console « Batch « Spring Q&A

1. Spring batch console: Fail when I try to Stop a running job

Hi, I'm using Spring batch console spring-batch-admin-1.2.0 with spring 3.0.5. I can watch all information about spring batch job. But when I try to stop a running job. This exception is ...

2. Mainframe console commands for spring-batch JCL using JZOS

Anyone using JZOS with spring-batch? I think someone should write a module to route mainframe console commands to interact with the spring-batch JCL commands. e.g. start | stop | purge | ...

3. Batch Management Console?

Batch Management Console? Are there any plans to create a batch management web frontend? I'm thinking that there are a bunch of common batch tasks that a spring-batch management console would ...

4. Batch Admin Console

Yes, of course. We are just tying down the naming and getting a source repository ready. Then I'll post here and probably on the SpringSource blog. It was a very popular ...

5. Spring Batch Admin Console CannotResolveClassException

Spring Batch Admin Console CannotResolveClassException I'm getting a com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.CannotResolveClass Exception when trying to look at a job execution detail in Spring Batch Admin Console when the job had passed a class ...