able to understand what is written in the file by openning it as txt . like he will get text as ;vnzlghaog\GH;OLFJHQ686596- in the file. So how do I go by doing the data formating. I tried it as is done in ...

64. to save a file dynamically

First of all! You are not trying to save a file in the user home directory! You are requesting the home directory and trying to parse out the drive where the home directory is located. Second: My question to you is: Are you trying to save a file on the filesystem of the server? Because this is what you are doing! ...

65. To Save a file in a different location

Hi All, In my project i have a requirement. The user will upload any kind of image. The image has to be stored in a different location. How can i do it? I'm able to browse and select the image using html. But how to read the file and store it in a different location?

66. Save File on Client Machine

i modified my program but it does not give me the desire result try { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet sheet = wb.createSheet("Customer Details Connection Fee"); HSSFRow row = sheet.createRow((short)0); HSSFCell c0=row.createCell((short)0); HSSFCell c1=row.createCell((short)1); HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); style.setFont(font); c0.setCellValue("CHAR_PREM_ID"); c1.setCellValue("SA_TYPE_CD"); c0.setCellStyle(style); c1.setCellStyle(style); d= new OracleDatabaseConnectionPROD(); connection=d.connect(); //System.out.println("OracleDatabaseConnectionPROD"); stmt = connection.createStatement(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); try { rs=stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ...

67. A question about saving....

Hello. I've built a java application in which the user loads a number of images into the application at run time. The application stores the path to the image. When the application needs the image it constructs a new imageicon with the path specified, when it no longer needs it it deletes it for garbage collector. When the user saves they ...

68. Interrupting big file uploads to save traffic

Hi Experts, When a huge file is uploaded, then is the request object available (and service invoked) only after the whole request body is materialized on server memory? My problem is Whenever a huge file is uploaded I want to stop the upload as soon as I reach a limit of 20MB, thus avoiding the unnecessary traffic wastage. I was thinking ...

69. How should I save my data?

My situation: I am running a program that generates a lot (no more than 1 million) entries of information through user input. The entries all have the same basic format: Unique ID - for identification Name - for clarification Then after that there are about 12 other properties that are mainly a String/int mix. On start-up, I need to load the ...

70. Saving - give me Idea

71. Help please: Encrypt, save to file, then decrypt later to read

Hi, I'm new to encrypting data in JAVA, have spend a few days reading up about it and trying several methods, the methods I have got to work have pretty weak encryption. The code below is one I'd really like to get working properly but seem to be having trouble with Any point in the right direction, or what I am ...

72. How to save a file inside an application context?

I have some content that needs to be dynamically generated. Normally I would use a servlet and be done with it. But I don't want to waste processing power generating the content every time there's a request. The content won't change that often. So what I'd like to do is have a ServletContextListener run every so often and generate the content. ...

73. Multiple File Save

Or write to both files simultaneously: // setup first output stream File newFile = new File(Path.getUserPath()+"/"+(hs.getAttribute("userame"))+"/"+(hs.getAttribute("userame"))+".jpg"); if(newFile.exists()){ newFile.delete(); } OutputStream out=new FileOutputStream(newFile); // setup second output stream newFile = new File(Pathx.getUserPath()+"/"+(hs.getAttribute("userame"))+"/"+(hs.getAttribute("userame"))+"_original.jpg"); if(newFile.exists()){ newFile.delete(); } OutputStream out2=new FileOutputStream(newFile); // now copy to both files byte buf[]=new byte[1024]; int len = 0; while((>=0) // important! 0 is a valid return value! -1 is ...

74. Problem in saving File

75. Best way to save files

Hey all, This is my first post, so I am going to do my best to make sure everything is right before this posts, but if I miss something please let me know so I can fix it (I know you guys will). Anyway, I was wondering how most people have their programs save their files. Do they use DB, XML, ...

76. Head First Java QuizCardBuilder not saving files correctly

Hello, I'm learning java from the Head First book. I've been trying to make their QuizCardBuilder and QuizCardPlayer programs, but the QuizCardPlayer is throwing an exception when I try to load a card set: c:\java>java QuizCardPlayer make a card couldn't read the card file java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 at QuizCardPlayer.makeCard( at QuizCardPlayer.loadFile( at QuizCardPlayer.access$800( at QuizCardPlayer$OpenMenuListener.actionPerformed( 7) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) ...

77. Help with saving buttons?

Hi I am working on a project developing a software. the software should have the ablility to create new buttons my application can create new objects like buttons and so on. but I can not save the status of the application and when I restart the application then the buttons that were creat are lost an I have got to recreat ...

78. Help Saving Objects for this Program

In the code below, when I click on the JButton "Set Up", it brings up a new JFrame with options on making things, I won't get that detailed in it. There are buttons and text fields inside the Set Up JFrame. I want to save these objects so every time after the first initial click of the button, it will save ...

79. Saving lots of data to file

Hi all, I am writing an app that needs to save a lot of data to a file. It stores information that originates in a database, each entry in the database consists of 9 strings and as it stands I have 142 entries. My app does not connect to the database at any point, another program on my server generates a ...

80. Loading and saving files

Hello everyone, I want to load a file from CD and save it to disk under a different name. I wil have a list or txt-file or somesuch with the file names (which are sorted) and want to copy them and give them names in said order (file1, file2...) so that Windows will be able to put them in the order ...

81. Headers and Footers are not appearing in saved PDF

Hello Everyone, I'm having a problem getting the headers and footers to show up in a PDF that's generated and saved to disk. When the PDF is generated in the viewer, the headers/footers show up fine. The PDF (TempPDF.pdf) saves to the disk successfully. But, when TempPDF.pdf is opened back up, the content is there, and the headers/footers are gone. I ...

82. Save file

private void jMenuItem2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { int returnVal = jFileChooser2.showSaveDialog(this); if (returnVal == jFileChooser2.APPROVE_OPTION) { File fout = jFileChooser2.getSelectedFile(); String text=jTextArea1.getText(); String filename; filename=fout.getPath(); boolean exists=(new File(filename)).exists(); if(!exists) {System.out.println("Bestaat niet"); new File(filename); } try { BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename)); out.write(text); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { jOptionPane1.showMessageDialog(null,"Fout bij opslaan van bestand."); } } }

83. Save File Function

I found this extremely useful code on the internet. It helped me understand the JFileChooser far better than the java tutorials could. Plus, it has functional File Read and Write. Plus, it's so easy to analyze. I wish I could remember who to give credit to for its creation. Java Code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import javax.swing.*; public class ...

84. How do you make a file save with a default file extension?

Alright I'm attempting to make a simple notepad clone, just to expand my knowledge. Everything I have works so far, but I'm trying to figure out that when I use my save as menu item how to make the file automatically save as a .txt. Just for clarification, I don't want the user to have to type in .txt to save ...

85. Saving a File

Hi guys/girls.. I have been writing code for my program to save a Linked List into a text file. Here are the errors I am getting.. E:\Property Manager\ cannot find symbol symbol : method getPropertyNumber() location: class Property PropertyNumber = p.getPropertyNumber(); ^ E:\Property Manager\ cannot find symbol symbol : method getStatus() location: class Property Status = p.getStatus(); ^ E:\Property Manager\ cannot ...

86. saving / loading a file - TicTacToe

I have already posted this on another forum, but I don't seem to be getting any responses there tonight, so I'll request help here. I am looking for some help with saving a file / loading it back up again. I am going to avoid the whole serialization thing, I hope, but simply writing a text file, and reading it back ...

87. How to save executed program to a file?

Hi I wanted to know how I would save the executed program (results) to a file, I can create a file but not save the content I want on there. The program reads a file and puts html tags on the file to be viewed in a browser, but I am having trouble saving the file once the tags have been ...

88. Anyway to save icon/image to file?

89. saving and loading variable data to and from a file, any books cover that?

hi, i tried the sun tutorials and am at a loss to do Preferences or Properties parts of java to save my game data to a file and then load that data back when i load the game. does anyone know if there is a book that covers saving and loading variable data to and from a file, and using that ...

90. Save information from Java app to file.

Hey guys, I'm writing an application and I want to be able to save the data to a file and be able to open that file for later use. I can't figure out how to do this. I know you can do it somehow by saving the information to .csv but I'm open to any ideas on how to do this. ...

91. Save data input to .dat file

I am creating a java application that uses a GUI. I have a save button that does not do anything right now. After I add information I want to click on the save button and write the data to C:\data\inventory.dat The book I have is not much help and so far I have not had much luck finding any information in ...

92. Am i saving to file incorrectly or am I asking incorrectly from file?

Wow.... 1) Do not use parallel arrays to store your data. Create a class that holds all the data for one record and build a list of those objects. 2) Do not use arrays if you don't know how many entries you will be reading in. Java has collections that will dynamically resize as needed. See ArrayList 3) Stop ignoring your ...

93. Save randoms to a file...

How can I save random numbers in a notepad file and how can I read them from that file? If I generate randoms that range from 1 to 6 and then try to read them with scanner will I have any problems? My quess is that the numbers will be saved like this: 12346532643.How can I use scanner in order to ...

95. Saving data from a pipe-limited file

96. Saving data into a file

I know that sounds stupid but since I'm new in Java and all my litle programs are the kind we enter data and then displays on the screen, I want to create a litle program where I will type on the screen and then that will be saved on a file, I found tons of examples where the data is already ...

97. File load and save issues

" my frame is create but the rest of my components do not load" Sorry I am a beginner and I am not sure I understand what you are talking about here. You refer to a frame and my assumption is you are speaking of a JFrame? Maybe not like I said I am a beginner if it's a GUI related ...

98. How to Save a File form a JAVA code into the CDrive

FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( "fos.txt" ) ; OutputStreamWriter ow = new OutputStreamWriter( fos , "EUC-JP" ) ; BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter ( "out.txt", true )) ; // Start MSG System.out.println( START_MSG ) ; System.out.println( START_MSG1 ) ; System.out.println( START_MSG2 ) ; // Input ArrayList array = new ArrayList() ; int i ; i = 0 ; do ...

99. Saving a file from a form to be display on a table

/* //Create a text pane. JTextPane textPane = createTextPane(); JScrollPane paneScrollPane = new JScrollPane(textPane); paneScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); paneScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 155)); paneScrollPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(10, 10)); //Put the editor pane and the text pane in a split pane. JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, editorScrollPane, paneScrollPane); splitPane.setOneTouchExpandable(true); splitPane.setResizeWeight(0.5); JPanel rightPane = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,0)); rightPane.add(splitPane); rightPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Category of Task"), BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5))); */

100. Save file method