advice « AOP « Spring Q&A

1. Should I use Spring.Net AOP Throws advice?

Background I have a component that provides certain CRM services - specificCRM. I have a specificCRMAdapter which implements my IGeneralCRM interface. Another component generalCRM exposes CRM functionality through IGeneralCRM and uses Spring.Net ...

2. Accessing HttpServletRequest from AOP advice in Spring 2.5 with annotations

I have tried to find the answer to this question on both the Spring forum and by searching StackOverflow. I have found a lot of pages describing horrible architectures and asking ...

3. Spring aop multiple pointcuts & advice but only the last one is working

I have created two Spring AOP pointcuts that are completely separate and will be woven in for different parts of the system. The pointcuts are used in two different around advices, ...

4. My @Around advice is not being called for all the methods in the package

I have this code below in my LoggingAspect class and i am expect this to run for my methods like but it is running only one time no matter what. i don't ...

5. spring aop advice methods in a subclass

I want to advice a particular method in all class that extends or implements a particular interface or abstract class. How can this be achieved using spring aop 2.5.

6. Accessing Annotation-value in advice

In my application I have methods annotated like this:

@SomeAnnotation(key1="value1", key2 ="value2")
public void myMethod()
I have defined the following apsect to perform some action on executing of those methods:
public class MyAspect()

7. Spring Aspects advices being performed twice in Grails App

I have a grails app and I've added an @After advice on a grails service method

class OrderManagementService {

    static transactional = true

    public void confirmOrder() ...

8. Spring AOP: Adding advice in a running application

How can I add or remove Spring AOP proxies in a running application without restarting the server? Something like this

    GenericApplicationContext ctx = new GenericApplicationContext();

9. Anyone have a Spring AOP @DeclareParents example?

I've been trying to get this to work for a few days and have been failing miserably at it. I cannot seem to get my class cast properly to an Introduced ...

10. Spring AOP and AspectJ. Need advice/comments on Around Advice

I posted this on another forum and wanted to see if I can reach more people. I am working on an application that consists of different Spring web apps. Say we have:

  • ComponentA.jar
  • ComponentB.jar
And WAR ...

11. Spring AOP: advice is not triggered

Trying to design simple aspect,that will print word "logg" to console,when any of public methods executed. aspect:

public class LoggingAspect {

    @Pointcut("execution(public * *(..))")
    public void publicServices() ...

12. Spring AOP advice is called twice

I have the following Spring AOP advice and I can't find out why it is called twice:

public class LoggingAspects {

    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggingAspects.class);

    @AfterReturning(pointcut ...

13. Spring AOP superclass method execution without @target

Consider the following situation:

class A() {
    void a();

class B extends A {
    void b();
I want to advice all methods of all classes annotated with @MyAnnotation ...

14. @Aspect advice is never called

@Aspect advice is never called Hi I have a simple scenario where I want to use an @Aspect for some operation @AfterReturning. My code: Code: package; ... @Aspect @Component public ...

15. conditionally use AOP advice

I want to use the AOP advice/pointcuts, etc in debug mode only (as a master global config: e.g. when log4j is in DEBUG threshold). How can I do this in the ...

16. Spring AOP: Annotation pointcut not causing advice to execute

Spring AOP: Annotation pointcut not causing advice to execute I am using Spring AOP (with AspectJ annotation style support) and want to execute code if a method is annotated with a ...

17. pointcut never matches/advice never triggered spring-aop 1.2.6

pointcut never matches/advice never triggered spring-aop 1.2.6 Hi, following the example found here i wanted to adapt it to write an aspect to call an update() method on a given interface ...

18. Apply multiple Advice to one Pointcut

Apply multiple Advice to one Pointcut Sorry if this is a simple question but I can't seem to find anything in the API or this forum. I have 3 MethodInterceptors that ...

19. Advice called twice (once for the implementation and once for the proxy)

Advice called twice (once for the implementation and once for the proxy) Using Spring 2.0-m3. I have an advice that is called twice but I (of course) only would like to ...

20. AOP TechMap: 1 proxy per advice ??

AOP TechMap: 1 proxy per advice ?? Hi all, I'm finishing a diagram to explain AOP with Spring, but ... I'm limited by my ignorance and my unability to find the ...

21. Spring.Aop with Advices in more than one Assembly

Spring.Aop with Advices in more than one Assembly Hola! I have a project with two assemblies: Business and DAO, and I want to have a BeforeAdvice in each assembly. Unfortunately Spring.Aop ...

22. AspectJ aspect was weaven but the advice not executed.

AspectJ aspect was weaven but the advice not executed. Hi, I appreciate any help. I have been trying out the example I found on AOP@Work ( It is a great article, ...

23. AOP Advice not applied in portlet

AOP Advice not applied in portlet Hi Folks - I'm another new AOP person and working on getting my first bit of advice working in a real application. I have a ...

24. Error with separate pointcut definition than advice

Error with separate pointcut definition than advice Hi, I am getting an error if I declare the pointcuts separately in another class and then try accessing them in the advice in ...

25. Is global AOP advice possible?

Is global AOP advice possible? Hi all, I'm new here so here goes. Can you define global pointcuts? Can you define one bean in your Spring Config that can define point ...

26. Advice is called twice with AOP auto-proxy configuration

Feb 5th, 2007, 08:48 PM #1 abiketov View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2006 Posts 9 Advice is called twice with AOP auto-proxy configuration Hi, ...

27. Spring AOP advice is not invoked!

Spring AOP advice is not invoked! Problem We are trying to deploy Spring AOP advice in Weblogic8.1 (JDK 1.4.2), but we find that the advice is not getting invoked at all. ...

28. Spring 2.0.2 AOP advice and pointcut

Spring 2.0.2 AOP advice and pointcut Hi. I'm studing the new AOP framework and I have a dubt. What is the difference between this() and target() ? With this() a pointcut ...

29. AOP The Most Simple Advice

AOP The Most Simple Advice Hi, I'm new with the spring framework though after reading and understanding the motivation and capabilities I decided to dive in - deep. I started running ...

30. the advice in spring2.0 aop doesn't work

hi,everyone recently i have to work with spring2.0, i haven't learned spring before, so when i try to create a simple example with spring aop, i encounter a problem: everything seems ...

31. Spring AOP vs AspectJ for tx advice: documentation obscurity

Spring AOP vs AspectJ for tx advice: documentation obscurity Hello, I want to declare a transaction with Spring 2.0 as described here: Having done this, when the container starts up, ...

32. Another interesting AOP issue - indefinite loop when multi advices on same pointcut

Another interesting AOP issue - indefinite loop when multi advices on same pointcut I'm using Spring 2.0.6 and run into another interesting issue. When I: 1) use xml schema-based AOP configuration ...

33. aop:cant get to call the advice.....

aop:cant get to call the advice..... i'm using OSCache in my mproject,i cant get 'vyasaCacheAdministrator' to be called.i'm new to AOP so any help would be really appreciated.the spring app config ...

34. AOP advices in conjuction with TX

AOP advices in conjuction with TX need a little mental help to get my brain oriented right with AOP/TX in spring.... recently ran into an error that popped up while using ...

35. Trying to test basilar AOP but advices are never called

Trying to test basilar AOP but advices are never called Hello, I'm a spring newbie and I'm trying to practise myself into AOP, so sorry for the very basilar question. I'm ...

36. Spring AOP advice

I have been looking in the documentation and have not been able to find an example for this situation below: I have an expression that I am using as a point ...

37. AOP Logging Advice ignored

AOP Logging Advice ignored Hi, currently I'm trying to use Spring's AOP for logging. I've written some simple test beans and a LoggingInterceptor. I configured everything in in my beans-config.xml. Then ...

38. AOP advices not getting fired

AOP advices not getting fired Hi i am trying the below sample AOP application . the application not throwing any exceptions but the AOP advices not getting called here the sample ...

39. AOP advices not getting fired

AOP advices not getting fired Hi i am trying the below sample AOP application . the application not throwing any exceptions but the AOP advices not getting called here the sample ...

40. Non-proxied instances in Aop advice?

41. Can't get AOP to call advice methods

Marten, Thanks for your reply. I have fixed the problem. I was using an instance of BeanFactory when I should have been using an instance of ApplicationContext.

42. passing something in aop from advice to target

43. aspect advice on deserialized objects?

aspect advice on deserialized objects? Since I'm new to Spring AOP, the following are probably stupid questions, but here goes anyway. I would like to provide aspect advice on an object ...

44. does aop advice changes classes?

does aop advice changes classes? hi. Code: one ...

45. Spring AOP apply advice more than once problem

Hi there, We are having problem with Spring AOP not applying the advice properly. In our live system (on Ubuntu virtual machine) sometimes the aspect applying more than once. (3 times). ...

46. AOP advice triggered multiple times

AOP advice triggered multiple times Hi, I have a situation when a class can get proxies multiple times to support multiple advices and in this case advices are getting triggered multiple ...

47. Spring AOP throws advice

Spring AOP throws advice Query 1 : How to handle exception in afterThrowing(Exceptione) method of Spring AOP. I.e in try {} and catch {} block how the exception is caught in ...

48. How to track created proxy objects for tracking metadata in the advice

How to track created proxy objects for tracking metadata in the advice Hi all, Sure this is a really easy question, but it's hard to explain so hopefully someone will work ...

49. protect-pointcut, advice superclass methods

protect-pointcut, advice superclass methods Hi. There's some methods that I'm trying to protect using global-method-security and protect-pointcut entries, like this: Code: MyService extends BaseService ...

50. Aspect / Advice within SI

Aspect / Advice within SI In my last project, I used own coded client to make outbound webservice calls. Using Advices was easy and worked quite well around those outbound functional ...

51. AOP-advice

52. AOP, Advice not working

AOP, Advice not working Hi, i'm relatively new to Spring and to AOP. I have tried some simple examples and they were all working without any problems. Now I tried to ...

53. Spring.AOP.Advice.CacheAdvice , Spring.Attributes are missing in spring .net 1.3.0

Spring.AOP.Advice.CacheAdvice , Spring.Attributes are missing in spring .net 1.3.0 Hi We have a project developed in 2005-2006 with Spring framework and now when we started upgrading the same with Spring .NET ...