Form « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. What are the best practices for designing Spring Form Beans

What exactly is allowed under best practices for Spring MVC Form Beans? I am cleaning up my application and have some validation methods and fields being set by values passed ...

2. Problem loading bean data in a form

Dec 22nd, 2010, 11:07 AM #1 alfredo View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Dec 2010 Posts 1 Problem loading bean data in a form I'm trying ...

3. How to bind collections from form

4. form bean creating

Hello. I have controller like this @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST) public String registration(HttpSession session, @Valid @ModelAttribute("user") UserModel user, BindingResult result ) { // do smth... } Can I manage process of "user" ...

5. Binding form parameters on bean with collection property

Ok, thanks, this helped! I'm trying it out right now. Just out of curiosity, this seems to be implemented at the bind jsp tag level. I'm wondering wether a setProperty() on ...

6. Form.setFormObject() Issue When Obj Has Non-String Property

Oct 19th, 2004, 05:58 PM #1 cyboc View Profile View Forum Posts Senior Member Join Date Sep 2004 Location Vancouver, BC, Canada Posts 135 Form.setFormObject() Issue When Obj Has Non-String Property ...

8. need help with validation of nested properties in a form

need help with validation of nested properties in a form Hi all, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use spring validation (not commons, if that matters) on a ...

9. Is using domain objects as view/form bean best practice ?

Is using domain objects as view/form bean best practice ? Is using domain objects in view layer as view bean/ form bean best practice. Currently we are using following pattern a) ...

10. Injecting system properties into form-login

Hi all I have a requirement where the various attributes of the form-login element need to come from system properties eg Code: I realise this ...

11. Collection Data Binding to/from form issue?

Collection Data Binding to/from form issue? Hi - Sorry this is a long post, but I'm not sure how else to explain the issue I'm seeing. I have a class that ...

13. Binding form parameters on a bean with collection property

Binding form parameters on a bean with collection property Hi, I am having trouble binding form parameters on a bean with a collection property. My command bean: Code: public class NewGalleryForm ...

14. form:checkboxes multiple properties for itemLabel

Hello. I would like to know if there is any way to add multiple properties to the ItemLabel on the form:checkboxes my code for for the chexkboxes is Code:

15. Dependent Form properties

Dependent Form properties I have a form with two dependent properties, In other words on a form object change value, I would like one property to be set/updated before the other. ...

16. How to pass bean values from one form to another

How to pass bean values from one form to another I am using spring mvc hibernate .. simpleformcontroller. I want to call another form through javascript function to do that ...

17. Right Approach for Form Validation involving Collections?

Hi, I am very new to Springframework. I like to know what is the right approach for Form Validation that involves Collection. Here is an example. The domain object is as ...

18. bind Class property by form submission

From the jsp, I submit the form which is binding a Class property (a bean) already available on the jsp. In my controller, when I do getClass() for this property, it ...

19. binding form's properties from popup window

I have a main jsp page from which onSubmit, I need to open a popup window to get input from user. The user input I get, I need to bind them ...

20. Dynamic form and nested properties

Dynamic form and nested properties Hi I have a little problem with an application. The submitted jsp contains a list of items and looks something like this: Code: ...

21. Forms and nested properties

Forms and nested properties I have been experimenting with Spring RCP for a new project and have been impressed. Although things have been a little hard to figure out at first, ...

22. Multiple selection list properties in forms

In my version of spring-rich (granted, it is a couple months old now), there does not appear to be any way to automatically get a multiple selection list bound on a ...

23. How to format a bound date property ina dialog form?

How to format a bound date property ina dialog form? Hi folks, I have a display only field in a form that id like to be able to associate some formatting ...

24. Dynamic collections in forms

Dynamic collections in forms Hi everyone and thanks for a very informative board Being relatively new with Spring I've run into a problem that I so far have not been able ...

25. Form backing object and validator in one singular bean, ok?

Form backing object and validator in one singular bean, ok? Hi guys, anything (technically) against using a form backing object and it's validator in one bean? Like this: Code: public class ...

26. Seperate date and time form fields, one date property

Hi, I have an object in my domain called Game with a property called kickoff, of type java.util.Date. I want to have two seperate time and date form fields in my ...

27. Bean backed form, DefaultRulesSource, compare properties

Bean backed form, DefaultRulesSource, compare properties Hi folks, Im trying to create a DefaultRulesSource for form validation. I can see how to do basic constraints on a single property, but Im ...

28. custom simple form controler duplicating command properties

Aug 30th, 2005, 11:24 AM #1 glenmartinthomas View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Aug 2005 Posts 17 custom simple form controler duplicating command properties I'm writing ...

29. Why do bound form properties not represent dataobject values

Why do bound form properties not represent dataobject values I'm using a Spring formcontroller with a backing dataobject and a freemarker template with the spring macros for the view. This basically ...

30. Validating a form backing object with collection

I have a form backing object with an ArrayList of POJOs. In my validator I am trying to reject items in the arraylist without a name property using: errors.rejectValue("items[0].name", "required", "This ...

31. How to handle Forms with collections ?

How to handle Forms with collections ? Hi ! I guess it is not possible to handle Collection(s) of items with a SimpleFormController. I mean, I have a form with n ...

32. Default icon form standard commands (Save, Properties

Hi, I noticed that the saveCommand nor the propertiesCommand doesn't have an entry in the org.springframework.richclient.image.image.propert ies As they are both part of the 'Standard' commands It would be nice if ...

33. How to Bind String values in form to Long value in bean

How to Bind String values in form to Long value in bean Hi I am using SimpleFormController... and in my HTML form I have 'id' field which is actually a Long ...

34. Binding two form inputs into one property

Binding two form inputs into one property I have a model object that has a property startDate that needs to be in the format of MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm. The issue is that ...

35. form and result on the same page with default bean value

form and result on the same page with default bean value Hi all, I just started reading and playing with Spring and I am stuck with a very simple issue. What ...

36. Valang: validating fields where form bean is a Map

Hi. I suspect that I have stumbled across a limitation of valang...and perhaps a bug. Background: I am using an extended AbstractWizardFormBean. Instead of using a single large object as form ...

37. Can Spring Bind to List or Maps inside Beans from Forms?

I haven't seen any information about how Spring MVC works if I have a Bean that contains a list, and I want to bind data from the form into that list. ...

38. Form with nested beans

Form with nested beans This may be newbie, but I have a form that is using a nested bean structure. invoice.lineItem1.product I create the form model using the FormModelHelper.createFormModel(invoice); I build ...

39. How to bind non-String data to Form object properties?

How to bind non-String data to Form object properties? In a Sprig-Hibernate project, MVC structure is like JSP <-> ApplicationServer <-> Controller <-> Service <-> DAO <-> DB * someJSP.jsp - ...

40. Multiple File Upload: Problem with form bean's indexed properties

Multiple File Upload: Problem with form bean's indexed properties Hi folks, I have a problem with multiple file upload. I have a jsp page which allows user to key in a ...

41. Validation of a Form for a bean with a List property

Validation of a Form for a bean with a List property Hi folks, I am in the middle of a project where I have combined Spring Web Flow with Spring Rich ...

42. form:input and nested beans

form:input and nested beans Hi, I have a bean Foo with a property bar of type Bar. Bar has a property called name. displays the value fine. But when ...

43. Form taglib, select, itemLabel created from multiple properties

Is it possible to create the label for a form:select from multiple properties? What I have now is Code: What I actually want is ...

44. Form backing objects with a collection property

Form backing objects with a collection property Hi all, been doing a little search but cant find an answer to my issue: I have a form backing object that has a ...

45. Enabling a property to be selected by default

Enabling a property to be selected by default Hi, this might seem like a very basic question, but has me baffled for a few hours now. On my jsp page ...

46. Displaying collection object in form select

Displaying collection object in form select hi I am working for a use case - what it does is, we have a screen in which user has to type email address ...

47. One form, multiple command beans?

One form, multiple command beans? We are scoping a potential migration to Spring. One of our pages will have a form where users can enter both a billing address and shipping ...

48. Updating children (collection of primary data) in a form

Updating children (collection of primary data) in a form Hi All, I am having difficulties trying to implement this particular scenario. I have an object that has a collection of primary ...

49. Form variables are not Binding to the bean class .

Form variables are not Binding to the bean class . Hi, I am a beginner in spring. I was doing spring web application by refering some pdfs and some example from ...

50. Form: Selecting Bean

Form: Selecting Bean I would like to create a new form where one property contains another bean. Example: The pet has a reference to its owner. Now I would like to ...

51. Can't edit a collection in a form.

Can't edit a collection in a form. Hi, I'm trying to edit a collection (in my case a collection of catergory) in a form using SimpleFormControler. But it doens't work for ...

52. Problem with Spring form and indexed property

Problem with Spring form and session attributes Hi, I have a problem that already cost me some time to figure out why it happens. I have a page with a filter ...

53. Form-level bean validation using annotations

Form-level bean validation using annotations I'm stuck trying to figure out how to add an @Expression to my bean that will validate at the bean level (not the property level). The ...

54. bean declarations appended to form single bean

Is there a way we can have same bean declared in multiple files(so that they can add up at runtime) or multiple *-Servlet.xml files for a single project containing sub modules. ...

55. Inject form bean

I have integrated struts 1.2 and spring,all action class are registered with spring.Now,form bean is argument of execute method of action class.I like to inject form bean in to another bean ...

56. Forms: use domain objects or form beans there?

Hi, just a simple design question I am not pretty sure about... Do you rather use your domain objects for the form backing objects or do you implement own form beans ...

57. Need to Populate Form data into multiple java beans

Need to Populate Form data into multiple java beans Dear all, This is my first post.I've a problem in populating form data into java beans using spring MVC layer. I need ...

58. Is it possible to validate a form which is not backed by any beans?

Is it possible to validate a form which is not backed by any beans? This question is with reference to spring portlet framework. Is it possible to validate a form which ...

59. newbie: Using a Properties object in web form

newbie: Using a Properties object in web form I'm sure there's a simple answer, but I can't find it. I'm new to Spring MVC as well as JSTL, but was trying ...

60. form:input value="" eventhough property is null

protected int writeTagContent(TagWriter tagWriter) throws JspException { tagWriter.startTag("input"); writeDefaultAttributes(tagWriter); tagWriter.writeAttribute("type", getType()); writeValue(tagWriter); // custom optional attributes writeOptionalAttribute(tagWriter, SIZE_ATTRIBUTE, getSize()); ... ... protected void writeValue(TagWriter tagWriter) throws JspException { tagWriter.writeAttribute("value", getDisplayString(getBoundValue(), getPropertyEditor())); ...

61. Form validation for properties in an array of beans?

Form validation for properties in an array of beans? Hi, We are using a SimpleFormController and have a form backing object. Pretty straightforward, except our form backing object contains an array ...

62. Binding Form Bean to Multiple Form Input fields

63. Mixing bounded bean validation with simple HTML form

Mixing bounded bean validation with simple HTML form Hello guys! I am creating a simple Registration page with Spring MVC and Freemarker, and I have the following problem: on my form ...

64. How to keep bean state between showForm and doPost of form?

I see. I am using freemarker. The statelessness is good, but what I find weird for handling such forms is that mvc is not implicitly adding these hidden fields. So I ...

65. Binding Many to Set/List/Collection Property

Binding Many to Set/List/Collection Property I'm fairly new to Spring, and so far I'm really enjoying using it. Before I get into showing my code, let me explain what I'm ...

66. An issue with the form bean approach

I have a domain object and its form bean. The form bean is something like the followings: Code: public class FormA { ... private ModelA model; ... public ModelA getModel() { ...

67. Do you have to have a command bean when using list of domain objects on forms?

Do you have to have a command bean when using list of domain objects on forms? Do you have to have a command bean when using list of domain objects on ...

68. Form bean re-initialised on

Hi, I have a command object associated with a form. In the associated controller in the RequestMethod.GET method I initialise this object with some data. The user then can update some ...

70. form property as string[]?

form property as string[]? I have created a very simple spring MVC 3.0.0RC1 webapp that has a form backed by a POJO with two properties: "url" ( and "number" (int). Filling ...

71. Reg : Form Properties Population

Reg : Form Properties Population Hi guys, I am fairly new to spring mvc and have some queries. I have a form with radio button and upon selection need to show ...

72. Custom property not form backed?

Custom property not form backed? Hi, I made a custom property that navigates to a map and inserts/ reads an entry. I supposed Spring Roo generates the View with this property, ...

73. How to display Spring 3 bean validation errors in ExtJS forms using JSON

How to display Spring 3 bean validation errors in ExtJS forms using JSON Hello, I have modified the mvc-basic sample of Spring MVC 3 so that AccountController uses JSON and the ...

74. Using Web Form with Multiple Beans

Using Web Form with Multiple Beans Hi, I am relatively new to Spring and would really appreciate some help/advice as to how to implement the following problem. I have a 'User' ...

75. non string properties in a form

non string properties in a form Hello, I would like to display an instance of entity class in a form. Found out that form accept only properties in string, but I ...

76. Trying to wire a Class parameter argument form spring beans

Trying to wire a Class parameter argument form spring beans The method takes 4 arguments, the last argument is causing me problems Code: public PortfolioDaoJdbcStoredProcWrapper(String schemaName, String pkg, String function, Class ...

77. Trouble binding form:select multiple to a bean

Trouble binding form:select multiple to a bean Hi, I'm using Spring 3.0. I want to bind a multiple select menu ... Code: Food Type

78. collection list doesn't repopulate on form error.

collection list doesn't repopulate on form error. Code: @RequestMapping(value = "/user/resetPassword", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String showResetPassword(ModelMap model) throws Exception { User currentUser = MyUtility.getCurrentUser(); model.addAttribute("passwordHints", MyUtility.getPasswordHints()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("current ...

79. Spring form bean mapping to JSON

80. How to bind File property in a Form

I have a domain class with a File property such as Code: public class Customer { private String name; private File file; ... getters and setters } I display a form ...