data « text file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Reading and displaying data from a .txt file

How do you read and display data from .txt files?

2. Clean way to import data from a text file?

I have a text file with the following in it:

... etc
I'm importing the names into an array of Strings. That's fine, however I can't think of ...

3. Possible data loss when Java application writes text files to disk

I wrote a simple Java application that reads and writes journals (encrypted text files) for a small company "XYZ". The journals are stored on an OS X server and all client ...

4. increment date of data that filtered from the text file

public class Reader {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ParseException {

5. How do I write and read data in txt file in the form of rows and columns?

How do I write and read data in txt file in the form of rows and columns? Also, how do I store many files like this in a folder for ...

6. Read data from text file

I want to read a few names that are saved in a text file and display it as a radio buttons. How should I go about it? Thanks!

7. Java Use Data from External Text File

I have a text file containing the first 1000 prime numbers and I have written a method to read the data from said text file. I would like to know how to ...

8. Write data to .txt file in JAVA?

I was wondering if it is in JAVA to write the calculated data to a text file. My JAVA code is a GUI based gpa calculator. I just want ...

9. Reading data from an external txt. file into a parameter in a constructor?

    public Board(String nam) {

    AllLocations.add(new Utility("Go", 1, 00.00) {
    AllLocations.add(new Street("Forum", 2, 60.00, 2, ColourGroup.PURPLE) {

10. Storing an int value into a txt file, and reading it?

I am making a small points game, which includes a Timer, which adds the points with 1 every second. Your goal is to create as much points as possible. But, I ...

11. Reading data from a text - file into 2 or more text files

Hi, I am not sure if this is the right Forum for this problem but i need help please... Question: How do i read one text file (with high capacity of data)from my local drive to MORE THAN one text file ,with ability to specify what portion of the source text file is needed for tranfer to different destination textfiles. Codes ...

12. i need to know how to get data from textfile....

i have problem getting data from TextFile & display in JTextField.. Can anyone pls help me.. need a reply urgently.. Thanks in advance.. this is my coding.. public boolean findapp(Object date, Object Month, Object Year) { FindDay f; AppList al = new AppList(); try { AppList = al.getAppointments(); } catch(IOException ex){ } for (int i=0; i

13. it keeps rewrite data in text file

14. Writing data into *.txt file using java

Hi I am new to java. What is the efficient way of writing data into *.txt file using java I need to dump data from one of the oracle table to *.txt file using java. Right now I am using File outputFile = new File(fileName); PrintWriter out =new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter(outputFile))); using out.write method to write the data into text ...

15. How to read data from a text file

Hongwei, The reason for the compile error in your is , it is 'ServletContext' not 'HttpServletContext'. Sorry about that. Whenever we try to refer to a file in a web application , try to refer with respect to virtual path. Because we are talking in terms of OUR WEB APPLICATION. If we adhere to Servlet 2.2 spec, a web appln has ...

16. Passing data from text file to table.

ok here is my problem in the below shown program i am trying to pass data from txt file to a table,but i get error on StringTokenizer method(nexttoken)i am unable to get the output please if anybody can solve my problem of what is actualy wrong with this program. public class ReadingText { public static final String Records="Records"; public static void ...

17. Writing data to a text file

Hello everyone, I'm having trouble writing data to a text file. The code I have right now compiles and even gives me System.out.println messages that suggest it is working, but it doesn't seem to be actually creating the text file (or at least I can't find it). Any help with this would be awesome. Thanks in advance! public void saveDataBase(String filename) ...

18. Using a static method to read data from text file

I am need a little guidance here as to how I am to go about using a static method to read data from a text file. I know how to use a static method to write data to a text file, now I am wondering how to use a static method to read data from a text file. The following code ...

19. text data files

Hi Guys, I am trying to create a text data file, file extension do I do this?? Basically, I am supposed to write a class in java, that reads from this text file, (the text file contains inventory information such as item name, # of units, price etc), and creates objects (of some class type which I am also supposed ...

20. Getting all data in the consol and dumping it into a text file

Thanks, but I'm a bit confused, if i'm correct that's basically creating a log file? We have a log file being created and updated constantly(deals with server side), but we also have a console(deals with client side) Some errors that appear in the console don't necessarily appear in the log file and visa versa. I only need to write the console ...

21. text data files

Guys, Please tell me what I am doing wrong, I created an input file, called inventory.dat, saved in under the same package, as the following class, please see the code blelow, basically, the programs reads an input from the file, makes objects, saves them in an array, and prints them; the input file just has item, units and price llisted on ...

22. using the seek() method to prevent data overwriting in a text file

please how can i use the RandomAccessFile method-the seek(long n) method to prevent overwritting of data previous written to a text file when i want to perform a new write operation to the same file.....thanks private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener,Serializable { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Form1 form1 = new Form1(); String x = ""; File file = new File("client.txt"); /** ...

24. How to use jScope libraries to read data from txt files.

Hello Everyone, From few days i have been trying to use jScope libraries for plotting graphs. I succeeded in doing so from MDSplus data system. But now i want to extend the functionality to fetch data from normal text files and plot graphs. If you are aware of it, then please let me know. Also I have to use jFree Chart ...

25. Reading data from a text file

Hi a newbie to java.I am stuck with a program where I'm trying to read the content of a text file into arrays of different data types.I am using I/O streams to read each line the text file and then using the "StringTokenizer" command and then parsing the string into different data types.Is this a good way to read. Also ...

27. Reading Text file to Data type Double

Hi All, I am currently working on a file which will read a text file which contains data for an array, and then uses that data to create a plot. My issue is that while I am able to read the text file and store the data as a string, I am finding it difficult to convert this string to a ...

28. Reading data from a text file

I have a file that contains a group of people's first name, last name, and their hourly wage (Ex: John Doe, 25.00). I've created variables to hold the information. How does one populate the variables with the info from the file? I was considering using to move one token at a time.

30. writing data to a text file in a java code

yeah this is the proper answer.... i had also a pblm ..that i had to read data from an excel sheet and write it to a File thru java code .... u can also use FileOutPutStream object....if u want... but there u can give newLine() all ur output will be in a single line to the file.... bufferWriter.write(stringToBeWritten); bufferWriter.newLine(); the stringToBeWritten ...

31. Analysing data on text files

I am very new to learning java and I am trying to find out how I can assign data on a text file to variables for me to analyse, but I'm not sure how to do it. I know how too read in each line of the file, but I'm not sure how to assign each of the numbers on the ...

32. writing data in text file..

33. reading data from a text file

34. Please help : Problem with reading and manipulating data from a txt file..

Consider using a BufferedReader rather than a (plain) FileReader. It has a readLine() method that reads a whole line (name) at a time. This will enable you to read each name as a single unit rather than a sequence of characters as you are doing at the moment. BufferedReader is documented here: And there is an example of its usage ...

35. transfering text file data to an Object file

If I understand u guy correctly, U wanna store the object into the .dat file and the format is "car2(....)", but try to think, the .dat is going to store the info of the initiated object car2 as Stream format, the result as u open it won't be displayed just "car2(...)", coz we have to re-read it back using readObject method. ...

36. Fetching the data from .txt file for the request parameter

EmpId EmpName EmpAge EmpJoinDate 100 Anto 25 05-05-2010 101 Bob 26 05-10-2010 102 Credic 27 05-15-2010 ... ... ... which contains "n" number of rows with space as a delimeter. From my application i will be passing the "EmpAge", for that age i need to retrieve the row. For eg, if i passing the empage as "25" i need to retrive ...

37. need to read data from a text file

BigDaddyLoveHandles wrote: Talk to your instructor. Rolling your own hash table is a non-trivial assignment. Unless you are taking a data structures course (or your instructor is a Sadist) I think you have misinterpreted something. Clarify the assignment before you spend all day and all night coding! My boss called me last night. There was some trouble on a production system. ...

38. Reading data from text file and creating a new text file

FileInputStream fild = null; BufferedInputStream bis = null; DataInputStream dis = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; BufferedOutputStream bos = null; DataOutputStream = null; boolean recTypCd; int recCount = 0; try { File infile = new File("v:\\lus\\Lusnt\\EDI\\out\\IIX *.lmv"); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(infile); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bis); File outfile= new File("v:\\lus\\Lusnt\\EDI\\out\\IIX\\send order.lmv"); FileOutputStream fos = new ...

39. Create a login with data from a text file

I am trying to figure out how to have a user authentication dialog box that gets the login info from a text file. I know a database could be used but this project doesn't require the scale of a database. I've done a similar project in C++, but not sure how to port it to Java. The Text File: username password ...

40. Issue while reading data from a TXT file????

HI guys, I have a TXT file with few columns and many row. Delimiter is TAB. i have to read the data from a particular column. Other column may have value or may not. When there is no data for the previous columns then the 'n'th column's data move to 'n-1'th column. so i am loosing the data from a that ...

41. How to create a text file with data.

It's not quite as simple as that. If you have a chain of Writers / OutputStreams then you only have to close() the outer most one since each is responsible for closing any Writer/OutputStream that it wraps. If you do decide to close them individually (a bad idea but people do do it) then you MUST close them starting from the ...

43. Problem in reading data of a text file

44. data load/insert/update from text file into table

Hi, Can anybody show a sample code for this. I am checking each entry from the text file and updating the database table. If the data in text file exists in the table, then no insert/update If its not there, then inserting it in table, If any changes in the data, then updating it in table Thanks...

45. procesing data from a text file

Hi If somebody can give my some hints how to write java program that will sort a marks from a file "Java.txt". The program should print to the screen the records of students with the top two marks, middle two marks, and bottom two marks. For example it is my "Java.txt" 0123333,23 0234447,34 0278787,2 and so on to 100 numbers when ...

48. Problem of writing data into a txt. file

An important addendum ObjectInputStreams and ObjectOutputStreams are not readers/writers. Readers and Writers are used only for character (text) data. Using them in combination with streams of non-text data (like that produced by ObjectOutputStream) is begging for trouble. Using ObjectOutputStream with a FileOutputStream is relatively easy but it won't produce a "text" file. If your desire is to produce a file that ...

49. how to store a data on txt file through java program

As I said earlier, inside code tags please. To do this highlight the lines of source and click the CODE button (in the same line as the B, the I, etc above where you type the message). This makes it much easier to read, and stops the forum software interpreting some of the source as formatting.

51. spiliting data from text file

52. spiliting data from text file

53. Write data to a text file

54. Reading Data from the Text File

First of all: indent your code sanely. What you have there is difficult to read. Why are you concatenating all the lines in the file into one long line, and then splitting it, and then taking the split Strings and turning them back into rows and columns? Wouldn't it be much easier to preserve the existing rows in the file? Why ...

55. Not writing data into text file....

56. Exporting and Inporting data from text files

57. read from txt file and analyse data

ok, everything in a text file is indeed of type string. but as you can see the text file stores "number" but as strings. 33 is not invalid but the floating point number "45.67684" is invalid. the task is just to print integer and no other numbers like floating point numbers. I am aware of the fact that the data in ...

58. reading data out to a txt file

Hi, I have a really nice 'scanner' method for reading int data in from a .txt file (many thanks to doremifasollatido for all their help - I promise not to do multiple posts again!). So, I have my data in a list, and after making some changes, I want to write that data back to the txt file for storage, what ...

59. check data from text file help

well at the moment it only reads and displays. theres no checking done to it. i wasnt sure how to go about checking each line. its basically a matrix that needs to be read.. for example 3 1 4 9 2 3 5 <> 3 6 1 8 7 5 ...

61. Generating records of mixed data types in a txt file

Dear, Where can I find an example of Java program filling a txt file with a 100th of records, using preferably "the new i/o method". Each record features the same sequence of a 10th of types of data (int, double, charString, enum) = a 10th of columns. Each data value is different, record by record, filled in randomly. But each couple ...