execute « jar « Java I/O Q&A

1. Get location from where the Java code is executed    stackoverflow.com

I have a swing Java application that preserves a lot of data (you can think of a game and its saves for example). Those data are stored in files rather then ...

2. Is there a way to start a jar file hidden?    stackoverflow.com

I have a .jar file that I would like to run hidden in the background every time I start my computer. I use javaw -jar x.jar to load it but I ...

3. Can I execute Two different Classes from same jar file?    stackoverflow.com

I have a project where in one package I have made Server and in Second Package I made Client. It is working fine. I want to create a Jar file. Is ...

4. Execute jar command exclude files    stackoverflow.com

I followed The Java Archive Tool but couldn't find how to exclude folders. For example, I have the files under working copy directory:

  -- com
I would like ...

5. Executing JAR file within a other java application    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to run a External Jar file, without actually instert it into my jar itself. Because the jar file needs to be located in the same folder as the main ...

6. Forking a new process in C++ and executing a .jar file    stackoverflow.com

I am attempting to write a program that will read the output from a java .jar file and also give it input from time to time. Basically I am hoping ...

7. I am getting a "Bad version number in .class file" after my .jar file has already executed?    stackoverflow.com

I have an odd one for you. I have a simple .jar installer program that I wrote in Eclipse on my MacBook Pro, running OS X 10.6.8. When I run the ...

8. Executing a different Jar file from another java program    stackoverflow.com

As a part of my program, I have a connections manager that receives a connection from a client, and then gives the client a port number and a password to use ...

9. sikuli: how to execute java jar file    stackoverflow.com

I loaded a java jar file into http://www.sikuli.org/ and tried to run it like this but it is not working. Any hints?


import subprocess
subprocess.call(['java', '-jar', 'TJF.jar'])
Error message: Unable to access ...

10. How to make the jar file executing after being double clicked    stackoverflow.com

I have the next problem - my .jar file works when I invoke it from the command line as java -jar name.jar But it does not start when I double click on ...

11. Failing to execute the jar file using java -jar command    stackoverflow.com

I have created a jar file usign maven2 build. I am trying to run that jar file using the command:

java -jar sample.jar com.app.Test
Test being the class which is having the main ...

12. Executing Java file inside a jar file    coderanch.com

Hi all 1) Is it possible to execute a java file from with in a jar file. Say "A.jar", having "B.java" with it. Is it possible to execute (both compile and run using javac and java) the "B.java" file which resides inside the jar file. 2) If we can execute B.java, Can it be possible to refer to external resource. say ...

13. Unable to execute jar file....got following stack trace.    coderanch.com

Hi, i'm using jasper report for generating report. following is my java class for displaying report, package com.india.mumbai.tg; import net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JasperDesign; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.sql.DriverManager; import com.mysql.jdbc.Connection; /** * Driver program to connect to a database and to view a jasper report (.jrxml) * @author Oguzhan Topsakal * @since 23 ...

14. No Graphics when executed from JAR file    coderanch.com

I am creating a program that uses gifs and jpgs as graphics. Those are stored in a folder called "Graphics". When I compile and run my program from the command line, everything is fine. But as soon as I put it in a JAR file and execute it, the graphics don't show. I tried putting the graphics folder into the jar ...

15. problems in executing a jar file    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

16. Executing a jar file from desktop    coderanch.com

Hello. I have created a shortcut on my desktop to javaw.exe. I am then specifying the directory that the jar file is in, and then the main class like this: C:\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.1\bin\javaw.exe -cp I:\Jennifer\jt400.jar;I:\Jennifer\VendMaint.jar com.storekraft.pch.VendMaintenance When I execute the jar file it works great. However, I want to change the drive and directory that these jar files are located in. I copied ...

17. Unable to execute jar file....got following stack trace.    coderanch.com

Hi, i'm using jasper report for generating report. following is my java class for displaying report, package com.india.mumbai.tg; import net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JasperDesign; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.sql.DriverManager; import com.mysql.jdbc.Connection; /** * Driver program to connect to a database and to view a jasper report (.jrxml) * @author Oguzhan Topsakal * @since 23 ...

18. Executing a JAR file from within a program    coderanch.com

Hey everyone- I'm trying to write a user interface for a game engine that I downloaded as an executable JAR. The readme file simply suggests executing the engine.exe file from your program. Once this is done you send commands + receive responses as plain text. Can anybody tell me a standard idiom for executing this jar file + communicating with it ...

20. Doubt on executing a jar file    coderanch.com

I created a jar file ,added manifest,set classpath ,everything worked well but when I am trying to execute the jar file (java -jar jar-file.jar) the message was "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from your jar file". what could be the reasons for the failure? please suggest any online tutorials on jar execution ? Thank you.

21. creating and executing a jar file    coderanch.com

22. How to execute JAR file    coderanch.com

For executable jar you need to specify the startup class who have main method in that class in manifest file . Example : Main-Class: classname make this entry in manifest file . then make jar file using jar -cmf filename. Jar mainfestfilename.txt files you want to add once its done just double click on the jar file it will execute automatically ...

23. problems executing executable jar file by double clicking    coderanch.com

Hello, I have jdk1.6 installed on my m/c. I have all the required path and classpaths set. Initially i was able to execute the executable jar file of ArgoUML by double clicking, but now after formating my m/c. The executable jar file of ArgoUML is not working,it says Main class not found. But if i run the jar from the command ...

24. Trying to execute java program which is in jar file    coderanch.com

ok, Thanks for the input..but the main problem I am facing is that in lib folder there are 20 files. when I right c:\lib in classpath it does not access any supporting jar files. I need to sepecify java -classpath c:\lib\file1.jar;c:\lib\file2.jar;c:\lib\file3.jar;c:\lib\file4.jar;c:\lib\file5.jar;c:\lmyTest.jar com.NameoftheClass I do not want to specify jar in such way...is there way to put folder in to the classpath ...

25. Problem while executing jar file    coderanch.com

Hi, I have an executable jar file which uses the SingleFrameApplication class. I am using netbeans 6.1 as my IDE. In my code I have a reference to a properties file which is located in the src folder inside some package. When I run the application from netbeans, it runs fine but when i double click on the jar file though ...

26. Problem in executing java project jar file    coderanch.com

Did you use a manifest file? Or specify the main class when creating the jar file? I recommend using manifest file. Main-Class: com.javalabs.examples.Abc Class-Path: lib/ExtJar.jar // need extra line at the end Since you are using external jar files, you need to specify the class path in the manifest file as well. Then to create the jar "jar cvfm abc.jar manifest.txt ...

27. Problem when executing runnable jar file.    coderanch.com

Hi Ranchers !! My Project has following structure Test-->com.company.Example.Test1 -->Rules/File1.txt In class Test1 i am reading File1.txt by following code package com.company.Example; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; public class Test1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String path="Rules/File1.txt"; File file =new File(path); String msg=""; BufferedReader bufferedReader=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); msg=bufferedReader.readLine(); System.out.println(msg); System.out.println("Successful reading"); bufferedReader.close(); bufferedReader=null; } } When ...

28. Executing a Jar file    coderanch.com

Hi I have a problem in running a java class which is present inside a jar. I just compiled the classes to bin folder and created a jar using jar cvf test.jar -C bin .. Everything is success until this step. After that I tried executing java -cp test.jar EnvTest NOTE: Class EnvTest has a main method. I don't want executable ...

30. Execute file within a jar    coderanch.com

I'm building a swing application that takes command line calls and executes them. I'm ultimately trying to create the ability to start applications on remote workstations and since there is no standard Windows command to do this i found that PsExec can do this for me. The question now become instead of requiring a user to install PsExec seperately, can i ...

31. Could not execute a jar file even with proper classpath.    coderanch.com

Hi, I am trying to execute a jar file which looks for a driver in another jar file. Though I had the path in the classpath, you need to mention the class-path for the jar specifially. So, I have these lines in the manifest file, Manifest-Version: 1.0 Class-Path: lib/db2jcc4.jar But still, the jar file is not searched in the lib folder. ...

32. Problem executing jar file    java-forums.org

Hi All, I'm trying to execute a jar file in this way: java -jar HelloWorld.jar but I receive this error message. Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from HelloWorld.jar I have two source java code: public class HelloWorld1 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World #1"); } } and public class HelloWorld2 { public static void main(String[] args) { ...

33. jar file won't execute.    java-forums.org

C:\Projects\Java>cd minimal C:\Projects\Java\minimal>javac TestApp.java C:\Projects\Java\minimal>java TestApp This is a test. C:\Projects\Java\minimal> C:\Projects\Java\minimal> C:\Projects\Java\minimal> C:\Projects\Java\minimal>jar cf TestApp.jar TestApp.class C:\Projects\Java\minimal>java -jar TestApp.jar Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from TestApp.jar C:\Projects\Java\minimal> C:\Projects\Java\minimal>jar tf TestApp.jar META-INF/ META-INF/MANIFEST.MF TestApp.class C:\Projects\Java\minimal>jar xf TestApp.jar META-INF\MANIFEST.MF C:\Projects\Java\minimal>cd META-INF C:\Projects\Java\minimal\META-INF>type MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 1.6.0_16 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) C:\Projects\Java\minimal\META-INF> C:\Projects\Java\minimal>jar tf TestApp.jar META-INF/ TestApp.class C:\Projects\Java\minimal>jar ufm TestApp.jar META-INF\MANIFEST.MF C:\Projects\Java\minimal>jar ...

34. How to execute a class in a subdirectory in .jar file    java-forums.org

Dear All, I have a jar file "My.jar". In this "My.jar" file, I have a directory "build\classes". In this "build\classes" directory, I have a package "package1.sub1". In this "package1.sub1", I have class files "MyClassA.class", "MyClassB.class", etc. (package package1.sub1 is declared in all of these classes.) Now, I want to execute "package1.sub1.MyClassA.class" in "build\classes" directory of "My.jar" from the command line. How ...

35. how to execute a jar file    java-forums.org

Hi I have written java code using eclipse , this java code has a jdbc connection and classes12.jar has been added to the program and a jar file has been created . Now when i try to run the jar file , it does not run . So i created a bat file with the path of the jar file in ...

36. Executing a file from within a .jar File?    forums.oracle.com

Hey my names milk long time reader first time poster :P i was just wondering if anyone could tell me how to execute a program from within a .jar file? (unfortunatly dont have the code on me not on my TAFE (like uni) drive) Ill explain as best i can i have a GUI program and one of the buttons if ...

37. Nothing happens when I execute a .jar file    forums.oracle.com

I noticed that NetBeans was highlighting the very top line of my code and saying "Incorrect Package", so I copied the source files to a different location and just manually compiled them from the command line. I was then able to manually run the program from the command line. Could anyone enlighten me as to what I've done wrong with the ...

38. Execute jar file    forums.oracle.com

***** must be your main class name(dont add .class extension); and change file extension to bat and save(this bat file should be in same directory with your classes and database files... of course.(and one more advice: you must copy the whole directory (which contains classes and database file) to other computer, then double click bat file and run...

39. Program not executing in jar file. Help please.    forums.oracle.com

I went through the tutorial about jars on the sun website and i created a jar file with a hello world program like this: "cd E:\Batch jar cfm test.jar m.txt test.class PAUSE" My m.txt contains this text: "Main-Class: test.class" The jar file is created. No errors. Then i try and run the jar with this: "cd E:\Batch java -jar test.jar PAUSE" ...

40. Executing .jar files from another .jar file.    forums.oracle.com

How would I run one .jar file from another .jar file. and is there anyway to call specific class arguments? Because I have one .jar file that reads a specified file and returns its contents. So how would I execute it and specify its arguments and how would I make it return something to the executing jar file?

41. Executing a jar file    forums.oracle.com

42. How do you execute a JAR file?    forums.oracle.com

I'm sorry this is so basic, but I honestly do not know how to do this nor can I find anything online here or anywhere via Google to help me with this one. I have a JAR file that I created on another machine using JDK 1.6.0 and NetBeans 5.5 on WinXP. I copied and pasted that JAR file over to ...

43. problem in executing jar file    forums.oracle.com

44. Not able to execute .jar file by double click    forums.oracle.com

I have a .jar file on my office computer. Somehow it is not executing(actually nothing is happening) when i double click on it. I checked in DOS by using the command java -version and I got the following: java version "1.5.0_05" java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, STandard Edition (build 1.5.0_05-b05) java Hotspot(TM) Client VM(build 1.5.0_05-b05, mixed mode) I am assuming the computer ...

45. jar file not executing on double click.    forums.oracle.com

HI, I have created a executable jar file of an swing desktop application, It is working fine if i use the command line (java -jar option) but when i try to execute it by double clicking its shows the error message (could not find the main class. program will exit). I have checked the manifest file and it is having the ...

46. How do I execute class in .jar file from command line?    forums.oracle.com

Thanks for this. Alas, I do not have the source code used to generate the jar file, and I have no means of getting it. I imagine, therefore, that I will not be able to update the manifest file. I'll try the java solution. Incidentally, I assume that classpath is rather like the unix path. Is there anything that defines the ...

47. Problem executing JAR file    forums.oracle.com

I've made a jar file containing swing project and hibernate project as library in it. I'm trying to execute the jar but I keep receiving: Could not find main class.Program will exit. The content of my manifest file is: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0 Main-Class: classes.frontface.gui.Login Class-path: . lib.dentist_hibernate.jar Created-By: 10.0-b23 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) The main file is exactly there ...

48. Execute remote jar file from loacl in Unix    forums.oracle.com

You haven't said anything about your environment, where you want it to execute. What the jar does, how remove machine is accessed. If they share a disk or not, and so on. The only thing that you have said is that you want to execute a jar, and that isn't much information considering that most jars can'e be executed at all ...

49. executing a jar file if a file is created or modified    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I have an executable jar file which can be executed via command line or simply by double clicking it. I intend to execute it if a file in some directory gets modified or gets created/deleted. I don't know if its possible for the jar to monitor these sorts of actions itself without having to get help from the scheduler because ...

50. Question about executing a Jar file on unix with a unix .profile    forums.oracle.com

hello everyone I have the following problem. On a unix machine, a .Jar file will be executed. This .Jar makes a connection to a database. I can hard coded my userID and password in my source file to make the connection, but I want the .Jar file takes the userid and password from the unix login .Profile example: in a korn ...

51. How to execute a jar file in other machine?    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I am working with java. and my machine is connected to LAN.I would like to execute a jar file in my machine from a remote machine that is also connected to LAN.how should i go about doing this.Help me if somebody have a solution as i am badly in need of this. Regards, Mohan

52. executing jar file    forums.oracle.com

53. Execute .JAR files    forums.oracle.com

What do you mean, you cannot run a jar file? In windows at least, if you double click a jar file, it gets executed by installed java by default. The manifest file tells you what class will be invoked. For more info you can see - http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/javatips/jw-javatip127.html If not on windows, say you are using linux, just create a shell script ...

54. how to execute vbscript from executable jar file    forums.oracle.com

Do you want to run a file which as ".VBS" extension. If so, you can run it by two ways. I dont think so you can run the vbs file which is in jar file. If u have the jar file in the folder where you stored the ".vbs" file means, you can use the following method. [ note you dont ...

55. Executing a jar file    forums.oracle.com

56. Help with executing jar file    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I have created an application which connects to an sqlite db and I can run it in netbeans and on the DOS command line using: java -Djava.library.path=c:\Java\CBL\Dist\lib\ -jar "c:\Java\CBL\dist\CBL.jar" I would like to be able to create a executable file from which I can do the above without having to use the commandline. My final goal is to be able ...

58. executing jar file gives NCDF ..    forums.oracle.com

I know its very basic question and hundred of times people may have asked. But I couldnt find any solution for this. I have developed an application and created a jar file, now when I am trying to run, it gives me NCDF exception. I have setup environment variable correctly what I have in my manifest file is: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: ...

59. How to execute jar file    forums.oracle.com

Dear all, 1. I am trying to import a .jar file and execute (run) in eclipse. I know it can be done from command window by java -jar z.jar . But I am supposed to do it in eclipse . I would appreciate your help. 2. jar files are supposed to be executable. But in my premium window vista as well ...

60. Execute a jar file on double click    forums.oracle.com

Actually you need not to create that batch file on Windows. For Windows environment, the Java runtime is already provided with a launcher utility 'javaw.exe' which serves this purpose if the jar manifest file has proper Main-Class entry. For non-Windows environment there is no default native Java launcher provided but you may try to create script that will do the job ...

61. Jar file can't execute    forums.oracle.com

62. Problem in Executing a JAR file    forums.oracle.com

In my project, I imported some packages from another project's class folder. That class folder is available in my CLASSPATH and while executing my project from ECLIPSE editor, It's working well. But, when I make it as a jar file and execute that in another machine, It throws an error "noClassDefFound", that class belongs to another project, which I imported in ...

63. Executing jar file    forums.oracle.com

hi, it's basic question !!!! i have the followin structure : myApp /lib/jar1.jar /lib/jar2.jar bin/com/package/main.class bin/com/package/class1.class bin/com/package/subpackage/class2.class i would like to create a runnable jar file : so i do an export from eclipse, i end up with a jar file with a manifest file not including the class-path information. so i extract the manifest i add the following information : ...

64. To execute a java application thru' a jar file    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I want to execute a Java application which has a main class thru' the jar file. Here is what I did, I created a jar file with the Manifest file has the Main class attribute jar -cfm App.jar Manifest.txt Directory1\*.class and then when I execute java -jar App.jar, I am getting a message 'No class found' error. Do I have ...

65. executing JAR file on double-click    forums.oracle.com

hi, I created executable jar file and executed in the command prompt. But when double-click the jar file, it doesnt get executed. I am using Win 2000 SP4. To make execute a jar on double click, I performed these things, opened the Windows Explorer->Folder Options->File Types(tab) In Folder Options dialog box, Click New Button, give JAR as File extension in the ...

66. Make .jar file execute on double click    forums.oracle.com

Hello all, I've created a .jar file and it executes normally when I type java -jar BasicCalculator.jar in the command window. When I double click the .jar file, though, nothing happens. The computer recognizes that the file is an Executable Jar File, and other .jar files that I've downloaded from online work fine when double clicked. Thanks in advance, help would ...

67. Prbolem in executing jar file    forums.oracle.com