CustomDateEditor « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. How to bind CustomDateEditor to all Date fields in Springframework?

I am having a dataBind which is having few attributes alongwith a list of bean and one of the attribute of the bean is of type Date. Now i would like ...

2. CustomDateEditor problems with Spring 1.1

CustomDateEditor problems with Spring 1.1 After upgrading from v1.0.2 to v1.1 yesterday, I have encountered a problem with the CustomDateEditor. Essentially, it neither formats the java.util.Date property in my INPUT field ...

3. Two CustomDateEditor: one for Date and other for Time?

Hi, all! How to register three CustomDateEditor, one for Date, other for Time and finally one for DateTime? I know how to register one of them (the date): Code: // convert ...

4. Date binder don't work although CustomDateEditor is registed

Date binder don't work although CustomDateEditor is registed I now use Spring MVC to develop and meet one strange problem . I have one Command class Employee which has one property ...

5. CustomDateEditor is too lenient.

6. Transforming exceptions from CustomDateEditor

Transforming exceptions from CustomDateEditor Hi! I have registered the CustomDateEditor in my Controller class to bind Strings from the form to the date field in my command object. Everything works fine ...

7. CustomDateEditor and TimeZones

CustomDateEditor and TimeZones Hi, I have a property in a bean like this: Code: 1994-04-22 00:00 The date I get instantiated in my bean looks like this: date = Fri ...

8. MultiActionContrller, CustomDateEditor, and spring:bind

MultiActionContrller, CustomDateEditor, and spring:bind I'm trying to Use a CustomDateEditor in a MultiActionController but I'm not quite sure how to go about doing it. Is it possible to use spring:bind to ...

9. bugs in CustomDateEditor?

bugs in CustomDateEditor? Hi all, It seems CustomDateEditor sometimes cannot handle Date type successfully, when i have got one field in UI named creationDate, the validator gulp the exception if creationDate ...

10. CustomDateEditor not active for failed validation

CustomDateEditor not active for failed validation I have a bound java.util.Date field on my form. My form controller implements Code: protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat ...

11. Dysfonction or help how to use CustomDateEditor

Code: protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception { // Rcupration du pattern date et cration du SimpleDateFormat SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(messageSource.getMessage("")); sdf.setLenient(false); // Convertir en date si pattern ...

12. CustomDateEditor formatting Date problem

I use this in my controller for initBinder Code: binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"), !required)); It seems to store fine but when displaying it prints out the typical java.util.Date format with ...

13. Set Custom errormessage to CustomDateEditor

Hi , can anybody tell me how I can overwrite the errormessage which is written to my jsp when the entered value could not be parsed by the the PropertyEditor? I ...

14. CustomDateEditor.getAsText not being called in JSP

CustomDateEditor.getAsText not being called in JSP Hi all, This is a field in my JSP form: Code: In my controller, I have registered ...

15. graecefully handling errors in CustomDateEditor

Hi, Is there any way where we could handle the errors gracefully, meaning show errors on the form page whenever an illegalArgumentException is thrown by the CustomDateEditor. Scenario, 1.A form contains ...

16. CustomDateEditor

Hi, i encountered a problem.that is when i am visiting my web page,it shows yyyy-mm-dd format.when i sent a post request it shows mm/dd/yyyy format. i want show mm/dd/yyyy format at ...

17. CustomDateEditor how to set jsp form input Date value

CustomDateEditor how to set jsp form input Date value Hello, I have a form where one property is: private todayDate = new Date(); On the jsp, I have input field for ...

18. CustomDateEditor and dates with or without time of day

Hi! I have a date property for which the user in the webinterface can type in the date both with and without time of day. i.e. both SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new ...

19. CustomDateEditor + Struts .

CustomDateEditor + Struts . Hi!, first of all i have to say that i am really newbie to Spring, but although i have been searching the web for my answer, i ...

20. CustomDateEditor with Spring Web Flow

CustomDateEditor with Spring Web Flow Hello, I'm having some issues with the CustomDateEditor and Validation in the Spring Web Flow. I have a CustomDateEditor registered to my FormController implementation, and it ...

21. Problem with registration of CustomDateEditor

Problem with registration of CustomDateEditor Hi all, I have a SimpleFormController that registers a CustomDataEditor in its initBinder(...) method public class PipelineDetailController extends SimpleFormController { private PipelineManager pipelineManager; public void setPipelineManager(PipelineManager ...

22. how to use CustomDateEditor in spring

Dear All, I am using spring web-MVC framework and i have one date field and i don't know how to convert string in to date but i have heard about the ...

23. CustomDateEditor and standalone app

Hello, does anybody know how to use the CustomDateEditor in a standalone (desktop) application? I'm trying to use something like: Code: ...

24. Data binding throws a BindException with CustomDateEditor

Data binding throws a BindException with CustomDateEditor Here is my problem in a few words : I've added a CustomDateEditor to manage the conversion between Strings and Dates. If I fill ...

25. CustomDateEditor Allows Invalid Dates

26. CustomDateEditor Allows Invalid Dates

CustomDateEditor Allows Invalid Dates In my SimpleFormController I am taking advantage of the CustomDateEditor. However the CustomDateEditor is allowing invalid dates. Here is my initBinder Code: protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder ...

27. CustomDateEditor and exception

Hi, I like to have an explicit message to the user field date when an error occur instead of the english message 'failed to convert.....'. But how ? My register date ...

28. CustomDateEditor, strange validation ?

Hi, I have registered a CustomDateEditor like this : Code: SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); binder.registerCustomEditor(java.util.Date.class, null, new CustomDateEditor(dateFormat,false)); When i put "25/08/04" instead of "25/08/2004" in my field form, the ...