Name « class file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Can I compile a java file with a different name than the class?

Is there any way to compile a java program without having the java file name with its base class name. If so, please explain..

2. Why can't I give different name to class than the file name?

When i want to create a java class it is generating automatically a file with the same name of class. But when it generate a class, it can change the file name ...

3. Why filename in java should be same as class name?

In Java, the name of the file should be the same as the name of the public class contained in that file. Why is this limitation? What purpose does it serve? ...

4. Does anyone know some Java class that return a operating system friendly filename?

I have an uploader in my web page, but some people upload files named like "compaƱia 15% *09.jpg" and i have problems when the filenames are like that one. I would like ...

5. Java Class Files filename$1.class... etc Question

After successfully creating some applets, I embedded them in a webpage and discovered that ALL the class files must be included. Leave one out and it won't work. After several iterations of ...

6. How do I get the output CLASS file names after compiling Java files in C#?

So, when you compile Java (.java) into a class file (.class), the name of the file can change, as well as the extension of the file. If I have a piece ...

7. ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(className) returning null when trying to load class file resource

Class clazz = ...;
InputStream is = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(clazz.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class");
The input stream is returning null. I have used a simple java instrumentation agent to log classes as they are loaded and ...

8. Obtaining method parameter names from compiled class files

For java source compiled with the debug option (-g), the class files contain the method paramter names. However these are not available via Reflection. Does anyone know of a way to get these? Does JavaAssist or BCEL provide such a facility? I had a quick look at JavaAssist API and could not find a way. I need the paramter names for ...

9. class name and file name should be same??

The Java compiler only allows one public class definition per file. The file name must match the name of the public class definition contained in the file (if a public class definition exists in the file). So, if you were to do as the error message suggested, your problem would likely be solved. This construct allows the compiler to easily figure ...

10. public class filename????

Well, for one, that is the way the java compiler works. And another reason is this is just good design. It makes sense that your .class file really be the name of your CLASS. What do you mean you have other files where the class names don't match the file name? I would suspect 2 things. 1. They won't compile 2. ...

11. What name to use to save files; what classes are allowed?

If there was a forum for less than a beginner, I'd have posted my question there. I can never make sense of java so Head First Java seemed right up my alley - except I'm stuck on an exercise in chapter two! I searched the book up to that point and can't seem to find an explaination on how to name ...

12. class & file name

14. Why the class name and file name are same?

Hi Friends, Why the class name and the file name are same in java ?. Consider this, ********************************************************* class Example { public static void main(String arg[]){ System.out.println("Hello World"): } } ********************************************************* This file is saved as the Class Name is Example. This is compiled n run Output: Hello World Even though the class name n file name are different. Consider ...

16. Name of public class same as file

Small and simple question: A public class called say, Xyz has to be in its own source file called I don't have a problem with this. It seems a logical thing to do but why is it so critical that the compiler will not allow anything else in this case? If I leave off the access modifier public (just say ...

17. Compiling a java code having different file name and class name

Compile the following code having name as : public class Sample { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } } then I get error as class Sample is public, should be declared in a file named public class Sample ^ 1 error Now, compile the same code after removing "public" before the class name, this time ...

18. why public class should be stored in same filename as of class?

Imagine the nightmare of trying to find a class' source file if you could name it anything you wanted... (without using an IDE that is.) Some one could save the "AccountInformation" class in a file named "". And believe me, there are people that would do such crazy things if Java didn't prevent it. To me, it just one of those ...

19. Why File Name as same name as public class Name.

It has nothing to do with class loading, since *.java files don't contain loadable classes! It has everything to do with making the command-line compiler's life easier. If class A refers to class B, and class B is stored in a file named, then when A is being compiled, the compiler can find the source for class B automatically. If ...

20. Why do we need to give the same file name as the class name in a public class?

I was trying to run a program - which was not working, when I changed the filename to is same as the public class name), it started working. I got the below error:- 1 error C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin>javac C:\Users\Sony\Desktop\java\ C:\Users\Sony\Desktop\java\ class PhraseOMatic is public, should be declared in a file named public class PhraseOMatic { ^ Why is it ...

24. why file name and class name should always match?

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Welcome to the Ranch CapitalLettersForClassNames, please. It is a requirement for most compilers that the name of a public top-level class match the file name. It makes for faster compilation of the compiler does not have to "search" every file in the directory to find a particular class. Your answer made me think for a while as I always ...

25. Why the name of the public class should be the name of the file as well

Yes. This is so the compiler can easily find files when a class from outside the package refers to it. And not only the compiler: imagine how annoying it would be when you're looking for the source code of some class, so you can understand the implementation. You would have to open every file in the package to find the class, ...

26. trying to send a file name to a class that will read the file

QuestionSet is a class that has a constructor that requires a filename to be input. I tried to create a new QuestionSet object in the main program as follows: QuestionSet questions = new QuestionSet(questionFileName); when compiled, I get an error message that seems to indicate I need a throws IO Exception statement, so I tried the following: QuestionSet questions = new ...

27. Why public class name should be same as the java file name

This is a requirement of the Java reference compiler released by Sun. I have used compilers that did not require this, but most seem to follow the reference compiler (which is a very good idea). I am NOT sure if this is specified in the Java Language Specification. Some of the other regulars who are more familiar with the JLS than ...

28. Compiling classes in files of a different name

Simple logic should tell you why you are wrong. You are trying to compile a file called Does it exist? NO because you called it If you cannot find a file on your system called how the heck is the compiler supposed to. Your file and class both have to have the same name.

29. class name and file name

B4 U post do search the forum :-x I must say that i no longer endorse the "Search the forum before posting" advice of our co-members . Well i have reasons . Off lately looking at the titles given to the posts by OP's like "Please Help" ; "Not Working" ; "Help Needed" ; "Error" ; " Not compiling" ; it's ...

30. why java file name and class name are equal

Not necessary to have both the files with the same name. You can have any name for your java file. But it will create class file with name as it is in the class name which is defined in the program. When you run, you have to mention only the class name not java filename. For your convienience, if you name ...

32. getting the class name from within the compiled class file

hey! I was wondering (i know its possible) how to read a .class and get the name of the class. ok that made not much sense^^ so, You have a file: c:\f.class but it wont run because the file name has to be the same as the classes name, right? so how can you read the class file i guess in ...

33. Getting function names from a .class file

35. Getting the name of a class in the file system

Hi, im looking for a way to use the .getName() method on a class. So say I get a file object from ("myClass.class"), how can I go from that file to getting a String of the myClass.class.getName()? Probly a simple thing but cant find out how to do it. Thanks for any help

36. Why File Name is Same Name as The Public Class Name

What could be reason to give it other name? It's as much better as we have less distinct names. When I was a schoolboy, I programmed Turbo Pascal. Each program there had a name (declared in file's beginning). The name was never used, but: it has no such restriction of length (as MS-DOS file names had) and it could clash with ...

38. how to get the name of a class which is inside a file at runtime

Hi all, I have a swing application where I open a .java file, display it in a text area and then modify it manually and save it without closing the swing gui. Now, I want to get the name of one or any number of classes which might be there inside the .java file which I saved. Because I want to ...

39. Why have the file name MyClass$1.class

40. Loading classes per filename

Hello. I am curious if it is possible to load classes only by specifying their filename and how this can be done? I am familiar with the 'traditional' method of using URLClassloader and specifying a directory along with the class' fully qualified name (ex; "xy.vz.Myclass"). What I am trying to do is a simple 'plugin-system', where I supply a Interface to ...

41. why class name must be same as its file name?

42. why it is necessary that public class name should same as filename in java

thanx for u r repply. but suppose if i am creating a java file with default access modifire then we do not need to save the file name as a class name. ex. file name is class myClass{ public static void main(String arg[]){ System.out.println("hi"); } } when i compile it runs without any error but if i am craeting a ...