Pointcut « Bean « Spring Q&A

1. Spring.Net public property setter pointcut    stackoverflow.com

Do you know any pointcut definition in spring.net to intercept only public property setter (standard properties and auto-implement properties)? Is there a way after this to remove some property by name (Id, ...

2. Pointcut application skipping beans?    forum.springsource.org

Pointcut application skipping beans? I have a web application loading the Spring context using this context config location param value in web.xml: Code: contextConfigLocation classpath:applicationContext.xml, classpath*:config/*-config.xml There ...

3. Applying pointcut on groovy bean : please help    forum.springsource.org

Mar 16th, 2007, 03:34 AM #1 shivnarayan View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jul 2006 Posts 47 Applying pointcut on groovy bean : please help Hello spring ...

4. Limiting Pointcut to just one bean    forum.springsource.org

Limiting Pointcut to just one bean I've got several Spring managed beans that all use the same class and interface but are configured differently via the configuration file and so behave ...

5. Dynamic pointcut expression based on another bean's property    forum.springsource.org

Dynamic pointcut expression based on another bean's property I have an around aspect that logs the target method's args and/or return values depending on user configuration, like so: // somewhere in ...

6. property based pointcut?    forum.springsource.org

property based pointcut? have a weak memory of reading that property based pointcuts are possible.... but can't find an example online. other than an article which is more geared to annotations ...

7. ::0 formal unbound pointcut on a bean that doesn't have to do anything    forum.springsource.org

::0 formal unbound pointcut on a bean that doesn't have to do anything Hi guys. I just started using AOP in my projects and i'm facing a rather ugly problem. My ...

8. Verifying a aop:pointcut matches the expected set of beans    forum.springsource.org

Verifying a aop:pointcut matches the expected set of beans I have an application which is using AOP namespace configuration to set up some named pointcuts. As part of my integration tests, ...