compile « jar « Java I/O Q&A

1. Is it possible to recompile a single .java Java file without having the whole project?

I have this .JAR file. I decompiled it to multiple .java files. There is any way to have a new functional .JAR file, after updating a single .java file and recompiling ...

2. Newbie question: how to include JAR files when compiling?

I have the following in a java file (

import org.apache.mina.common.ByteBuffer;
and ByteBuffer is inside a JAR file (with the proper directory structure of course). That jar file and others I need are in ...

3. Adding a jar file to build path, as a String option in JavaCompiler.compile()

I'm trying to compile some java file dynamically, the compilation process works fine, until I try to add a jar file to the build path, any form of adding it did ...

4. Can't get Janino compiler to compile files in same directory as jar

I'm using Janino to compile java files at runtime to use in a program. I'm using netbeans and I can only get it to compile at runtime when I put the ...

5. Include JAR file in ant compilation

I want to compile some .java files into a JAR. I would like to use this JAR file in another application. Is this a good way to use functions from my first ...

6. how to compile code from svn into jar file?

I found HTMLUnit is useful for me,but the files are too old. So I use svn co htmlunit to check the code,But I don't know how to use them. Is ...

7. Root Directory Information Included in Compiled Jar File?

I have a simple 'Hello World' command line Java application. I build the .jar from the command line - no IDE is used. I find that if the root ...

8. how should the compilation be done to be included in ant _home lib for .class and java file

i have a problem ant script:

<taskdef name="CFileEdit" classname="com.ANT_Tasks.CFileEdit"/>
where taskdef class com.ANT_Tasks.CFileEdit cannot be found now i have and i did this:
  1. compiled into CFiledEdit.class
  2. CFileEdit.class into CFileEdit.jar
  3. Place CFileEdit.jar into ANT_HOME\lib?
I am not ...

9. Compiling with EJML.jar file

I'm working on a macbook pro I'm very new to java and it looks like I'm going to have to learn it quick. Help would be much appreciated. I download file, ...

10. I can't run this Jar file that I compiled, can anyone help me?

I typed in "java -jar ShowTime.jar", and got this error message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Incompatible magic value 1347093252 in class file ShowTime
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at ...

11. How to compile a source file with jsoup.jar in classpath?

I have a problem on executing a compiled file. I compile my file as

javac -cp \mypathto\jsoup.jar 
I can't execute it after, because I got the "undefined class Jsoup" error. ...

12. Java classes can't get the resources in JAR files that compiled with IKVM

I've converted a java library succesfully with ikvmc. Java library uses some resources inside its self jar file. I can reach all classes of this java library, but if I call ...

13. Why Jenkins cannot run a compiled jar file

Inside Jenkins, I already setup a build.xml to use Ant to compile the Java code and output as a jar. I can run the compiled jar without problem in command line. However, after ...

15. version based jar file compilation

Hi, I have a question related to version based compilation for jar files. I have a jar file called jtools.jar for our application. I want to include all the versions of jtools.jar e.g. jtools_v_2_1.jar, jtools_v_2_2.jar, jtools_v_4_1.jar into one single server. To make this possible, I need a class path that also includes the version number. For example, instead of having classes: ...

16. how to jar the resulting .class files after compilation

Hello all, Right now the code that I have posted below will compile the two .java files provided....and it will also jar these files...But I want to jar the resulting .class files that get generated after the compilation.... However, the compile method doesn't return any files, it returns a boolean that indicates whether the compile was successful or unsuccessful. After a ...

17. Compiling Of J2SE Files to Jar file

One note, although compiling a jar and building it are usually done together, they are not exclusive to one another. You take a bunch of files that have all ready been compiled, add create a jar out of them. Really, a jar is the java equivalent of a zip file that can hold any type of file, compiled or not.

18. JAR file compile and execution error - NoClassDefFoundError

Hi, I have created an executable JAR file testapp.jar that contains a properties file. The folder structure is as follows: TestApp (folder name) testapp.jar When I execute the jar file: "java -jar testapp.jar", I get a "NoClassDefFoundError". The jar file in the TestApp folder was compiled beforehand and contains the META-INF manifest file and all other classes. Why is this ...

19. Compiling with jar files.

20. Including a jar file while compilation

21. I found that inner classes cause problem run my jar file (no problem making the jar or compiling),

C:\Users\User\Documents\TextBooksDataFiles\Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition\jnp3examples\examples\19>jar cmf SMTPClient.jar SMTPClient.class SMTPClient $SendAction.class SMTPClient$UpdateListener.class C:\Users\User\Documents\TextBooksDataFiles\Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition\jnp3examples\examples\19>java -jar SMTPClient.jar Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/Message at SMTPClient.( at SMTPClient.main( Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.mail.Message at$ at Method) at at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal( ... 2 more

22. can someone help me compile and build a jar file

Hi Group, New to java but willing to learn. Here is what I would like to do and would appreciate expert advice/feedback. I discovered an excellent Scrabble game done in java called Jabble. It works really well but I would like to make a couple of tweaks to it (i.e. make it 800 x 600 on startup without having to resize ...

25. How to run a compiled file that needs a jar

Hi all I'm trying to run a file that I've compiled that requires a jar I have both the jar and java file in the same directory itext.jar i compile using javac -cp itext.jar which produces my HelloWorld.class but when i run java HelloWorld I get loads of errors Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HelloWorl at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at ...

26. Compiling into jar file

Alright I have tried to find a solution to the problem but I can't seem to fix it. (I have two classes, one called DoodleMain and other called DoodleDrawShapes, a [main] method is in DoodleMain that creates a frame for the applet) I am trying to compile a .jar file and I do this by typing the following into command prompt ...

27. Compile java file in real time using jar

Dear all, I have an application that is able to create java file in real time and needs to compile them immediately after creating the java file. I need to compile those java files and store the class file in the location that I've specified. I am able to do that when running the application using NetBeans IDE (p/s: I am ...

28. Compile some class file and re-packaging the jar files

I know this is silly. But what I was trying to do is: I got 1 jar files, ex: abc.jar The jar files consist of: com/abc/1.class, com/abc/2.class, com/abc/3.class 3.class has some objects referred to 1.class and 2.class I extracted abc.jar into a folder. I replaced 3.class with a new 3.class which is compiled with 1.class and 2.class from abc.jar. I repackage ...

30. How to retrieve constants value from compiled code in jar file?

Hi everyone, I've been looking for a way to solve this for a week now, without any much success... and I've finally decided to ask the Java gurus for a solution! Here's what I am basically trying to do: I have several jar files in which there are only compiled code (.class). In every class, there are 2 constants (declared as ...