jni « Windows « Java I/O Q&A

1. Java I/O using inpout32.dll    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to control some LEDs wired to the parallel port on Windows XP. The easiest solution would be Inpout32.dll from Logix4u.net. I have found many ...

2. Which native Windows library deals with files, file sizes, created dates? (for use with JNI)    stackoverflow.com

I need to write a JNI wrapper for windows file system calls. I want to be able to get the size and created date of files on a windows system using ...

3. Can JNI handle any dll files (Windows)?    stackoverflow.com

I am new to JNI. And have a few questions : Can JNI handle every type dll exists in windows? I wanted to link a library but it gives me error. ...

4. how to access .dll file in java?    stackoverflow.com

hi guys i have some methods in visual basic 6.0 dll so i need to access in java 6.0 please help me

5. create a simple dll file with JNI    stackoverflow.com

Im trying to create a simple dll file.Im following the tutorial http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jni/html/start.html when i try to compile the c program i get following error : Warning W8057 HelloWorld.c 10: Parameter 'env' ...

6. How to pass parameters between JNI and DLL files implemented by C++    stackoverflow.com

the following code is declared in JAVA

private native static Vector< Double > computeSimXML(Vector < String > vDocsPath);
I want to pass the parameter vDocsPath ( defined as Vector < String >) into ...

7. Java create .dll file    stackoverflow.com

I want to create .dll with java jni. My .cpp file refers to an external .lib for a .dll . When I compile this file (with cl command) I get error: ...