folder « directory « Java I/O Q&A

1. java create a file (not a folder)

Perhaps somewhat embarassing, but after some hours I still cannot create a file in Java...

File file = new File(dirName + "/" + fileName);
    // --> ** this statement ...

2. How to make a folder hidden using java

I want to create a hidden folder using java application. That program should work across platform. So How to write a program which can create hidden folder. I have tried using

File ...

3. Determine whether a folder is present?

How would I go about determining whether a file or directory has been created in Java? I basically want to create a data directory if one is not already present. Thanks.

4. How to browse folders in java?

I tried to create a JFileChooser but I don't understand how to set it to show directories only.

5. How to create a folder?

Please, how can I create an empty folder in Java?

6. Process incoming files in a directory

I want to make a Java program that monitors a directory continuously for a new file, and if a new file arrives, process it and then delete it. What is the best way ...

7. Get folder size

Do you know how can I get the folder size in Java? The length() method in the File class only works for files, using that method I always get a size of ...

8. How to get a single file from a folder in java?

The idea is to take one single file, but I don't want to list all the files, I have the address of the specified folder, but not the name. Basically I want findFileInFolder(String ...

9. cross platform way to explore the containing folder of a file

is there functionality in java to open the containing folder of a file across any platform. I can accomplish this in windows by running

Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process ...

10. Get the number of files in a folder

Is the any way to get the number of files in a folder using Java? My question maybe looks simple, but I am new to this area in Java! Update: I saw the link ...

11. java get folder size of multiple directories with file[]

I have some code ive found online and tried to adapt to look through multiple folder chosen via fileChooser

public long getFolderSize(File[] selectedDirectories) {
 long foldersize = 0;

 for(int i = 0; ...

12. Getting the number of files in a folder in java

I'm making a basic file browser and want to know how to get the number of files in any given directory (necessary for the for loops that add the files to ...

13. Java. Files and folders. Can't define the type

Good Day! I wrote the method in Java which must search files in folders and do some operations with them. So the problem is that when I try to check what I have ...

14. how to get the file folder action(file folder watcher ) in java?

I need information about file folder actions.... It means If you prodect one folder by your coding, when some one open that folder or open file from inside of that ...

15. how to get the file and folder information in java?

I'm doing a project that has a module as "File or folder information". It means, I need all open files and open directory details. E.g.:

If one file "aa.txt" was open ...

16. How to stop a program if file doesn't exist in a folder using java?

i have a program which select recent files from a directory and compress them into one file. but i want to stop the program if there is no files in the directory ...

17. Getting the filenames of all files in a folder

Possible Duplicate:
Read all files in a folder
I need to create a list with all names of the files in a folder. For example, if I ...

18. (Java) Changed directory (via bash script) not reflected in folder.listfiles

I run a bash script from my Java program which takes a chunk of data, manipulates it, and splits it up. It's not a question of whether the bash script works -- ...

19. Java, create a file and a folder

I am creating files with Java in Windows. This works:

String newFile = "c:/"+Utilities.timeFormat();
some code that creates a folder
This does not work:
String newFile = "c:/newDirectory/"+Utilities.timeFormat();
some code that creates a folder

20. How to manage Folders[faster reply required]

Hi,I'm trying to display the list of files & folders under the specified path.I'm using an array to store the directory names.When I check for the files in those folders I delete that entry from the array.But I find it inefficient,moreover I want to display the size of the folder which can be got only by calculating the total size of ...

22. print files from a folder

23. how do I get size folders ?

Hi, As far as I can see from the API, you would have to create a new File() for the folder. Then sum File.length() for each file returned by File.listFiles() recursively for each sub-folder. I guess this would only give an estimate of the actual folder size. A platform-dependent alternative that might give a more accurate figure would be to ...

24. Web-based Folder

25. what method can create folders?

26. How to get file information of any folder?

Look into the methods on the File object. You can create a File with a directory name and list all the files in the directory. There is an optional filter you could write to use regular expressions or any other pattern matching you like to select the files you want to count. Let us know if you get stuck using those. ...

27. Counting number of files in each folder

Dear Sir, I am facing problem in Counting number of files in each folder. I am getting the path of all files using recursive funtion and Folder names also For example C:\images\barcode\3.PNG-->barcode C:\images\barcode\4.PNG-->barcode C:\images\barcode\5.png-->barcode C:\images\barcode\5gif.GIF-->barcode C:\images\images\Auro0_0.png-->images C:\images\images\Auro0_1.png-->images C:\images\images\Copy of Auro0_1.png-->images C:\images\test\Auro0_0.png-->test So i have 3 folder test , images , barcode. I want to calculate and print test -> 1 file. ...

28. How to set folder permissoins

29. Creating folder with Java

30. Accesing an unshared folder using java

Hi, In our application,there are three servers 1)Application Server 2)File server 3)Database server The files that are uploaded by user will be uploaded on to the file server and the uploaded content(video files) should be served by the application server.Now the problem is, if the application server is restarted(due to some reason) then it is not able to access the content ...

32. URGENT :- Hide folder / file using Java

Hello friends Thank you very much for your replies and time spent in answering my queries. I am working on windows platform so folder cannot be renamed to a name that start with . (Dot .) I want to hide from OS user. I mean I shouldnt be able to see that file/folder in windows if the option "Do not show ...

33. Hoe can I create folders in any directory specified by me??

Amit, The File class has a constructor which takes both parent, and child as args. Example : public File(String parent, String child) File f = new File("d:\\amit","test.txt"); f.createNewFile() will create a test.txt file in d:\amit dir I think. Please give it a try! regds maha anna From Java Doc File public File(String parent, String child) Creates a new File instance from ...

34. Want block files under folder for web

35. Upload a folder not a file

I know of no way to get the 'file' input type to allow you to select a folder rather than a file. It doesn't even seem to allow the selection of multiple files. (This control is one of my top candidates for "needs help"). If the folder is zipped into a single file, then it'd be just like uploading any other ...

38. transfer files from one folder to another in java

hi, my problem is that i know how to access a file within one folder but don't know how to transfer (copy) that same file into another folder. How do i do that in my java code. thanks very much. p.s., can i use Runtime.exec as in \cmd\copy? or does java have its own method to do that? thanks....

40. How to download file from www adress to local folder?

try{ URL url = new URL(""); URLConnection urlConn = url.openConnection(); BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(urlConn.getInputStream()); File out = new File("D:\\network", "2xeu_ws_anim.gif"); BufferedOutputStream bout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(out)); byte[] b = new byte[8 *1024]; int read = 0; while((read = > -1){ bout.write(b,0, read); } bout.flush(); bout.close(); is.close(); } catch(IOException mfu){ mfu.printStackTrace(); }

41. Creating New Folder

Indeed I did, but alas, it didn't work. i'm still searching around to figure out how to make a folder. I'm trying to make a data storage thingy (that's what the professionals call it :P) that I can use for different programs. My basic plan is to have a single copy of this "data storage thingy" running on one computer. Any ...

42. Get a random file out of a folder???

If you look at the API you'll notice that if the File is a directory then you can get a File[] array back of all the files in that directory. Take the size of the array and generate a random number from 0 to files.length. Then use that random number to grab that array index, files[randomNumber].

43. Any java code for to commit the file/s dynamically in a folder?

Actually we got some problems with our current CVS, in order to check in the code we need to first copy the all files to CVS location and commit with java code. This doesn't make sense. CVS allows you to "check out" projects to your local machines. You can then make changes to those files, and submit the changes. ...

44. Comparing data in 2 files in different folders

I am working on an app that download files from an sftp server...comparing things in a server and on a local machine got a bit too much for me! So i have decided to download the txt. files to a temp folder. What i am trying to do is compare the data newly downloaded txt file with the one in the ...

45. Folder and file attributes

"Date created" isn't one of the attributes you can get with Java. The "size" of a folder is always zero, as you will see by calling the appropriate method from the File class. (The documentation says it's unspecified, but in all the environments I have tried it in, you get zero.) If you want to know the sum of the sizes ...

46. code to download file on clientside at "c:\Temp" folder

Can't be done. The web app has no control over what the client (the browser) does with the download, and that's a good thing. If you're just concerned with your own browser, then you can set its download directory to "c:\temp", and instruct it to store all downloads there directly without asking. But other people's browsers are beyond the web app's ...

47. referring to a file within src folder

48. Check if File is Folder

49. creating in memory files and folders

Hi, My requirement is to create a set of xml files and folders and then download all of them as compressed attachment. I have started with Download Servlet, i am able to get download dialog with the attachment in windows machine, but not in linux machine. The reason for this being i have used the path as // and the folder ...

50. Recently created folder is not coming in file.listFiles() method()

Hi i have written 4 JUnit Test cases. 1st test calls our one main method of another class where the some file processing happens. in Success case all these files (10 files ) moves to Success dir (in JUnit test case 3rd, i am checking this ). If some of fiels fails in processing it moves to ERROR dir (in JUnit ...

51. How to get all filenames of certain file types in a folder?

Hey! I have built a small program that opens a csv-file and extracts some data from it. The user specify what file to be used by writing the file name in the prompt. How could I change my small program to automatically go over all files in a certain folder, instead of just one file at a time? Thank you in ...

52. Issure with folder (directory)

Sorry, im not here to insault your knowledge. But yesturday i posted a question on this forum, along with several other forums, and everyone gave me diffrent answers. I thought if i rephrased my question, i would get the answer im looking for. Im just cant belive that all this time i've spent trying to learn java that it has limitations. ...

53. Selecting Files in a folder

54. File folders

55. Help please, Playing with folders and files.

Hello, this is my first post, if i do something wrong please troll me :) I am working on a simple java project: At the moment I am just trying to create a folder and assign a password to the folder. The idea being when the user inputs his name and password the program will open his folder. The password can ...

56. Question about making folder directory and explorer...

Re: Question about making folder directory and explorer... Here is my code until now: Java Code: import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent; import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener; import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent; import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener; import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; public class FileTreeFrame extends JFrame { private JTree fileTree; private FileSystemModel fileSystemModel; private JTextArea fileDetailsTextArea = new ...

57. Problem with my program looking for the settings file in the wrong folder

What I am trying to do it make it so it can be run on other computers with minimum effort by the user to set it up (since I haven't messed with any installers for it yet) The weird thing is that if I use the app FileMenu Tools to add it to the registry, and run it from that registry ...

58. How To Return Only Files NOT folders????

String[] content = dir.list(); // Fill a String array with the content of this directory for (int i=0; i

59. Files in folders.

Let's say that for a program I create, the user can select a folder with files to select those files and consequently selecting the files within the subfolders of that folder (if the user chooses to). Then the program will scan each file in the root and subfolders until it comes across one that has the object the person requires. The ...

60. files in folder

61. how to download a file from a folder

hi..if you want to download it through java code have to host the file..which can be done in two is through context mapping while another is by hosting the file through some application. at client side you can use wget(nice linux utility also available for windows) to download the file through java code

62. Create File with Folder

64. Java Program that alerts when new file is added to folder

Okay, I got it! It is working now, but only one problem. The pop-up is kind of intrusive, and the fact that they have to click OK kind of negates it. Is there a way to make it pop up in the bottom right, and have it fade away after X amount of seconds? Thanks!

65. How to Highlight the file inside the folder

Hi, I have one small doubt for open folder using java. I am using this command to open folder Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c \"" + D:\\abcd 123.txt + "\""); . Its working nicely and open the contained folder of my required file. When I was run this command , its open the D:\abcd folder. What my requirement is, after open this folder ...

69. View files in a folder

I wish to make a program that has the ability to view all text files within a folder. How easy/possible is this? I cant find any code on the internet and was wondering if any of you knew how? also I set the background colour of my frame to black (jf.setBackground(;) and it flickers black and returns to the default colour. ...

70. can we achieve uploading a file should be restricted to only one folder...

hi, i am using JSP tag we can create upload facility. while browsing the file system how can we restrict to accept only one folder in the file system, and it should not accept any other folder entries. can any body help me out. thanx in advnace. Say example: i have 10 folders in the file system. i alway ...

71. Using GetResource to get a file from a different folder than bin

Really, honestly bro, can you please just let someone answer my question. If you dont know the answer that is fine, but you are really pushing it now. All I want is an answer. That's it. No flaming, no smugness, just an answer, one line of code even, you know cause this is a java developers forum, not a 'be a ...

72. extract files from a folder

hello.. so...i have a folder in which i have 35 000 txt files.. i have to create a class which goes through that folder and gets me the files one by one...and the class' method must return me a txt file...and each time i call it from another has to get me another file...hoe do i do that? i found ...

73. Creating file in shared folder

74. Creating File objects from all files in a folder.

Hi, I'm not too brilliant of a programmer, so this may be an obvious one that I could find in the API. My goal is to compare files for similarities and then give some output, that's not too important. My question is: How do I create an array of File objects from a folder of *.txt files, without creating each individually? ...

75. [Vista only] file IOException in system folders...

While Vista is not my OS of choice, I like how it actually forces people to think about security ('though it might be better if they didn't just think of it as another annoying message box, but one can't have everything). Why do you need to write to a system file area anyway? The only valid reason I can think of ...

76. can not create a file under \window\system32 folder

How do I create a folder in \windows\system32 in x64 machine through java code? Creating a file/folder under \windows\system32 fails and java creates a folder in \windows\syswow64 folder. pls see the code attached for example. My client wants to create a folder using my application. I dont want to use any native code suggested by microsoft. You can see in the ...

77. can not create a file under \window\system32 folder

How do I create a folder in \windows\system32 in x64 machine through java code? Creating a file/folder under \windows\system32 fails and java creates a folder in \windows\syswow64 folder. pls see the code attached for example. My client wants to create a folder using my application. I dont want to use any native code suggested by microsoft. You can see in the ...

78. File transfer from one folder to another folder

Helo! Do anyone know how can i create a java program that can transfer a file, like .mp3 from one folder to another folder on the same computer? I know i have to use a 'FileInputStream' but I don't know how to apply it. Can you guys show me sompe example? Many Thanks!

79. how to make folder configured to get temp files

Actually in our project we have some applications .in each application the "" is pointing to /var/tmp folder to dump temp files as its running in solaris we want to reduce the burden on /var/tmp and dump the temp files into a directory created by us for each application which is specific so that it can take from that location ...

80. transfering updated files between two folders

Hi all, I am new to java programming and have not dealt much with it till date.I just need a source code which would help me check a folder each time it is updated with a new file and then transfer the file to a new folder on the same computer.All this should run automatically.If not through java can sum1 suggest ...

83. How to Create File in another folder

hi, I need to create a RandomAccessFile in Folder and that Folder was also created here if self only, so How it do this in a program. tname="xyz"; String fname=tname+".xml"; file = new File(fname); File dir=new File(tname); String path=dir.getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println(path); if(dir.exists()==false) dir.mkdirs(); I try to create xyz.xml file in xyz(folder name) itself, how can if be Thanking you, RaviVarma.K

84. Files in a Folder

85. Files can't be created in "My Documents" folder

Hi, I am facing a funny problem and have to resolve a critical bug related to this. I am not been able to create files in My Documents, My Videos or My Music folders as canWrite() method is returning false. Whereas if I create a folder in any of the above folder say \\MyDocuments My eBooks then canWrite() method returns true ...

86. How to create file in specific folder...

87. Restrict files in folder to be downloaded

88. How to get file last modified time and folder size?

Hi I need to write a program in java that lists the latest last modified time among the files in folders and its subfolder and also gets the size of the folder. In my case, average folder size is 9 GB. Could you please suggest any algorithm to achieve this?? I tried to implement it by gathering last modified times from ...