serialize 4 « serialize « Java I/O Q&A

1. Serialization and Airline Add Flight

3. Serialization EOF Loop

Well you see its a bit difficult because heres what going on. I Write an Object to file, I Write another object with an arraylist inside I loop and start over until all items are saved in a binary file. So Its (for me) impossible to put the object and arraylist into an arraylist I saw a lot of examples on ...

4. serialization

you can just declair it Serializable and it will work. However, if you ever change the class at all in the future, it will no longer be compatable with old version. Otherwise, you have to implement: private void writeObject( out) throws IOException private void readObject( in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException; and your version number for this class should be stored in private ...

5. serializable

6. help on serialization

7. Need help with Serializable

I'm not so clear on serilaisation, but if object A refers to object B, and object B refers to object A, would it overflow as it dug down? ETA: I just answered my own question, and it appears not. Which makes sense, otherwise this would be a common occurrence, I expect. I'll shut up now..:) Edited by: Tolls on 06-May-2010 13:59 ...

8. Serialization

I was thinking the other day--when I gave essentially this same advice, to this same OP I think--that it could sound like we're sending mixed messages. Half the time it's, "stop and think before you just start typing and bang out code," and the other half it's "stop with the questions and just write some code." It's really not inconsistent though. ...

9. Serialization

Hi folks, I didnt understand clearly about Serializable interface..I have read in some sites, but I didnt understand clearly about it..They have just implemented Serializable interface to the Bean objects (say class Employee implements Serializable(having empid, empname etc..) ) ....and they also have given that by using serialization, we can the make the data persistent itseeems..My doubt is not how to ...

10. Serializable

11. java serialization issue

12. implements Serializable

13. Serialization Clarification

I am creating a wizard application that allows the user to enter a fair amount of data then run a simulation based on that data. Now, I want to save all of the information the user puts in via sliders, textfields, radio buttons, check boxes, Jtables, graphs, ect. I've been trying to figure out the best way to do this and ...

14. Serialization

15. serialization

hello Friend , First of all Serialization is used to capture the state of the Object.Class is work as blue print for creating the Object. So Serialization is come only when we take about Class .so do not confuse method. Serialization is marker or some time tag is interface .which tall the JVM to maintenance it state using Unique id .if ...

16. Deep cloning without serialization

17. Serialization issue with Java 5 enum

Hi, In one of my DTO class, i have used an enum as an instance variable. But I am getting a serialization error during RMI call. Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: Mismatched serialization UIDs : Source (RepId = 0000000000000001 whereas Target (RepId = 6318A841C6045391 vmcid: IBM minor code: 8B1 completed: No at at at at at ...

18. Thrift Serialize

19. Serialization

21. How to serialize a String?

Hello, I have to serialize an object made up of Strings. In writeObject() I can use writeBytes() to write one String but in readObject() I don't know how to read a String since there is no readBystes() method. How usually do we serialize a String, which method has to be used in writeObject() which can be read in readObject(). I have ...

22. Serialization concept

ok that's fine. Now i have one doubt. If i am using ObjectOutputStream to save the objects(let us assume username and password are the fields) to a file named (NewFile.ser),how will ObjectInputStream identify which user's username is the correct if i am using the code readObject(), how will ObjectInputStream track the user's username and password.

23. Serializable in Java

Hi , I came across a piece of code.An interface is written which extends Serialiazable interface.But there is no other code in this interface.A corresponding implementation is written which implements this interface , but this is an abstract class and it also doesnt implement anything.There a class which stores lots of data and is passed over the wire which extends this ...

24. Serializable

Writing parts to separate files is crazy talk. And while its possible to do multiple writeObject calls to an ObjectOutputStream (and do the corresponding multiple readObject calls in the other direction), I prefer to define a serializable AppModel class that encapsulates all that data, and simply writing it with a single call to writeObject .

25. Custom serialization - could you do this?

/** * Deserialize objects serialized by the serializeAndSave() method. */ public deserialize( file); Additionally, let's say the following were conditions and restrictions were specified by the person asking you to implement these methods: * The version of the class for object or any of the super-classses in its class hierarchy or the type of any fields will never change. * ...

26. Help with serialization...

while (!aRoomNumber.equals("****")) { maxNoOfOccupants = UserInput.readInt(); // reads second line as int // create a Room object aRoom = new Room(aRoomNumber, maxNoOfOccupants); //create object aRoom noOfOccupants = UserInput.readInt(); // set occupants by reading 3rd line for (int i = 0; i < noOfOccupants; i++) { totalStaffNumber ++; // keeps track of how many staff in the system // important for keeping ...

27. serialization

28. Help with serialization

I am doing an assignment for my User Interface class, and am stuck. My program allows the user to create ovals or rectangles by clicking and dragging them in the drawing area (JPanel). They can choose the color, as well as filled or unfilled. I use a fileoutputstream and an objectoutputstream to save the data, which works just fine. The only ...

29. serialization

30. Why String[] is not serializable ?

I have a serializable class. It has a String[] field. If I analyse the code I get the message "Avoid declaring non-transient fields of non-serializable type inside of a serializable class" on that field. I don't understand why ! String is serializable. Do you mean arrays are not serializable ? I didn't find any documentation about this.

31. Serialization error........

32. Serialization

33. AbstractAction and Serialization causing confusing error

Well, yeah. Extract the data and serialize that. That's why I said several threads and posts ago "Just serialize the model, not the view". Evidently you haven't learned about the MVC (Model, View, Controller) design pattern that Swing uses. The view is what the user sees. The model is the data. The controller (in most Swing programs) is the part of ...

34. Serialization

35. Why i wanna use serialization?

36. Serializable

I understand that, I was just going out on a limb. After I realized how dumb it was I did the code in the second post but, as it says, I need to get a runtime error and I get none. Any help on this? Edited by: benman on Feb 23, 2008 6:58 PM

37. Serialization

38. Serialization

If a serializable class does not explicitly declare a serialVersionUID, then the serialization runtime will calculate a default serialVersionUID value for that class based on various aspects of the class, as described in the Java(TM) Object Serialization Specification. However, it is strongly recommended that all serializable classes explicitly declare serialVersionUID values, since the default serialVersionUID computation is highly sensitive to class ...

39. input/output serializable error

40. Serialization

Surely it's just commensense? Consider: (a) defaultWriteObject() does something, otherwise why would it exist? (b) what it does is to write to the stream, sooner or later, otherwise why does it have 'write' in its name? in which case surely (c) whatever it writes has to be read in which case presumably (d) that is what defaultReadObject() does? See the Javadoc/Guide ...

41. Java serialization

17. public class Banana2 extends Fruit { int size = 42; 18. public static void main(String [] args) { 19. Banana2 b = new Banana2(); 20. b.serializeBanana2(b); // assume correct serialization 21. b = b.deserializeBanana2(b); // assume correct 22. System.out.println( restored + b.size + ); } 23. // more Banana2 methods 24. }

42. Serialization

numberOfRead++; File f = new File("WorkSpace"); f.mkdir(); File f1 = new File(f.getAbsolutePath(), user.getUserName()); f1.mkdir(); //make the username folder File fileo = new File(f1.getAbsolutePath(), user.getUserName() + counter + ".dat"); System.out.println(oi.readObject()); ObjectInputStream oi = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileo)); array = (ArrayList) oi.readObject(); System.out.println(array.size()); oi.close(); stopReading = true; } catch (Exception e) { if (numberOfRead == 2) { stopReading = true; }

43. Serialization

44. Serialization failed

I don't know what you are using to serialize with, but consider this assumption, the built in Java serializer will use the mutators, and accessor methods where available (getters and setters). Your accessor methods have log statements in them that assume the filesArray, and listOfFiles are not null. (I'm assuming there is some reason unknown to me that these are separated ...

45. implements Serializable

46. Serialization

Ok, im implementing Serializable from* and its working fine. My problem is relating to re-testing my use case. At the minute, when i want to run my use case using a new file input and output stream, I have to go and physically delete the data files that ive created by coming out of eclipse and into finder (running on ...

47. Serialization

48. Serializable Usage

There is nothing wrong with it. You just don't have any private members. It sounds more like a warning and won't affect the compilation of your class. It is warning you because if you go to try and serialize the the servlet object then it will not matter because there are no members to serialize. Why would you want to serialize ...

49. Serializing Calendar and recovering

50. Serializable clarification

51. Why we use Serialization?

52. Serialization

Hi all, I have a small problem..I am making a static inner class(INNER) inside another class(OUTER) which is having the default package access in another class(MAIN), in gthe same package, I am serializing object of OUTER...and after deserializing it I am trying to fetch some values which were declared andd set inside INNER..but the object which which I hav got ...

53. serialization problme

Dear friends, I got a problem about java object serialization. the server resides in tomcat, sending the serialized object to the client which locates the same machine, using the same java version(1.5.02). the server side serialization code snippet is as following: //writting the binary data to a file to compare with client side try { FileOutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream( "/tmp/object.Server"); ...

54. Serializable

Can somebody help clear up the concept of Serializable objects. I am trying to make a programming change to code that we purchased. I have a sub-class that I added a few variables to. This sub-class extends a class that implements serializable. The super class has a serialVersionUID of 10, and all sub-classes are 11, 12, 13, etc... Anyway, with that ...

55. serializable


Because they didn't do it that way. There are all sorts of classes that inherently aren't serializable because of what they represent: Process, Thread, Socket, Connection, Runtime, InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, Writer, and all their friends; ... You would also have to add a NotSerializable interface, about which exactly the same question would be asked. There are also major security concerns with ...

57. How to make StringSelection Transferable Serializable?

Hi, Im trying to send a StringSelection over a RMI-network All object sent over an RMI network must be Serializable My problem is how do i read something that is not Serializable? Is there anyway to access the bytecode of any object? following code is an attempt to solve the problem package remotecontroller.master; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import; import; import ...

58. Serialization NOT working

EJP wrote: I love this as a case of 'Serialization NOT working'. Indeed. Any time I see a post that says "Java feature X not working," I want to tell the OP to reword it to what they really mean: "I have made bogus assumptions about feature X, used it without bothering to fully understand how it works, and on my ...

60. Efficient serialization library

Does anyone know of a good serialization library that preferably marshalls Java objects to JSon I know of Jackson however the other requirement is that it needs to be efficient in that it only persists the object that is changed. So for example a Customer could hold an Order but if only the Order has changed I have no way but ...

61. Serializable errors -- strange

My point is, you were given advice. From there it's on you to attempt to follow it and come back with specific questions about where you got stuck. Just coming back with "I'm still lost," doesn't give people here much to work with, and, furthermore, suggests that you didn't really put much effort into working with the advice given, which in ...