access « jar « Java I/O Q&A

1. accessing properties files outside the .jar?

I have a .jar file I'm putting together. I want to create a really really simple .properties file with configurable things like the user's name & other stuff, so that they ...

2. How do I access a config file inside the jar?

I'm using FlatPack to parse and load data from flat files. This requires loading a config file that stores mappings of the columns of the flat file. I have ...

3. Access .properties file at same level as working directory

I am working on a Java project that I want to deliver to my client as a .jar file. However, I want to allow the client to be able to ...

4. setting classpath for java classes(jar file) in XUL, to access via javascript

I am implementing firefox extension using XUL. I have set of java classes that is zipped as jar which needs to be accessed through javascript. If I copy ...

5. Java -jar : access external configuration file

I'm looking to do something which I thought was not going to be difficult. I have an application that I'd like to package up as a jar because I've got ~30 ...

6. Can you access items inside a jar using File

I have some files inside a jar which I would like to access in Java using a File object rather than as a stream. Is it possible to do this?

7. Set classpath in to access config files outside an executable jar

I'm building an executable jar for a maven java project I have. It works great but I have a problem in that I want my config directory to live outside the ...

8. Access file from jar via native code

I have an applet which contains some images, regular java classes and class, which uses C code via JNI. All this is included in jar file, and the appropriate dll is ...

9. Accessing files packaged into a jar file

I created a jar file with a runnable compiled class and some template files (text). I now want to use the text files packaged into the jar for distribution in the ...

10. Access file in jar file?

I need to be able to access a file stored in a compiled jar file. I have figured out how to add the file to the project, but how would ...

11. Problem accessing file from jar file in Java

I have a jar called App.jar and it's structure is as follows

    |    ...

12. Access file adjacent to jar file

How can I access the file adjacent to a jar file (not inside it) in the cleanest way possible? I've tried various combinations like File configFile = new File("..//"); and Pinger.class.getResourceAsStream(""); but ...

13. Accessing jar file contents

Hi, I have a java program, which I want to export into a jar file. Bundled into the jar file, is a folder called 'images'. If I just wanted to access a single image bundled into the jar, I would do: URL url=getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("pic.jpg"); Icon icon=new ImageIcon(url); But I actually want to look inside the images folder. If I did: File file=new ...

14. Accessing a file outside a jar

15. accessing jar files

16. Accessing Property-File outside of Jar?

Hi there! I have an application (packaged in a JAR-file) which needs to read in some properties from the file "" Now I dont want to package the properties-file in the JAR-File because the user might want to change the props which would break the signature of the JAR. But I cannot issue a call to getResource(...) on the main-class of ...

17. Accessing file inside JAR

Hello, I am sure this question has been answered a million times, but I can not find it. I can only find things that are close but won't work. Here is my problem: I have a jar file - foo.jar - that contains a main method. Inside this jar file I have a text file bar.txt. The layout is something like ...

18. Application not accessing attached JAR file

the following code runs fine in RAD 6.0 but after I export the the .class files into an executable JAR file and try to run it with a batch file it throws a couple errors. the first error is caught when it can't read the external file and the appropriate prompt is displayed(that part is commented out at the moment). the ...

19. How to access non class files in a JAR

Hi All I have a situation, i am trying to create a JAR, with class files and XML files in it, which my other modules will be using (These are Junit test classes which will be using this). I have the classpath set in my ANT target, so i am able to access the class files, but it fails to read ...

21. Unable to access jar file

22. Accessing jar file in classpath

When you run an executable JAR file, as you are doing, the JRE ignores the system's CLASSPATH setting, and just uses the CLASSPATH specified in the manifest of the JAR file. You could add the TableExample.jar to your CLASSPATH, and then specify the proper class with the main method in TableExample.jar to run. So, if the manifest in TableExample.jar says that ...

23. Unable to access classes in a jar file

I have a folder called src. In this folder i have a jar file log4j-1.2.7 which contains packages. In the same folder src i have another package which has a file When i compile this class it cannot access classes within the jar file. structure is something like this src\log4j-1.2.7.jar and src\classes\com\abc\ I am writing D:\>src\classes>javac com\abc\ It's unable ...

24. Unable to access a file in my Jar file.

Hi All, I'm having a strange problem. I have an application where my class files access a properties file in my "resources" directory. My directory structure is: =================================================== MyApp: --classes --com --mypackage --*.classes --src --resources --myschema.xsd ====================================================== This works fine when I run my program directly. But when I jar these files "com" and "resources" together, and try to run ...

25. a file in your Jar, How do I access it in code?

I am running a Jar and the very first thing it needs to do is import (if I may use that term?) this script file as a 'File' in code. The problem is the script file is located INSIDE the Jar. Thus, a direct path (absolute) will not work. I think is has something to do with: this.getClass().getResource("ScriptFile").getFile() The problem is, ...

26. access files in jar

sorry you're right that i was un-clear. there is only one jar file that needs the patching i have a set of class files that are downloaded from a repo on the internet and then moved into the jar file. im using the fileinputstream on the class files that was downloaded a jaroutputstream (i think) on the jar that needs the ...

27. accessing jar files

28. Problem with jar accessing txt file

29. how to access picture in jar file?

thanks darumA it works and iam using the pictures from the jar but i still have a little problem when i sent the program th a friend an error message appear to him : couldn't find the main class program will exit now why???? although the jar worked proberly on my pc but when i read the readme file i found ...

30. Accessing .properties file inside jar exported file

Hi, I've coded some common utilities inside a Eclipse java project. Inside this common utilities project, under a directory called "resources" , there is a .properties file , that is,"/resources/". Now I want to pack these all common functionality into a .JAR file and use it from other projects. I've correctly exported the .JAR file and now I want to access ...

31. FileNotFoundException only when I try to access CSV file within .jar

I have a class, JCalculator.class within com.ppowell.applications that works beautifully within NetBeans by accessing 2 important CSV files found within - again, in NetBeans, absolutely no problem whatsoever finding them, accessing them and handling the data. I then jarred the whole thing up into a Jar file, GUI.jar. I also have a .properties file that helps in identifying the location ...

32. Access to files winthin a Jar

33. Need to access files in a jar

I have a java project example java1 and have some .xml and images and src codes which I have to make it in jar file which is been used in another java project say java2. So from Java2, I need to access those files ie. database.xml file from java1.jar. So what is the piece of code that will get the ...

34. Unable to access .properties file in Jar

I have a jar containing useful utility classes and a default properties file to support them. In a class packaged into a second jar with the first on the classpath I am calling: MainClass.class.getResource("/"); However this always returns null. I've tried moving it off the root package, using "Thread.getCurrentThread().getContextLoader..." and System Class loaders and none of them can locate the properties ...

35. Can't access class files in jar file

Depends what you mean by "visible." Are you getting a ClassNotFoundException? If so, your JAR isn't in your runtime CLASSPATH. You should be able to solve that (in Eclipse) by by modifying your project classpath. If "visible" means your code is usng a ZIP class to peek inside the JAR & it's not working, best bet is to re-study the ZIP ...

36. Accessing wave file from JAR [SOLVED]

38. How to access the Manifest from inside the jar file?

There's a java.util.jar.JarFile class, which seems to give access to its Manifest, which allows to access its Attributes. This seems very nice, e.g to store application-wide information (like version info). I managed to write and build an application, put it into a jar and run it from there. Now my questions: How can my code access its own jar file? Is ...

39. access to files in a jar file

40. jar file unable to access other classes

Yes, I read that, but that doesn't seem to solve my problem. That page tells me how to add another JAR file to my classpath. However, I need my program to access specific classes not packaged within a JAR. EDIT: Ok, now that's very odd. I fiddled around with the classpath some more, and it turns out that I needed to ...

41. how to access file in an inner jar using getinputstream()

setaret2004 wrote: I have a file within an inner jar... You have a jar inside a jar? And you want to access the inner jar directly? Stop trying to do that. It can't be done directly. If you're stuck with the jar-inside-jar scenario then what you have to do is: 1. Copy the inner jar to somewhere you can access it ...

43. unable to access the contents of the jar file which is in classpath

Hey Java Gurus, I am including a jar file in my classpath and somehow it is not able to get included in the class path and it gives. The may I have included in the class path is this $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath "/home/at59597/java/lib/commons-lang-2.3.jar:$CLASSPATH" com.PLCalculator $* Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang/builder/ToStringStyle I am not able to understand why this is happening. I ...

44. How can I access a directory witin a jar file?

Hi, I'm using java web start and I can access the images in my jar file by using the standard getClass().getResource( ... ) method. However trying to get a File object of a directory. This is because I want to search the directory for files that it contains and list them on the screen. Can anyone please tell me how I ...

45. Access jar file from in-memory classes...

I have some classes that I compile to memory and everything works fine until one class that must access some external jar files. I have been unable to access those jar files from disk after trying every suggestion using URLClassLoader. I even tried someone's example to hack the SystemClassLoader which properly adds the jar file paths, but still they can't be ...

46. Problem accessing sounds in jar file

Don't try to use a File object to access resources from the jar. You have a working process for accessing the sprites, just use the same process to access the sounds. Only not quite the same method, there's one method which returns a URL and a very similar method which returns an InputStream. I would post the link to the documentation ...

47. Accessing JAR file

48. How can I access my java class file in a .jar file ...PLz Help anyone!!

I am new in Java programming, have a .jar file that contains .java files that I want no access and use from another .java file. These files in the .jar file basically form a library thus have no main-method. However I can not declare an instance of the library (in the .jar file) and use it within my program.

49. Accessing multiple jar files and retrieving property files found inside

I have currently 4 jar files with various names, that have inside them, in the META-INF directory, a property file call The contents of the property files for the 4 jar files are different. The 4 jar files have been added to the system classpath. The question I have is how do I retrieve the property files for each of ...

50. Accessing properties file from jar

Hi all, let me explain the scenario. I have an application that is to be deployed as a jar file. When this application runs (either from the command line or by double-clicking it) it's first job is to locate a properties file that is outside of the jar file. This properties file has to be outside of the jar file so ...

51. can't access to a file from a jar

hello, I have a java classes which uses some jar libraries. They need to read an innoncent file from the hard disk. Everything is ok for that. Now , I put mey java classes in a .jar and i try to run the same thing. There, I got thrown a ExceptionInInitializerError when accessing that file. Can somebody help? I read some ...

52. accessing static field of class in a jar file

53. Access a file into a jar

Without having anything to look at I can't say anything definitive, but it looks like you have classloader clashes. From one classloader the file is visible while from another it is not. It will depend on which classloader loads which class; if all the classes are part of the same application then that should be the same classloader, but I will ...