problem « jar « Java I/O Q&A

1. problem in jar file

hi I created one jar file in following folder:


But when I type command as follows:

>>jar tf /usr/local/bin/niidle.jar

then it is showing following error:-- --The program 'jar' can be found in ...

2. some problem in jar file in java

I have created jar file for my project. It is running successfully. There is one 'lib' folder. I have other jar files in this folder. I added all these jar files in MANIFEST.MF in the ...

3. Problem when using code from a jar file

I run the following code:

public class Sign {

private static final PrivateKey         priv    = Util.loadPrivate();
private static final PublicKey    ...

4. generate jasper report problem in jar file "Lorg"

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lorg/jfree/chart/plot/PlotOrientation;
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredFields(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
hi guys i am new to ...

5. problem to exicute JAR file

hi, I am using external POI package to perform excel import and export task in my project.This package is present at C drive on my machine. When I execute this project ...

6. Jar Extraction Problem

Hello all, I am having a strange problem and I cannot find cause for it. I use the method below to extract files from a jar. One of the files in the jar has a '#' character in the file name. When I use the method below to extract the files, all files come out ok except the one with the ...

7. Problem in wrtitng JAR File

I have a jar file called test.jar on my server and i am sending that file on my client.the client-server communication is through socket.the file gets created on the client howerver when i unjar the file it extracts only some files and then gives me the error " end of ZLIB input steram". plz tell me how to solve this problem.can ...

8. Problems creating a Jar file

I've been over my code for days and can't create a Jar file to run it out of the Eclipse IDE. The Jar file is created successfully, but I keep getting the following error when trying to run the Java Archive: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger at edu.pucrs.library.bookRenewal.BookRenewal.( My Manifest.MF is exactly as: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: edu.pucrs.library.bookRenewal.BookRenewal ClassPath: lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar,lib/activation.jar,lib/commons-httpclient.jar,lib/HTTPClient.jar,lib/mail.jar ...and ...

9. problem with jar file

Hello, I am using Eclipse and have 2 projects in it. I create a jar file of project1 and use it in project2. The jar file of project1 is added in the path of project2. Now, the problem.. I have added some new code in one of the java programs of project1. The jar is created as usual. If i try ...

10. Problems creating a .jar file from a project

We're using Eclipse, we can create a jar file fine and set the main entry point, but when we run it it says: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: /javax/media/opengl/GLEventListener We're using opengl so that may be causing the problem as it can't find the dir or something but I think Eclipse is meant to sort that out. Anyone got any ideas? ...

11. Problem with JAR file

Do you see your JAR file being displayed with a standard java coffee icon in your windows explorer view? It should list as an executable jar file. If so, then your OS file association is right. Else you can just click on 'open with' and then associate your java.exe with it. Make sure your manifest file is right, as mentioned in ...

12. Same old jar file problem

Hi I succesfully created jar file but i m not able to set path for my imported and others...It gives error that ClassDefNotFound..but same application works in my directory..i think u ppl got my problem when i try to run my jar file it gives error but without jar it works fine I tried to get the info from ...

13. Jar file problem

Thanks for the reply, Gregg. Yep, i tried setting a manifest, still not working. Its not able to find the entry point class file. So, i tried mentioning it in the manifest file. Here are the contents of my manifest file: ---------------------------------------------- Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: ab/Starter.class MD5-Digest: (base64 representation of MD5 digest) Name: ab/ Sealed: true ---------------------------------------- And to create the ...

14. Please help. Jar File problems

rang75 Also, please try not to cross post your questions. Most of the people here spend time in multiple forums and will answer questions in more than one of them. Cross posting into multiple forums is a good way to show them you didn't read the forum topics or that you don't care - in the long run it is a ...

15. jar file problem

Hi, I really don't know in which category to this post, so I thoght this could be the best one. I have windows xp, java 1.4.1. before i had some java programs in a jar file and use to work when I double-click on it, but no any more, for some reason windows doesn't know wich program to use to run ...

16. Jar file problems

ok, so i finally figured out ant and used it to compile and build a jar file. However, when i try to run the jar file, i get the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/jgoodies/plaf/plastic/PlasticTheme The class causing the error is an external jar file my program depends on. Its called jgoodies.jar (skins the GUI) which i import in ...

17. JAR file problems..

18. Problem with JAR file

I made a simple swing application and packaged it in the same directory by the name MyJAR.jar. Using the jar command on the command line, this is what i got: D:\java_programs\swingClass>jar cvf D:\java_programs\swingClass\MyJAR.jar D:\java_programs\swingClass\*.* added manifest adding: D:/java_programs/swingClass/MySwingClass.class(in = 1153) (out= 680)(def lated 41%) adding: D:/java_programs/swingClass/ = 705) (out= 355)(defla ted 49%) The JAR is created successfully in the same folder. ...

19. JAR file problem

Dear friends, I am creating a JAR file which contains the necessary class files and the MANIFEST file. All classpaths and environemnt variables are set perfectly. But still when i execute the jar file, i am getting the traditional error "MAIN CLASS not found. Program will exit" Kindly provide your help. Regards, Vijay

20. problem in jar file creation?

21. JAR file problem.

I have Win XP SP2 with JDK 1.6 installed with proper path setting.My problem I have created an executable JAR file and it working fine in another PC with same coniguration(XP2 and JDK1.6),but in my when I double click the JAR file,it displays that:- Wndows cannot open this file: Use the web service to find the approprate program Select aprogram from ...

22. Jar file Problem

Actually there is no problem with the program when I run the main class file ,but problem is in execution on Jar file I have used this for fonts:- Font digitalFont = null; try { File fontFile = new File("DS-DIGIB.TTF"); digitalFont= Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT,fontFile).deriveFont((float)15).deriveFont(Font.BOLD); } catch(FontFormatException ffe){lblMsg.setText("Digital Font Format Error");} catch(IOException ioe){lblMsg.setText("Can't create Font from font file");} and everything is OK when I ...

23. JAR file problem

Dear Ernest & Steve, Thank you very much for the reply. I double checked the above mentioned. The Main-Class attribute in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF given contains the fully qualified name com.test.MainClass The main class is packaged properly with the com/test/ package structure. The main class contains the package com.test; statement. Although i exported the JAR file from Eclipse IDE, i ensured that ...

25. problem with sealed jar file creation

i am using jfreechart library to develop graphs in my project, with swings library. but when i am creating sealed jar file for this project using myeclipse IDE, it is not creating jar file properly, its displaying problem with jfreechart library i think this problem is coming because of the licence of jfreechart, means we can't seal the file where we ...

26. Problem creating .JAR file with Jess

Hi, I have implement an expert system with the help of jess and java applets(for the user interface) as an university assignment. Now i want to make a setup file (.jar) Actually I have create a jar file with it, but when I try to run it with command prompt , it gives an error saying "This copy of Jess has ...

27. problem with jar files

My jar file now contains: Code: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14\bin>jar -cvmf C:/Java/Game/Manifest.txt C:/Jav a/Game/TheSwarm.jar C:/Java/Game/*.class C:/Java/Game/*.wav C:/Java/Game/*.jpg added manifest adding: C:/Java/Game/TheSwarm_v23.class(in = 18582) (out= 10453)(deflated 43%) adding: C:/Java/Game/alien_fire.wav(in = 20292) (out= 16263)(deflated 19%) adding: C:/Java/Game/alien_hit.wav(in = 27148) (out= 23145)(deflated 14%) adding: C:/Java/Game/die.wav(in = 54309) (out= 49285)(deflated 9%) adding: C:/Java/Game/fire.wav(in = 6742) (out= 5601)(deflated 16%) adding: C:/Java/Game/highscore.wav(in = 125164) (out= 107442)(deflated 14%) adding: C:/Java/Game/level.wav(in ...

28. jar file problem

hello everyone, the source code for my program is import java.util.*; class Sort { public static void main(String q[]) { long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); int a[]=new int[100000]; Random r=new Random(); for(int i=0;ia[j]) { int t=a[j]; a[j]=a[i]; a[i]=t;} }} long end=System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("time:"+(end-start)); }} then i have a created jar file of this program using following ...

29. Jar File Problem

30. jar file problem

hello , i'm working on a simple java application.. whenever i create object of the main class in main() method and try to run jar file from command prompt it' giving the error "NoClassDefinitionFound". otherwise the jar file is working absolutely fine. but, my requirement is that i want to make object of same class in main() and call one of ...

31. buil a JAR file problem

Hui I have a JAVA application, MyApplicationA which has some Jars and use them. Now I will to pack this application, MyApplicationA to a MyApplicationA.Jar and add it to classpath of another application. MyApplicationB which will call MyApplication.MyPackage.MyClass. The JAR command creates the JAR but now when I try to access MyApplicationA.MyClass from I get Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ...

32. Jar file making - picture problem

package graph; import graph.model.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class SwitchView extends JLabel{ private Switch sw; ImageIcon icon; SwitchView(String viewname, Switch newsw) { super(viewname); sw = newsw; // imageURL = java.lang.ClassLoader.class.getResource("images/switchfalse.jpg"); icon = new ImageIcon("switchfalse.jpg"); //icon = new ImageIcon(imageURL); super.setIcon(icon); this.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { SwitchView swview = (SwitchView)e.getSource(); if(swview.sw.getValue()) { swview.setIcon(new ImageIcon("switchfalse.jpg")); swview.sw.switchSwitch(); } else { ...

33. jar file creation problem

In the Package Explorer, right click on the project, select Build Path ->Libraries--> Add External Jars..., and point to the jar file. It should then show up in the Package Explorer, as if it were part of the project. An alternative is to import/copy the JAR into your project, put it in a /lib directory. Then you can right-click on the ...

34. Problem on double clicking jar file

I have created a jar file. The form opens on double clicking the icon. But it is not able to connect to database. However when I run the same jar file using command: java -jar MyProj.jar there is no problem and database is connected to the front end. I am confused why this is happening.Please help.

35. Problem Creating JAR file

I was wondering if anyone could give me a little help with a problem im having creating a JAR file. Im working on a Uni project using Eclipse, we have created a game , which runs fine in eclipse, however when I export it as a JAR file and try run the JAR it tells me that it cant find the ...

36. Problem with Jar files

I have .jar files and i placed in WEB-INF/lib folder then also i can't able to access the classes that are there in that jar file. ex: package org.apache contains 4 classes i zipped that package and i placed in lib folder now i want to use the classes that are there in that jar file if i write import org.apache.*; ...

37. Problem with JAR file

Hi guys, I created one calculator in Java and it runs fine in my pc. But now I want to send it to my professor so that he can view it by just a mouse click. So, I created one JAR file. But when I click the JAR file I always get the following message " Failed to load Main-class manifest ...

38. JAR file import problem

hi, I dowloaded the JAR file which is going to be used in my own code. It contains all classes I need, for example , /net/node/tringle.class In my .java, I use "import net.node.*;" trying to import all these, but it says cant find . SO, where should I put the JAR file into , then the complier feels well? THanks! Cheerful ...

39. Having problem in JAR files

jsapi.jar is not meant to be run as a stand-alone program. It is a library that you can use in your own program. It seems that you are trying to execute it as if it is a stand-alone program, perhaps by double-clicking on the JAR or by typing in "java -jar jsapi.jar". You should write your own program that uses the ...

40. jar file problem

I made a program that requires (mail.jar and activation.jar) files. After extracting the jar file I get three folder(com, javax and META-INF). In the command prompt i typed jar cmf clas.txt me.jar *.class javax com META-INF It created a jar file me.jar. When I double clicked the jar file it says "Could not find the main class. Program will exit" How ...

41. problem makeing jar file in bluej

in collage we are useing bluej to make basic programs, and i finshed one that does a simple maths question it has two contrusters becuase we had to code it to have 2. this is my code /**Test file to play around with. * @author (michael glover) * @version (2.1.3 14/10/09) */ public class test { int x; int y; int ...

42. Jar File Problem

Hello Everyone !! I am developing a Proposal Automation System. I have database that I am using in this package. Whenever I make a Jar file with all the classes i want to include the Database also in that JAR file. Because whenever i use that Jar File to create a order it doesnt add my some data of order to ...

43. Problem with JAR file

If you typed MyJar, it is because it is MyJar.jar, and should actually be ./MyJar.jar (and now you've gone backwards as this was addressed in reply 1 and acknowledged, and a new error posted in reply 2). And like I said, if it complains that it can't find the main class when using a jar, then either you have not defined ...

44. Problems creating jar file

I have read the tutorials and stuff about creating a jar file but when i want to do it i type "jar cvf Dialer.jar Dialer.class" and it gives me the error message 'no such file or directory' I can do it by typing jar cvf Dialer.jar but then when i want to run it it says 'Failed to load main-class ...

45. Slight Jar File Problem?

So I created a simple program, and in places of the program it rings bells (using the character '7' from the ASCII table) a lot of times. I use JCreator, and I was able to create a Jar file, and it executed almost perfectly. The drawback was, the black box (like the command prompt) never executes with the jar file, which ...

46. Problem with creating jar file in command prompt

1) I got into the folder in which my .java files are in it. 2)I set path to include JDKs bin. For example: path c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_09\bin;%path%.I also add the environmental variable for java in windows 3) I compiled them using "javac .java" 4)I created the file mentioning the main class and also having newline after it. 5)then I run this ...

47. problem while jar file

dear friends after creating a jar file from the following step: jar cfm MyApp.jar *.class when i typing java -jar *.class error is flowing on the cmd "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from men.jar " . on the otherhand when i double clicking on jar file the file is opening and working allright. pls help me for the mention ...

48. creating jar problem adding .dbf file

Hi, I am creating jar file adding .dbf file. Dbf i use for locaddatabase. call through command prompt it works properly even i keep the dbf in same folder it works. But i m trying to attach the current dbf in to jar file. Jar file is attaching dbf but while query jar is not working for database. If any body ...

49. problems with jar file

Hello all! I have a jar file. when I run it a new proces (javaw.exe) starts. when I terminate the program. the process remains. i run my file again and a new javaw.exe process starts, and so on... How do I terminate my jar file when finnished? Has it someting to do with threads? (i got one of those) thanks!

50. mystified by a jar file problem

Hi, (Platform: XP SP2) I am trying to start using MySQL through JDBC. I have managed to get the connection up and running. But I find I can only do this by unpacking the jar file (in this case "mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar") and putting the \com directory in a directory in my CLASSPATH. (that way the interpreter can find the file \com\mysql\jdbc\Driver.class). I ...

51. Problem with .jar files

Greetings, I'm using eclipse and my project playing some .wav files works perfectly. After exporting it as a jar file, the sound is gone ... This is the structure in eclipse: ProjectName --src ----(default package) ----sound ------sound.wav This is how I call the file: final String filePath = System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\src\\sound "; ... playAudioFile(filePath+"sound.wav"); If I move the source files and sounds ...

52. problem building jar file

53. Problem with importing jar files in WSAD 5.1

HI guys I have implemented JPF architecture in WSAD by creating 3 different projects 1 J2EE project and 2 java projects.I have taken all the jar files in the web project I have created.I have also imported the necessary jar files in the java projects through the properties java build path options.I tried it both ways by using the libraries tab ...

54. Desktop Problem with Jar File

I am developing a Program for creating jar file for any java programs in Windows. For that i create a batch file which will contains the coding for creating a jar file. I open that file Using; The problem is, the batch will open when i execute the coding. But it doesnt create a Jar file. But, when i double ...

55. Jar File problems - Please advice and help.

I'm using netbeans for my development, and I created a jar file, where I specified the main class. My main class needs two external jars to run, which are placed in the "lib" folder. When I try to run the jar file from the command using the command below, it fails as a result of not finding the external jars in ...

57. Jar file problem

58. Problems write jar file

59. problem in making "jar" file

60. Build and JAR files problem

Ok I have a multiple class project with an applet and it wont let me compile, debug, or build but gives me an error something like this: javac: invalid target release: 1.5 Usage: javac where possible options include: -g Generate all debugging info -g:none Generate no debugging info -g:{lines,vars,source} Generate only some debugging info -nowarn Generate no warnings ...

61. Face problem on re-create jar file

Hi, I need help for re-create jar file. I got existing jar file. My Jar file contain 6 folders 1) abc1 2) abc2 3) abc3 4) abc4 5) META-INF 6) Main Inside abc1, abc2,abc3,abc4 are combination levels of classes. Main folder contain all base engines Inside META-INF folder, got file, information show below:- Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.5 Created-By: ...

62. Problems making jar file

C:\Documents and Settings\*\Desktop>java -jar Horario.jar Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apach e/poi/poifs/filesystem/POIFSFileSystem at Horario.HorarioSendero.Excel( at Horario.HorarioSendero.ComidaActionPerformed( at Horario.HorarioSendero.access$300( at Horario.HorarioSendero$4.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Sour ce) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown ...

64. problem with jar file creation

65. Problems with .jar files

now i created a jar as follows from the code directory by jar mfvc san.txt mfa.jar *.class images the jar file is created in the same directory code when i double click on it its running properly But the problem is when i cut the jar file and paste it an another folder the images are not coming y is this ...

66. Jar file problem

Hey guys, im having some trouble with making a jar file. In the command line i type jar cvfm MyApp.jar *.class and it makes the jar file for me, but when I try to run the file by typing: java -jar MyApp.jar i get an error saying Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from A1.jar my manifest file looks like ...

67. Problem while creating jar file

I have folder called bin in which i have put all my class files and the required jars file . I have 5 jarfiles I created a manifest file Test.txt inside the bin folder and the content is given below Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: Class-Path: ./charsets.jar ./cryptix32.jar ./jfreereport-0.8.4_10-all_new.jar ./mysql-connector-java-3.0.8-stable-bin.jar from command promt i went to that bin folder and excuted jar ...

68. Jar File Problems

69. Jar file execution problem

Hello friends, I have a project folder in which i have 4 packages application ui controller model and a folder Datafile containing project related xml and text files my main class is in application package I am creating a jar file of my whole project folder in Eclipse environment, using the main class as TheApplication in application package. I am able ...

70. jar file problem

hi all, i have an application and i exported as jar file. but my problem is that all the images in the application do not appear. they appear when i run the application form eclipse but when i run form the jar file that i created they do not appear. I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance

71. Problem with jar file

Hello frnds, I m facing one problem with my project. when i m trying to lunch my application(MP3 player simulation) using jar file then my frame is working but that is unable to load all image files. This application is running using simple run command. Jar file also contain all image files. I m using getResource() method to get URL. But ...

72. Problems with JAR files

Okay, I'll just describe the issue I'm having... What I've done is I turned a program I made into a .jar file (for ease) and there is one image within it, that I keep within the same directory as the class files, and it works just fine when I run it on it's own, but when I run the .jar file ...

73. Some one help please :( : Problem with .jar

when I run my programme from my IDE I have no problem but when I create the jar file and I run it from the cmd I receive the following error: file:\D:\TravailDiplome\Programmation\CodesSources_ProjetDiaphanoscope\DiaphanoscopieProject\dist\DiaphanoscopieProject.jar!\ch\h eigvd\comem\tddiaphan\ui\exercices\easy.hmt (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect) at Method) at Source) at Source) at ch.heigvd.comem.tddiaphan.ui.DiaphanoscopeExercicesUI$ToolPanel$Exerc iceRadioButtonListener.actionPerformed( .... the easy.hmt file is ...


75. Jar File Problem

His problem doesn't lie with the command line. He's gotten that working, but can't get the double-click action of a jar file to work. The manifest file that's contained in the jar file must be configured properly. You must have the line "Main-Class: fileA" where 'fileA' is the class containing your main function to start the program. Only the name of ...

76. problem generating jar file

I was reading up on this very issue a few days ago, and discovered there's something called [one-jar|] that gives another way to skin the cat: The forum's "insert link" function seems to be malfunctioning... Anyway, you can see the URL in plain text. Edited by: aksarben on Mar 2, 2011 8:14 AM