value « Annotation « Spring Q&A

1. Java: Annotated Annotations (and passing values)

I have a annotation that does include several other annotations, pretty much like this one here:

@Component // Spring Component
@Interface OsgiService { boolean isFactory() }
meaning that all classes annotated with @OsgiService ...

2. Spring Expression Language (SpEL) with @Value: dollar vs. hash ($ vs. #)

I'm a little confused concerning when to use ${...} compared to #{...}. Spring's documentation only uses #{...}, but there are plenty of examples that use ${...}. Furthermore, when I started with ...

3. Spring Annotation with custom Validation losing values

I am new to Spring. The problem I have is that my form is not populated with its original values when returning from validation. The reason why I implement the Validator ...

4. Usage of @value annotation in Spring Web Framework.

I am completely new to Spring. Trying to figure out how exactly to use the @value annotation to read properties from a property file in a java class. Tried google. Couldn't find a ...

5. An alternative to @Value annotation in static function

Maybe it's not possible to use @Value annotated variable in static function like this:

static private int someValue;

static public void useValue() {
When I did this 0 was printed. ...

6. annotation that changes the string value

Is there an annotation in spring or java that transforms a given string? For example, Spring has the annotation @Value("some string"). What if instead of assigning "some string" to the parameter/instance variable ...

7. Incrementing a Class value, after some method of other class is called

I need to increment a Class variable every time a function of come other class is called. This is a part of Spring AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming) can any one guide me how it ...

8. value for the annotation attribute must be constant expression

i have a properties file and read it by spring annotation like this

    private String platform;
after a get the platform paramter i would like ...

9. @Value annotation from Spring3 doesn't work in my program

I'm writing a java application with Spring 3.It's working well with xml,but not working at all in annotation. here's my snippet:

public class OracleDatabase implements IDatabase

10. SpEL Error with @Value

May 12th, 2011, 10:30 AM #1 RationalPi View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Junior Member Join Date Dec 2010 Posts 13 SpEL Error with @Value All- I am ...

11. @Value error: SpelParseException

SEVERE: Servlet /capman threw load() exception org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelParseException: EL1041E:(pos 5): After parsing a valid expression, there is still more data in the expression: 'colon(:)'

12. Can a custom shortcut annotation pass values to a "parent" annotation?

I'd like to implement a custom shortcut annotation (as described in the documentation), that passes a parameter ("seconds") to a "parent" annotation ("@Transactional"). Code: // @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Transactional(timeout=???) // is ...

13. Initializing a Map with the @Value annotation

The current @Value annotation seems to only work for simple, basic types. Is there a way to use it to initialize a map? That is, installing a collection of key value ...

14. Unsaved-value annotation

Unsaved-value annotation Hi, I'm using Spring + Hibernate with Annotations. I have a problem with my entities reaching the backend with id = 0 but hibernate expects a null value to ...

15. put value of annotation attribute in constructeur

Not sure what you mean. Do you mean that the value of the custom code will not be determined until runtime? That's not supported right now, but you could write your ...

16. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with the @Value annotation

Hello everyone. I've got some trouble getting my property injection working. I have a spring mvc 3 controller where I want to inject the endpoint address of a webservice. I've tried ...

17. how to inject value using @Value optionally?

@Singleton @Named public class Service{ @Value("${service.serviceUrl}") private String serviceUrl = "http://localhost/service"; } If ${service.serviceUrl} exists then use it replace default value I add @Autowired(required=false) it's doesn't work neither. BTW:does JSR-330 support ...

18. Injecting data using @Value into @Configurable classes

Hi, I'm trying to inject String using @Value into @Configurable class. Class itself is a JSF Converter, and therefore is not Spring managed. That's why I'm using @Configurable. Trick is, can ...

19. @Value in unit test

@Value in unit test Hi, it looks like I need help in using @Value annotation in Spring unit tests. My unit test extends AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests and everything works fine including the @Autowired ...

20. ComboBox Value does not populating back after Validator error in annotation contr

ComboBox Value does not populating back after Validator error in annotation contr --Jsp code Combo box value is populating properly. ...

21. Default Values for Configuration with @Value

I have tried to use the new @Value-Annotation of Spring 3.0 to configure the application. My config file has some properties like Code: month=2010-02 #start_date=2009-12-01 #end_date=2009-12-31 ... It is referenced in ...

22. What does the @Value-Annotation actually do?

What does the @Value-Annotation actually do? Hi there, as far as I read it in the docs, the @Value-Annotation should give a default value for a property. So I tried this ...

23. @Value does not convert systemProperties to String array using EL

I just created this bug, please let me know if you experience a similar problem and add the pertinent info to the bug. Bug description: Given something like this constructor: ...

24. Annotation values as a constant

25. AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter::messageConverters initial value

Hi, Is it possible to initialise messageConverters in AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter with an array of StringHttpMessageConverter and ByteArrayHttpMessageConverter only? The XML-related coverters SourceHttpMessageConverter and XmlAwareFormHttpMessageConverter (3.0.4-BUILD-SNAPSHOT) fail app startup when there is no ...

26. Datatype guessing for @Value

I have some code that looks like this: private @Value("${lister.sid}") String serviceID; my properties file contains the entry: lister.sid=2 The rest of my code fails because Spring guesses that the lister.sid ...

27. @Value not evaluated

Aug 12th, 2010, 07:17 AM #1 flottis View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2010 Posts 4 @Value not evaluated Hi, For most of our beans ...

28. How to use @Value to get a number not a string

29. Problem using SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor with @Value annotation

I'm using spring 3.0.3 and when I try to use "@Value" annotation like this @Value("${terminal.type}") in an EJB annotated with @Interceptors(SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.clas s), I receive a IllegalArgumentException "'name' must not be null". ...

30. @Configurable and @Value

I have a bean which is marked as Configurable but I can't seem to get any fields marked with @Value to be populated with any of the variables I assign. Is ...